Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following rules apply in interpreting this chapter:
(1) Words used in the present tense include the future tense.
(2) Words in the singular include the plural, and words in the plural include the singular.
(3) The word “building” includes the word “structure”, and the word “structure” includes the word “building.”
(4) The word “lot” includes the words “building site,” “site,” “plot” or “tract.”
(5) The word “shall” is mandatory and not discretionary.
(6) If there is a conflict:
(A) the text of this chapter controls over the charts or any other graphic display in this chapter;
(C) the text, charts, or other graphic display in Article XIII control over the text, charts, or other graphic display in other articles of this chapter. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 27495)
In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
(1) “A” DISTRICT means the agricultural district established under Chapter 51.
(2) “A(A)” DISTRICT means the agricultural district established under this chapter.
(2.1) ACCESSORY STRUCTURE means a structure located on the same lot as the main building that is subordinate in floor area, location, and purpose to the main building and used for a permitted accessory use.
(3) ACCESSORY USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.217.
(4) AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT means the A(A) district established under this chapter.
(5) AGRICULTURAL USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.201.
(6) AIRPORT HAZARD means any structure, tree, sign, vehicle or use of land which obstructs the airspace required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at an airport, or is otherwise hazardous to the landing or taking off of aircraft.
(7) ALLEY means a right-of-way which provides secondary access to adjacent property.
(7.1) ARTERIAL means a street designated as either a principal or minor arterial in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(8) BASEMENT means any level of a building where more than one half of the vertical distance between floor and ceiling is below grade.
(8.1) BATHROOM means a room used for personal hygiene and containing a shower or bathtub, a toilet, and a sink.
(9) BEDROOM means any room or area in a dwelling unit designed for sleeping. Kitchens, dining rooms, living rooms, bathrooms, closets, game rooms, sunrooms, and other similar rooms are not considered bedrooms.
(9.1) BICYCLE PARKING means Class I bicycle parking and Class II bicycle parking.
(10) BLOCK means an area bounded by streets on all sides.
(10.1) BLOCKFACE means:
(A) the distance along one side of a street between the two nearest intersecting streets;
(B) where a street deadends, the distance along one side of a street between the nearest intersecting street and the end of the deadend street; or
(C) where a street centerline contains a change of direction 90 degrees or more, the distance along one side of a street between either the nearest intersecting street or the deadend and the point determining the angle of the change of direction.
(11) BOARD means the board of adjustment.
(11.1) BREEZEWAY means an unenclosed passage connecting two buildings or portions of a building.
(12) BUILDING means a structure for the support or shelter of any use or occupancy.
(13) BUILDING LINE means a line marking the minimum distance a building may be erected from a street, alley, or lot line. (Also called the “setback line.”)
(14) BUILDING OFFICIAL means the person designated by the city manager as the building official of the city, or the building official’s authorized representative.
(15) BUILDING SITE means property that meets the requirements of Section 51A-4.601.
(16) “CA-1” DISTRICT means the CA-1 district established under Chapter 51.
(17) “CA-1(A)” DISTRICT means the CA-1(A) district established under this chapter.
(18) “CA-2” DISTRICT means the CA-2 district established under Chapter 51.
(19) “CA-2(A)” DISTRICT means the CA-2(A) district established under this chapter.
(20) CENTER LINE means a line running midway between the bounding right-of-way lines of a street or alley. Where the bounding right-of-way lines are irregular, the center line shall be determined by the director of public works.
(21) CENTRAL AREA DISTRICTS means the CA-1(A) and CA-2(A) districts established under this chapter.
(22) CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT means the area of the city within Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Central Expressway (elevated bypass), R. L. Thornton Freeway, and Stemmons Freeway.
(23) CITY COUNCIL means the governing body of the city.
(23.1) CLASS I BICYCLE PARKING means unenclosed parking spaces intended for bicycles where one or both wheels and the frame of a bicycle can be secured to a rack with a user-supplied lock.
(23.2) CLASS II BICYCLE PARKING means enclosed parking spaces intended for bicycles within a building or structure designed for increased security from theft and vandalism, such as locked bicycle storage rooms, bicycle check-in systems, and bicycle lockers.
(23.3) COLLECTOR means a street designated as either a community or residential collector in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(24) COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS SERVICE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.202.
(25) COMMISSION or CITY PLAN COMMISSION means the city plan and zoning commission.
