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The Dallas City Code
Division 51A-7.100. Purposes and Definitions.
Division 51A-7.200. Provisions For All Zoning Districts.
Division 51A-7.300. Provisions For Business Zoning Districts.
Division 51A-7.400. Provisions for Non-Business Zoning Districts.
Division 51A-7.500. Special Provision Sign Districts.
Division 51A-7.600. Permit Procedures.
Division 51A-7.700. Non-Conformance and Enforcement Procedures.
Division 51A-7.800. Procedure For Changes and Amendments.
Division 51A-7.900. Downtown Special Provision Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1000. West End Historic Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1100. Provisions for Uptown Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1200. Provisions for Arts District Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1300. Provisions for Deep Ellum/Near East Side Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1400. Jefferson Boulevard Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1500. Provisions for McKinney Avenue Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1600. Farmers Market Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1700. Provisions for Victory Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1800. Provisions for Southside Entertainment Sign District.
Division 51A-7.1900. Provisions for West Village Sign District.
Division 51A-7.2000. Provisions for the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Sign District.
Division 51A-7.2100. Provisions for the Arts District Extension Area Sign District.
Division 51A-7.2200. Parkland Hospital Sign District.
Division 51A-7.2300. Southwestern Medical District Sign District.
SEC. 51A-7.1406.   ATTACHED SIGNS.
   (a)   Attached signs in general.
      (1)   Except for marquee signs and as specified in Paragraphs (2) and (3), all attached signs must be mounted parallel to the building surface to which they are attached and may not project more than 18 inches from that building.
      (2)   One attached sign that projects up to four feet from a vertical building surface may be erected at a nonresidential occupancy if:
         (A)   the sign does not exceed 20 square feet in effective area;
         (B)   no portion of the sign is lower than 10 feet above grade; and
         (C)   there is no detached sign on the premise.
      (3)   No portion of a sign may be located less than two feet from the back of a street curb.
      (4)   The use of artwork on signs is encouraged.
      (5)   Signs may not be mounted on or project above roofs.
   (b)   Marquee signs.
      (1)   No premise may have more than one marquee sign.
      (2)   The length of the marquee sign must not exceed two-thirds of the length of the facade to which it is attached.
      (3)   Marquee signs may incorporate moving patterns or bands of light, except that the use of illumination to produce apparent motion of a visual image, such as expanding or contracting shapes, rotation, or similar effects of animation, is prohibited.
   (c)   Window signs. No window sign may:
      (1)   have a painted or opaque background; or
      (2)   cover more than 25 percent of the window surface area. (Ord. Nos. 21114; 22019; 22392)
SEC. 51A-7.1407.   DETACHED SIGNS.
   (a)   Detached signs may not exceed the height of the tallest building on the premise or 30 feet, whichever is less.
   (b)   Detached signs may not exceed 150 square feet in effective area.
   (c)   Detached non-premise signs are prohibited in this district. (Ord. Nos. 21114; 22019)
Division 51A-7.1500. Provisions for McKinney Avenue Sign District.
