(a) A maximum of 10 kiosks are permitted in this district.
(b) Kiosks may not be illuminated by a detached, independent external light source.
(c) Kiosks may be changeable message signs.
(d) Kiosks must be spaced at least 50 feet apart.
(e) Kiosks must be securely anchored to the ground.
(f) Kiosks may not exceed 10 feet in height and 50 square feet in effective area. The display area for each sign on a kiosk may not exceed 20 square feet in effective area. (Ord. 28950)
(a) Construction barricade signs may not be illuminated or contain any moving parts.
(b) Construction barricade signs must be removed when the construction barricade is removed.
(c) A construction barricade may be fully decorated with a graphic except that:
(1) no decoration or part of the graphic may project more than two inches horizontally from the barricade facade, or
(2) no decoration or graphic may project more than four feet vertically above the top of the barricade. (Ord. 28950)
(a) Temporary signs may be externally or internally illuminated.
(b) Temporary signs may be attached or detached.
(c) Attached temporary signs may not exceed 125 square feet in effective area.
(d) Detached temporary signs may not exceed 25 square feet in effective area. (Ord. 28950)
(a) A special provision sign district is hereby created to be known as the Southwestern Medical District Sign District.
(b) This district is that area within the boundaries described in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 29392, passed by the Dallas City Council on June 25, 2014. (Ord. 29392)
(a) The purpose of this division is to regulate both the construction of new signs and alterations of existing signs with a view towards enhancing, preserving, and developing the unique character of the Southwestern Medical District area while addressing the public's need to locate and navigate to the multiple hospital and medical office entrances efficiently.
(b) The objectives of this division include those listed in Section 51A-7.101 as well as to:
(1) Create an aesthetically pleasing environment that cultivates a center for healthcare, education, biomedical research, and technology.
(2) Designate entries into this district.
(3) Communicate clear directions to, within, and through the district.
(4) Promote the goods and services available in this district.
(5) Ensure that the size and orientation of signs assist pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(6) Enhance economic growth and community identity for local businesses and residents in the district.
(7) Ensure that significant architectural features and buildings within this district are not obscured by inappropriate signs.
(8) Identify and promote special events and cultural activities in this district.
(9) Identify and highlight key features, local amenities, corridors, and communities in and adjacent to this district. (Ord. 29392)
In this division:
(1) BANNER means a sign attached to or applied on a strip of cloth, vinyl, metal, or similar material and attached to a building, pole, or structure. Canopy signs and flags are not banners.
(2) CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN means a sign displaying static images that may display different designs, messages, or advertisements and that may include LED/LCD elements, slide lettering, slated rotating surfaces, or other changeable message technology.
(3) CONSTRUCTION BARRICADE SIGN means a sign that is affixed to a construction barricade.
(4) DISTRICT OR THIS DISTRICT means the Southwestern Medical District Sign District.
(5) EFFECTIVE AREA means the following:
(A) For a detached sign, the area within a minimum imaginary rectangle of vertical and horizontal lines that fully contains all extremities of the sign, excluding its supports. This rectangle is calculated from an orthographic projection of the sign viewed horizontally. The viewpoint for this projection that produces the largest rectangle must be used. If elements of the sign are movable or flexible, such as a flag or a string of lights, the measurement is taken when the elements are fully extended and parallel to the plane of view.
(B) For an attached sign, the sum of the areas within minimum imaginary rectangles of vertical and horizontal lines, each of which fully contains a word. If a design, outline, illustration, or interior illumination surrounds or attracts attention to a word, then it is included in the calculation of effective area.
(C) For signs placed on a fence, non-enclosing wall, planter, or other similar structure that is designed to serve a separate purpose other than to support the sign, the entire area of such structure is not computed, and the effective area is to be measured by the rule for effective area for attached signs.
(6) FLAT ATTACHED SIGN means an attached sign projecting 24 inches or less from a building, and with face parallel to the building facade.
(7) GATEWAY SIGN means a district entry monument sign that lets travelers know they are entering a distinct area within this district.
(8) GENERIC GRAPHICS mean a pattern of shapes, colors, or symbols that does not commercially advertise.
(9) GOVERNMENTAL TRAFFIC SIGN means a sign, signal, or other traffic control device installed by a governmental agency for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding vehicular or pedestrian traffic on a public roadway, including stop signs, one-way signs, no parking signs, and electronic pedestrian and vehicular signalization devices and their fixtures.
(10) LOGO means a graphic or emblem that is used to identify, symbolize, and promote an entity or organization.
(11) MEDICAL INSTITUTION means healthcare, medical, educational, and research facilities and destinations within this district that may have a helipad.
(12) MONUMENT SIGN means a detached sign applied directly onto a grade-level support structure (instead of a pole support) with no separation between the sign and grade.
(13) MOVEMENT CONTROL SIGN means a sign that must direct vehicular or pedestrian movement into or within this district and may include the name or logo of this district or of any premise within this district.
(14) PERMANENT SIGN means any sign that is not a temporary sign as defined in this section.
(15) PROMOTIONAL MESSAGE means a message that identifies, promotes, or advertises a cultural activity within this district, any event being conducted, in whole or in part, within this district, or any special event being conducted within this district.
(16) SIGN HARDWARE means the structural support system for a sign, including the fastening devices that secure the sign to a building facade or pole.
(17) SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL DISTRICT IDENTIFICATION SIGNS means gateway signs, movement control signs, trailblazer signs, and district street topper signs that designate the boundaries of this district and guide people coming to medical institution destinations.
(18) SPECIAL EVENT means a special event as defined in Chapter 42A of the Dallas City Code.
(19) TEMPORARY SIGN means a sign erected for a limited time that identifies an event or activity of limited duration. Examples include signs advertising the sale or lease of property, construction activity in progress, or a special or other cultural event.
(20) TEXAS MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES means the latest publication of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Texas Department of Transportation.
(21) TRAILBLAZER SIGN means a sign placed strategically to guide travelers to a particular destination within this district.
(22) VIDEOBOARD SIGN means a flat screen that is capable of displaying moving images similar to television images, by light-emitting diode or other similar technology, and that is mounted to the exterior of a building.
(23) WELCOME MESSAGE means a message that identifies and greets heads of state; foreign dignitaries; groups using city or county property in accordance with a contract, license, or permit; or government organizations. (Ord. 29392)