(26) COVERAGE means the percentage of lot area covered by a roof, floor, or other structure, except that roof eaves up to 24 inches and other ordinary building projections up to 12 inches are excluded.
(27) DENSITY means the ratio of dwelling units to lot area.
(28) DEPARTMENT means the department of development services. The department of development services was formerly named the department of sustainable development and construction, the department of planning and development, the department of urban design, and the city plan department. Any reference to these departments is a reference to the department of development services.
(29) “D” DISTRICT means the duplex district established under Chapter 51.
(30) “D(A)” DISTRICT means the duplex district established under this chapter.
(31) DIR means “development impact review” (See Division 51A-4.800).
(32) DIRECTOR means the director of the department of sustainable development and construction or the director's representative.
(33) DUPLEX DISTRICT means the D(A) district established under this chapter.
(34) DWELLING UNIT means one or more rooms designed to be a single housekeeping unit to accommodate one family and containing one or more kitchens, one or more bathrooms, and one or more bedrooms.
(35) EAVES means the lowest border of a roof, including any overhang.
(35.1) EXACTION means, for purposes of Section 51A-1.109 and Texas Local Government Code Section 212.904, dedications, fees, or construction costs for municipal infrastructure additions or improvements that the city requires a developer to bear a portion of as a condition for approval of a property development project.
(36) FAMILY means individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit in which not more than four individuals are unrelated to the head of the household by blood, marriage, or adoption.
(37) FENCE means a structure that provides a physical barrier.
(38) FLOOR AREA means the total square feet of floor space in a building measured to the outside faces of exterior walls or to the omitted wall lines, whichever produces the larger area, excluding the following:
(A) Area used solely for off-street parking.
(B) Area between an omitted wall line and the structural wall when the area is used solely for foot or vehicular traffic or landscaping.
(C) Area of a private balcony that is not accessible to the public and does not provide a means of ingress or egress.
(D) Area of a breezeway or an unenclosed stairway located within the first three stories, excluding any basement, of a residential use.
(39) FLOOR AREA RATIO means the ratio of floor area to lot area. (Note: A 1:1 FAR is stated as “1.0,” 2:1 is stated as “2.0,” 2.5:1 is stated as “2.5,” etc.)
(39.1) FORM DISTRICTS means the RTN, WMU- 3, WMU-5, WMU-8, WMU-12, WMU-20, WMU-40, WR-3, WR-5, WR-8, WR-12, WR-20, and WR-40 districts and the planned form districts established under Article XIII of this chapter.
(40) FRONTAGE means the length of property along one side of a street between property or lease boundary lines.
(41) FRONT YARD means that portion of a lot which abuts a street and extends across the width of the lot between the street and the setback line.
(41.1) GARBAGE means solid waste consisting of putrescible animal and vegetable waste materials resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food. This includes such waste materials from markets and storage facilities where handling or sale of produce and other food products is conducted.
(42) “GO” DISTRICTS means the general office matrix districts established under Chapter 51.
(43) “GO(A)” DISTRICT means the general office district established under this chapter.
(44) “GR” DISTRICT means the general retail district established under Chapter 51.
(45) GRADE means the average of the finished ground surface elevations measured at the highest and lowest exterior corners of a structure. For purposes of this definition, FINISHED GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION means the ground surface elevation of the building site before any construction or the ground surface elevation as altered in accordance with grading plans approved by the building official. Finished ground surface elevation does not include:
(A) fill material not necessary to make the site developable;
(B) berms; or
(C) landscape features.
(45.1) HAZARDOUS WASTE means solid waste identified or listed as hazardous waste by the administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq.).
(46) “HC” DISTRICT means the heavy commercial district established under Chapter 51.
(47) HEIGHT means the vertical distance measured from grade to:
(A) for a structure with a gable, hip, or gambrel roof, the midpoint of the vertical dimension between the lowest eaves and the highest ridge of the structure;
(B) for a structure with a dome roof, the midpoint of the vertical dimension of the dome; and
(C) for any other structure, the highest point of the structure.
(47.1) Reserved.
(Repealed by Ord. 20478).
(48) Reserved.
(Repealed by Ord. 24163).
(48.1) HUD-CODE MANUFACTURED HOME means a structure, constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems.
(49) “I-1” DISTRICT means the I-1 district established under Chapter 51.
(50) “I-2” DISTRICT means the I-2 district established under Chapter 51.