   A special provision sign district is hereby created to be known as the McKinney Avenue Sign District. The McKinney Avenue Sign District is that area within the following described boundaries:
   BEGINNING at a point on the northwest line of McKinney Avenue, said point being 166.84 feet southwest of the southwest line of Fairmount Street;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along a line, said line being approximately 142 feet southwest of and parallel to the southwest line of Fairmount Street, a distance of approximately 482.05 feet to a point for corner on the common line between City Blocks 949 and 1/949;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said common block line, a distance of approximately 20.4 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of a 16 feet wide public alley adjacent to Lots 13 and 15 in City Block 1/949;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its northwestward prolongation across Mahon Street and continuing along the centerline of a 16 feet wide public alley in City Block 3/950 and continuing along the northwestward prolongation of the centerline of said alley, a distance of approximately 705 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Howell Street;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Howell Street, a distance of approximately 400.4 feet to a point for corner on the southeastward prolongation of the centerline of a 20 feet wide public alley in City Blocks 952 and 953;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said line and continuing along the centerline of said alley in City Blocks 952 and 953, a distance of approximately 403 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being 30 feet northwest of and parallel to the southeast line of Lot 10 in City Block 952;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line and its northeastward prolongation across Routh Street and continuing along the centerline of Laclede Street, a distance of approximately 1,060 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Vine Street;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Vine Street, a distance of approximately 245 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Cole Avenue;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Cole Avenue, a distance of approximately 793 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being 118.0 feet northeast of and parallel to the northeast line of Sneed Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, continuing along the northeast boundary of Lot 1-A in City Block 17/965, a distance of approximately 156.40 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of a 15 feet wide public alley in City Block 17/965;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of said alley, a distance of approximately 315 feet to a point on the southwest line of Bowen Street;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction, continuing along the northeastward prolongation of the centerline of the 15 feet wide public alley in City Block 17/965, crossing Bowen Street and continuing along the centerline of a 15 feet wide alley in City Block 12/970 and its northeastward prolongation, crossing Hall Street, and continuing along the centerline of a 15 feet wide public alley in City Block 9/972, a total distance of approximately 940 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the southeasterly prolongation of the common line between Lots 3 and 4 in City Block 9/972;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said line and continuing along said common line between Lots 3 and 4 and continuing along the northwestward prolongation of said common lot line, a distance of approximately 202.5 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Cole Avenue;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Cole Avenue, a distance of approximately 338 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Lemmon Avenue;
   THENCE in a northeasterly direction along a line, said line being 224.7 feet southeast of and parallel to the southeast line of Cole Avenue, a distance of approximately 130 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northwestward prolongation of the common line between Lots 2 and 3 in City Block 978;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, and continuing along said common line in City Block 978, and continuing along the southeastward prolongation of said line, crossing McKinney Avenue a total distance of approximately 360 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 131 feet to a point at the intersection of said centerline of McKinney Avenue and the centerline of Lemmon Avenue;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said centerline of Lemmon Avenue, a distance of approximately 198 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 198 feet southeast of and parallel to said centerline of McKinney Avenue;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, crossing Lemmon Avenue, and continuing into City Block 11/971, a distance of approximately 474.51 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 146 feet northeast of and parallel to the northeast line of Hall Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 295 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Oak Grove Avenue;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Oak Grove Avenue, a distance of approximately 1,356 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
   THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 115 feet to a point for corner on the northwestward prolongation of the centerline of Clyde Lane;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line and continuing along the centerline of Clyde Lane, a distance of approximately 320 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northeastward prolongation of the common line between Lots 18 and 19 in City Block B/578;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line and continuing along said common line between Lots 18 and 19, a distance of approximately 90 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Lot 18 in City Block B/578;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said lot line, a distance of approximately 40 feet to a point for corner on the common line between Lots 1 and 2 in City Block A/578;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said common lot line and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 155 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Allen Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Allen Street, a distance of approximately 100 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Allen Street;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 22.5 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Allen Street, said point also being the northernmost corner of Lot 5 in City Block 577;
   THENCE in a southerly direction along the western boundary of said Lot 5 and continuing in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundary of Lots 6 and 7, and continuing along the southeastward prolongation of the southwestern boundary of said Lot 7, a distance of approximately 277.5 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of a 15 feet wide public alley adjacent to City Block A/577;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 190 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Worthington Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Worthington Street, a distance of approximately 50 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Worthington Street;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 24 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Worthington Street, said point also being the most northerly corner of Lot 5-A in City Block A/561;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the northwest line of said Lot 5-A, a distance of 158.69 feet to a point for corner;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the southwest line of Lot 5-A in City Block A/561, a distance of 48.3 feet to a point for corner;
   THENCE South 39°38'00" West along a common property line, a distance of approximately 172 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Boll Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Boll Street, a distance of approximately 80 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Boll Street;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 25 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Boll Street, said point also being the most easterly corner of Lot 4 in City Block A/554;
   THENCE in a southerly and southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in City Block A/554, and continuing along the southwestward prolongation of the southeast boundary of Lot 1 in City Block A/554, a distance of approximately 355 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Routh Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Routh Street, a distance of approximately 120 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Routh Street;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 25 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Routh Street, said point also being the centerline of a 15 feet wide public alley in City Block C/549;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 375 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Fairmount Street;
   THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Fairmount Street, a distance of approximately 30 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northeastward prolongation of the centerline of a 20 feet wide public alley in City Block B/548;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 210 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Leonard Street;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Leonard Street, a distance of approximately 120 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
   THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 40 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 142 feet southwest of and parallel to the southwest line of Fairmount Street;
   THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 35 feet to a point on the northwest line of McKinney Avenue, the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
(Ord. Nos. 21145; 31265)
   (a)   This district is hereby divided into three subdistricts, which shall be known as the Spine, Quadrangle, and Peripheral Subdistricts.