(51) “I-3” DISTRICT means the I-3 district established under Chapter 51.
(52) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS means LI, IR, and IM districts.
(52.1) INDUSTRIAL SOLID WASTE means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes, excluding mining or oil and gas, that is not hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from:
(A) Electric power generation.
(B) Foundries or the manufacturing of nonferrous metals.
(C) Water treatment.
(D) The manufacturing of textiles; transportation equipment; plastics; resins; rubber; miscellaneous plastic products; concrete products; iron; steel; clay; glass; stone; organic chemicals; inorganic chemicals; leather; leather products; fertilizers and agricultural chemicals; pulp and paper; food; and food-related products and by-products.
(53) INDUSTRIAL USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.203.
(54) INNER COURT means an open space bounded on all sides by the walls of a building.
(55) INSTITUTIONAL USES means the post office; community service center; foster home; child or adult care facility; halfway house; church; convent or monastery; cemetery or mausoleum; overnight general purpose shelter; public or private school; business school; technical school; college, university, or seminary; college dormitory, fraternity, or sorority house; library, art gallery, or museum; hospital; and convalescent and nursing homes, hospice care, and related institutions uses.
(56) INSTITUTIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.204.
(57) INTERIOR LOT LINE means a lot line not adjacent to a street or alley.
(57.1) KITCHEN means any room or area used for cooking or preparing food and containing one or more ovens, stoves, or cooktops; one or more refrigerators; and one or more sinks. This definition does not include outdoor cooking facilities.
(57.2) KNOWINGLY means a person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to the nature of their conduct or to circumstances surrounding their conduct when the person is aware of the nature of the conduct or that the circumstances exist. A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a result of their conduct when the person is aware that the conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result.
(58) LANDING AREA means the area of an airport used for the landing, take off or taxiing of aircraft.
(A) a landscape architect licensed or registered by the state; or
(B) a professional horticulturist or nurseryman.
(60) “LC” DISTRICT means the light commercial district established under Chapter 51.
(61) LEGAL HEIGHT means the maximum building height allowed under Federal Aviation Administration regulations or any other ordinance or regulation in effect, whichever is most restrictive.
(61.1) “LI” DISTRICT means the light industrial district established under this chapter.
(61.2) LIGHT SOURCE means a flame or a bulb, mantle, or other device that produces light. The term “light source” does not include a device or fixture that serves to cover, direct or control the distribution of light.
(61.3) LIMITED ACCESSORY USE means an accessory use that is subject to the restrictions in Section 51A-4.218 governing limited uses.
(62) LIMITED USE means a use restricted under Section 51A-4.218.
(63) “LO” DISTRICTS means the limited office matrix districts established under Chapter 51.
(64) “LO-1” DISTRICT means the LO-1 district established under this chapter.
(65) “LO-2” DISTRICT means the LO-2 district established under this chapter.
(65.1) “LO-3” DISTRICT means the LO-3 district established under this chapter.
(65.2) LO(A) DISTRICTS means the LO-1, LO-2, and LO-3 districts established under this chapter.
(66) LODGING USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.205.
(67) LOT means a building site that fronts on a public or private street, except that in the case of a planned development district, the building site may front on an access easement, and in the case of a shared access development, the building site may front on a shared access area.
(68) LOT AREA means the total square feet contained within lot lines.
(69) LOT DEPTH means the average distance between the front and rear lot lines.
(70) LOT LINE means a property line bounding a lot, excluding any street or alley dedicated in fee simple.
(71) LOT WIDTH means the distance between side lot lines measured along the front setback line.
(72) MAIN BUILDING means a building on a lot intended for occupancy by the main use.
(73) MAIN USE means those uses defined in Sections 51A-4.201 through 51A-4.216.
(73.1) MANUFACTURED HOME means a structure transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and which is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. In this chapter, the term “manufactured home” includes, but is not limited to, HUD-code manufactured homes and mobile homes.
(73.2) MANUFACTURED HOME DISTRICT means the MH(A) district established under this chapter.
(73.3) “MC” DISTRICTS means the MC-1, MC-2, MC-3, and MC-4 districts established under this chapter (also called “multiple commercial districts”).
(74) “MF” DISTRICTS means the MF-1, MF-2, MF-3, and MF-4 districts established under Chapter 51.
(75) “MF(A)” DISTRICTS means the MF-1(A), MF-1(SAH), MF-2(A), MF-2(SAH), MF-3(A), and MF-4(A) districts established under this chapter (also called “multifamily districts”).
(76) “MH” DISTRICT means the manufactured home district established under Chapter 51.
(77) “MH(A)” DISTRICT means the manufactured home district established under this chapter.
(77.1) MINOR ARTERIAL means a street designated as a minor arterial in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(77.2) MINOR STREET means a street not designated in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(78) MISCELLANEOUS USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.206.
(79) MIXED USE DISTRICTS means the MU-1, MU-1(SAH), MU-2, MU-2(SAH), MU-3, and MU-3(SAH) districts established under this chapter (also called “MU” districts).
(80) “MO” DISTRICTS means the mid-range office matrix districts established under Chapter 51.
(81) “MO-1” DISTRICT means the MO-1 district established under this chapter.
(82) “MO-2” DISTRICT means the MO-2 district established under this chapter.
(82.1) MO(A) DISTRICTS means the MO-1 and MO-2 districts established under this chapter.
(83) MOBILE HOME means a structure that was constructed before June 15, 1976, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight body feet or more in width or 40 body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems.
(83.1) MOBILITY AND STREET SERVICES means public works or transportation. Any reference to mobility and street services is a reference to public works or transportation.
(84) “MU” DISTRICTS means the MU-1, MU-1(SAH), MU-2, MU-2(SAH), MU-3, and MU-3(SAH) districts established under this chapter (also called “mixed use districts”).
(85) MULTIFAMILY DISTRICTS means the MF-1(A), MF-1(SAH), MF-2(A), MF-2(SAH), MF-3(A), and MF-4(A) districts established under this chapter [also called “MF(A)” districts].
(85.1) MULTIPLE COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS means the MC-1, MC-2, MC-3, and MC-4 districts established under this chapter (also called “MC” districts).
(86) NET ACRE means an acre of land that does not include public rights-of-way.
(87) “NO” DISTRICTS means the neighborhood office matrix districts established under Chapter 51.
(88) “NO(A)” DISTRICT mean the neighborhood office district established under this chapter.
(89) NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE means a structure which does not conform to the regulations (other than the use regulations) of this chapter, but which was lawfully constructed under the regulations in force at the time of construction.
(90) NONCONFORMING USE means a use that does not conform to the use regulations of this chapter, but was lawfully established under the regulations in force at the beginning of operation and has been in regular use since that time.
(91) NONRESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS means the office, retail, CS, industrial, central area, mixed use, multiple commercial, P(A), urban corridor, walkable urban mixed use, and walkable urban residential districts.
(92) NONRESIDENTIAL USE means any main use that is not listed in Section 51A-4.209.
(93) “NS” DISTRICT means the neighborhood service district established under Chapter 51.
(94) “NS(A)” DISTRICT means the neighborhood service district established under this chapter.
(95) “O-1” DISTRICT means the O-1 district established under Chapter 51.
(96) “O-2” DISTRICT means the O-2 district established under Chapter 51.
(97) OCCUPANCY means the purpose for which a building or land is used.
(98) OFFICE DISTRICTS means the NO(A), LO-1, LO-2, LO-3, MO-1, MO-2, and GO(A) districts established under this chapter.
(99) OFFICE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.207.
(99.1) OFF-STREET PARKING means parking spaces provided for a motor vehicle that are not located on a public right-of-way or private street.
Off-street parking does not include bicycle parking spaces.
(100) OMITTED WALL LINE means a line on the ground determined by a vertical plane from:
(A) the overhang or outermost projection of a structure; or
(B) the outer edge of the roof of a structure without walls; or
(C) two feet inside the eave line of a structure with roof eaves.
(101) OPEN SPACE means an area that is unobstructed to the sky and contains no structures except for ordinary projections of cornices and eaves.
(102) OPENINGS FOR LIGHT OR AIR means any windows, window walls, or glass panels in an exterior wall of a building, excluding doors used for access.
(103) OUTER COURT means an open space bounded on all sides except one by the walls of a building, and opening upon a street, alley or a permanent open space.
(104) OUTSIDE DISPLAY means the placement of a commodity outside for a period of time less than 24 hours.
(105) “P” DISTRICT means the parking district established under Chapter 51.
(106) “P(A)” DISTRICT means the parking district established under this chapter.
(107) PARKING means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not. Parking does not include the temporary standing of a vehicle when commodities or passengers are being loaded or unloaded.