   (b)   The Spine Subdistrict is that area of the city within the following described boundaries:
      BEGINNING at a point on the northwest line of McKinney Avenue, said point being 166.84 feet southwest of the southwest line of Fairmount Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along a line, said line being approximately 142 feet southwest of and parallel to the southwest line of Fairmount Street, a distance of approximately 317.05 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 165 feet southeast of and parallel to the common line between City Blocks 949 and 1/949;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 167 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Fairmount Street;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along a line, said line being the southwestward prolongation of the centerline of Howland Street and continuing along the centerline of Howland Street and its northeastward prolongation, a distance of approximately 458 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Routh Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Routh Street, a distance of 90 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the southwestward prolongation of the centerline of Howland Street in City Block 3/955;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line and continuing along the centerline of Howland Street to a point for corner on the centerline of Boll Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Boll Street to a point for corner on a line, said line being 105 feet northwest of and parallel to the northwest line of Howland Street;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line to a point for corner on the common line between Lots 6 and 6A in City Block 2/955;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said common lot line to a point for corner on the north/south common line between Lots 6 and 6A in City Block 2/955;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said common lot line and its southwestward prolongation to a point for corner on the centerline of Boll Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Boll Street to a point for corner on the centerline of Howell Street;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Howell Street to a point for corner on the centerline of Worthington Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Worthington Street to a point for corner on a line, said line being the southwestward prolongation of the common line between Lots 1 and 10 in City Block 1/955;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line, and continuing along said common lot line, a distance of approximately 195.86 feet to a point for corner on the south line of Lot 1 in City Block 955;
      THENCE in a westerly direction along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of approximately 67 feet to a point for corner on the southeast line of Howell Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along a line, said line being perpendicular to the southeast line of Howell Street, a distance of approximately 25 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Howell Street;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Howell Street to a point for corner on the centerline of Vine Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Vine Street to a point for corner on the centerline of Cole Avenue;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Cole Avenue to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northwestward prolongation of the southwest line of Lot 3 in City Block 963;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, and continuing along the southwest line of said Lot 3 to a point for corner on the southeast line of said Lot 3;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the southeast line of said Lot 3 to a point for corner on the northeast line of said Lot 3;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the northeast line of said Lot 3 and its northwestward prolongation to a point for corner on the centerline of Cole Avenue;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of Cole Avenue to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northwestward prolongation of the northeast line of Lot 1A in City Block 963;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, and continuing along the northeast line of said Lot 1A to a point for corner on the northwest line of said Lot 1A;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the northwest line of said Lot 1A and its northeastward prolongation to a point for corner on the centerline of Allen Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Allen Street to a point for corner, said point being approximately 169.5 feet southeast of the northeastward prolongation of the southeast line of Laclede Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along a line parallel with the southwest line of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 495 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Sneed Street, with said point being approximately 122.77 feet southeast of the southeast line of Cole Avenue, said point also being at the intersection of the southwestward prolongation of the centerline of a 15-foot-wide public alley in City Block 17/965;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the centerline of said alley, a distance of approximately 458 feet to a point on the southwest line of Bowen Street;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction, continuing along the northeastward prolongation of the centerline of the 15 foot wide public alley in City Block 17/965, crossing Bowen Street and continuing along the centerline of a 15 foot wide alley in City Block 12/970 and its northeastward prolongation, crossing Hall Street, and continuing along the centerline of a 15 foot wide public alley in City Block 9/972, a total distance of approximately 1,278 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Lemmon Avenue;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Lemmon Avenue, a distance of approximately 30 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the southwestward prolongation of the common line between Lots 1 and 2 in City Block 978;
      THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said line and continuing along the common line between said Lots 1 and 2, a distance of approximately 138 feet to a point for corner on the common line between Lots 2 and 3 in City Block 978;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said common lot line and continuing along the southeastward prolongation of said line, crossing McKinney Avenue a total distance of approximately 200 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 131 feet to a point at the intersection of said centerline of McKinney Avenue and the centerline of Lemmon Avenue;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said centerline of Lemmon Avenue, a distance of approximately 198 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 198 feet southeast of and parallel to said centerline of McKinney Avenue;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, crossing Lemmon Avenue, and continuing into City Block 11/971, a distance of approximately 474.51 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 146 feet northeast of and parallel to the northeast line of Hall Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 85 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Noble Street;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Noble Street and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 171 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Hall Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Hall Street, a distance of approximately 205 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Oak Grove Avenue;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of Oak Grove Avenue, a distance of approximately 1,185 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
      THENCE in a southerly direction along the centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 115 feet to a point for corner on the northwestward prolongation of the centerline of Clyde Lane;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said line and continuing along the centerline of Clyde Lane, a distance of approximately 320 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northeastward prolongation of the common line between Lots 18 and 19 in City Block B/578;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line and continuing along said common line between Lots 18 and 19, a distance of approximately 90 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Lot 18 in City Block B/578;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said lot line, a distance of approximately 40 feet to a point for corner on the common line between Lots 1 and 2 in City Block A/578;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said common lot line and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 155 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Allen Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Allen Street, a distance of approximately 100 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Allen Street;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 22.5 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Allen Street, said point also being the northernmost corner of Lot 5 in City Block 577;
      THENCE in a southerly direction along the western boundary of said Lot 5 and continuing in a southeasterly direction along the southwestern boundary of Lots 6 and 7, and continuing along the southeastward prolongation of the southwestern boundary of said Lot 7, a distance of approximately 277.5 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of a 15-foot-wide public alley adjacent to City Block A/577;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 190 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Worthington Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Worthington Street, a distance of approximately 50 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Worthington Street;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 24 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Worthington Street, said point also being the most northerly corner of Lot 5-A in City Block A/561;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the northwest line of said Lot 5-A, a distance of 158.69 feet to a point for corner;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the southwest line of Lot 5-A in City Block A/561, a distance of 48.3 feet to a point for corner;
      THENCE South 39°38'00" West along a common property line, a distance of 172.0 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Boll Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Boll Street, a distance of approximately 80 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Boll Street;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 25 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Boll Street, said point also being the most easterly corner of Lot 4 in City Block A/554;
      THENCE in a southerly and southwesterly direction along the southeasterly boundary of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in City Block A/554 and continuing along the southwestward prolongation of the southeast boundary of Lot 1 in City Block A/554, a distance of approximately 355 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Routh Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Routh Street, a distance of approximately 120 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being perpendicular to the southwest line of Routh Street;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 25 feet to a point for corner on the southwest line of Routh Street, said point also being the centerline of a 15-foot-wide public alley in City Block C/549;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 375 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Fairmount Street;
      THENCE in a southeasterly direction along the centerline of Fairmount Street, a distance of approximately 30 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being the northeastward prolongation of the centerline of a 20-foot-wide public alley in City Block B/548;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of said alley and its southwestward prolongation, a distance of approximately 210 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of Leonard Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the centerline of Leonard Street, a distance of approximately 120 feet to a point for corner on the centerline of McKinney Avenue;
      THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of McKinney Avenue, a distance of approximately 40 feet to a point for corner on a line, said line being approximately 142 feet southwest of and parallel to the southwest line of Fairmount Street;
      THENCE in a northwesterly direction along said line, a distance of approximately 35 feet to a point on the northwest line of McKinney Avenue, the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
   (c)   The Quadrangle Subdistrict is that area of the city within the following described boundaries:
      Being all of City Block 956 bounded by Laclede Street on the northwest, Vine Street on the northeast, Howell Street on the southeast, and Routh Street on the southwest.
   (d)   The Peripheral Subdistrict is that area within the McKinney Avenue Sign District that is not in either the Spine Subdistrict or the Quadrangle Subdistrict. (Ord. Nos. 21145; 24132; 31265)