(108) PARKING DISTRICT means the “P(A)” district established under this chapter.
(109) PARKING BAY WIDTH means the width of one or two rows of parking stalls and the access aisle between them.
(110) PARTY WALL means a wall built on an interior lot line used as a common support for buildings on both lots.
(111) PERSON means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or political subdivision.
(111.1) PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL means a street designated as a principal arterial in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(112) PRIVATE STREET means a street or an alley built to the same specifications as a street or alley dedicated to the public use, whose ownership has been retained privately.
(113) QUASI-PUBLIC AGENCY means an institution obtaining more than 51 percent of its funds from tax revenue.
(114) RAR means “residential adjacency review” (See Division 51A-4.800).
(115) “R” DISTRICTS means the R-1ac, R-1/2ac, R-16, R-13, R-10, R-7.5, and R-5 districts established under Chapter 51.
(116) “R(A)” DISTRICTS means the R-1ac(A), R-1/2ac(A), R-16(A), R-13(A), R-10(A), R-7.5(A), and R-5(A) districts established under this chapter (also called “single family districts”).
(117) REAR YARD means that portion of a lot between two side lot lines that does not abut a street and that extends across the width of the lot between the rear setback line and the rear lot line.
(118) RECREATION USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.208.
(118.1) REFUSE means waste principally composed of trash and rubbish and containing no more than 50 percent by weight garbage or 50 percent by weight moisture, and no more than seven percent by weight noncombustible solids.
(119) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS means the A(A), R-1ac(A), R-1/2ac(A), R-16(A), R-13(A), R-10(A), R-7.5(A), R-5(A), D(A), TH-1(A), TH-2(A), TH-3(A), CH, MF-1(A), MF-1(SAH), MF-2(A), MF-2(SAH), MF- 3(A), MF-4(A), MH(A), and RTN districts established under this chapter.
(120) RESIDENTIAL PROXIMITY SLOPE means “residential proximity slope” as defined in Section 51A-4.412.
(121) RESIDENTIAL USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.209.
(121.1) RESIDENTIAL TRANSITION DISTRICT means the RTN district established under Article XIII of this chapter.
(122) RETAIL AND PERSONAL SERVICE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.210.
(122.1) RETAIL DISTRICTS means the NS(A), CR, and RR districts established under this chapter.
(123) RIDGE means the line of intersection at the top between the opposite slopes or sides of a roof.
(124) RIGHT-OF-WAY means an area dedicated to public use for pedestrian and vehicular movement.
(125) RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE means the dividing line between a right-of-way and an adjacent lot.
(125.1) RTN DISTRICT means the residential transition district established under Article XIII of this chapter.
(125.2) RUBBISH means nonputrescible solid waste, excluding ashes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible materials. Combustible rubbish includes, but is not limited to, paper, rags, cartons, wood, excelsior, rubber, plastics, non-metal furniture, leaves, and yard trimmings. Noncombustible rubbish includes glass, crockery, tin cans, aluminum cans, metal furniture, and similar items or materials which will not burn at ordinary incinerator temperatures. For purposes of this paragraph, temperatures from 1600 to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit are considered ordinary incinerator temperatures.
(126) “SC” DISTRICT means the shopping center district established under Chapter 51.
(127) SCREENING means a structure that provides a visual barrier.
(128) SETBACK LINE means a line marking the minimum distance a building may be erected from a street, alley, or lot line (also called the “building line”).
(128.1) SHARED ACCESS DEVELOPMENT means a development that meets all of the requirements of Section 51A-4.411.
(129) SIDE YARD means:
(A) that portion of a lot extending from the front setback line to the rear setback line between the side setback line and the side lot line; or
(B) that portion of a lot which is between a lot line and a setback line but is not a front or rear yard.
(130) SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICTS means the R-1ac(A), R-1/2ac(A), R-16(A), R-13(A), R-10(A), R-7.5(A), and R-5(A) districts established under this chapter (also called “R(A)” districts).
(131) SITE AREA means that portion of a building site occupied by a use and not covered by a building or structure. For purposes of determining required off-street parking, site area does not include that area occupied by off-street parking, landscaped areas, and open space not used for storage or sales.
(131.1) SOLID WASTE means garbage; refuse; sludge from waste treatment plants, water supply treatment plants, and air pollution control facilities; and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from industrial, municipal, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from community and institutional activities. Solid waste does not include:
(i) Solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows, or industrial discharges subject to regulation by permit issued pursuant to Chapter 26, Water Code.
(ii) Soil, dirt, rock, sand, and other natural or manmade inert solid materials used to fill land to make it suitable for the construction of surface improvements.
(iii) Waste materials resulting from activities associated with the exploration, development, or production of oil or gas which are subject to control by the Texas Railroad Commission.
(131.2) SPECIAL WASTE means solid waste from health-care-related activities which if improperly treated or handled may serve to transmit infectious disease, and which is comprised of the following: animal waste, bulk blood and blood products, microbiological waste, pathological waste, and sharps.
(132) STACKING SPACE means a space for one motor vehicle to line up in while waiting to enter or use a parking lot, garage, drive-in, or drive-through facility.
(133) STORY means that portion of a building between any two successive floors or between the top floor and the ceiling above it.
(133.1) STREET LEVEL means, in a multi-level building, the level having the floor closest in elevation to the adjacent street; if the floors of two levels are equally close in elevation to the adjacent street, the level with the higher elevation is the street level.
(134) STREET means a right-of-way which provides primary access to adjacent property.
(134.1) STREET SERVICES means public works. Any reference to street services is a reference to public works.
(135) STRUCTURE means that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner.
(136) SUP means “specific use permit” (See Section 51A-4.219).
(137) “TH” DISTRICTS means the TH-1, TH-2, TH-3, and TH-4 districts established under Chapter 51.
(138) “TH(A)” DISTRICTS means the TH-1(A), TH-2(A), and TH-3(A) districts established under this chapter (also called townhouse districts).
(138.1) THOROUGHFARE means a street designated in the city’s thoroughfare plan.
(139) TOWNHOUSE DISTRICTS means the TH-1(A), TH-2(A), and TH-3(A) districts established under this chapter [also called “TH(A)” districts].
(139.1) TRAFFIC ENGINEER means the person designated by the city manager as the traffic engineer of the city, or the traffic engineer’s authorized representative.
(140) TRANSIENT STAND means a site for the placing and use of a manufactured home, recreational vehicle, or tent.
(140.1) TRANSPARENCY means the total area of window opening, door opening, or other opening, expressed as a percentage of the total facade area by story.
(141) TRANSPORTATION USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.211.
(141.1) “UC” DISTRICTS means the UC-1, UC-2, and UC-3 districts established under this chapter (also called “urban corridor districts”).
(141.2) URBAN CORRIDOR DISTRICTS means the UC-1, UC-2, and UC-3 districts established under this chapter (also called “UC” districts). [Note: Section 1 of Ordinance No. 24718 adds 51A–2.102 (141.2), providing a definition for the term “street level.” Section 4 of Ordinance No. 24718 adds 51A–2.102(141.2), providing a definition for the term “urban corridor districts.”]
(142) UTILITY AND PUBLIC SERVICE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.212.
(142.1) WALKABLE URBAN MIXED USE DISTRICTS means the WMU-3, WMU-5, WMU-8, WMU-12, WMU-20, and WMU-40 districts established under Article XIII of this chapter.
(142.2) WALKABLE URBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS means the WR-3, WR-5, WR-8, WR-12, WR-20, and WR-40 districts established under Article XIII of this chapter.
(143) WHOLESALE, DISTRIBUTION, AND STORAGE USES means those uses defined in Section 51A-4.213.
(143.1) WMU DISTRICTS means the WMU-3, WMU-5, WMU-8, WMU-12, WMU-20, and WMU-40 districts established under Article XIII of this chapter (also called “walkable urban mixed use districts”).
(143.2) WR DISTRICTS means the WR-3, WR-5, WR-8, WR-12, WR-20, and WR-40 districts established under Article XIII of this chapter (also called “walkable urban residential districts”).
(144) ZONING DISTRICT means a classification assigned to a particular area of the city within which zoning regulations are uniform.
(145) ZONING DISTRICT MAP means the official map upon which the zoning districts of the city are delineated. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 19786; 19806; 20272; 20360; 20361; 20383; 20411; 20478; 20673; 20902; 20920; 21002; 21186; 21663; 22018; 24163; 24718; 24731; 24843; 25047; 25977; 26286; 26530; 27334; 27495; 27572; 28072; 28073; 28424; 29128; 30239; 30654; 30932
; 31607; 32002; 32264; 32659)