(a) The purpose of this article is to provide an additional tool for the implementation of forwardDallas!. This article is not intended to preclude the use of planned development districts.
(b) This article is intended to create walkable urban neighborhoods where higher-density mixed uses and mixed housing-types promote less dependence on the automobile.
(c) These areas are intended to transition successfully to existing neighborhoods through the judicious mapping of permitted districts.
The following provisions in Chapter 51A apply to this article:
(1) Article I, “General Provisions.”
(2) Article II, “Interpretations and Definitions.”
(3) Article III, “Decisionmaking and Administrative Bodies.”
(4) The following provisions of Article IV, “Zoning Regulations”:
(A) Section 51A-4.101, “New Zoning Districts Established.”
(B) Section 51A-4.103, “Zoning District Map.”
(C) Section 51A-4.104, “Zoning District Boundaries.”
(D) Section 51A-4.105, “Interpretation of District Regulations.”
(i) In the RTN district, the use definitions, parking requirements, and additional provisions apply.
(ii) In the WMU and WR districts, only the use definitions and additional provisions apply.
(F) Section 51A-4.218, “Limited Uses.”
(G) Section 51A-4.219, “Specific Use Permit (SUP).”
(H) Section 51A-4.220, “Classification of New Uses.”
(I) Section 51A-4.221, “Sexually Oriented Businesses.”
(J) In the RTN district, the residential parking design standards of Division 51A-4.300, “Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations.”
(K) In all form districts, the following provisions of Division 51A-4.300, “Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations”:
(i) Section 51A-4.301(d), “Construction and Maintenance Provisions for Off-Street Parking.”
(ii) Section 51A-4.301(e), “Lighting Provisions for Off-Street Parking,” except as modified in Section 51A-13.601.
(iii) Section 51A-4.301(h), “Residential Alley Access Restrictions for Nonresidential Uses.”
(iv) Section 51A-4.304 (d), “Off-Street Stacking Space Regulations.”
(v) Section 51A-4.305, “Handicapped Parking Regulations.”
(vi) Section 51A-4.306, “Off-Street Parking in the Central Business District” (if the property is located within the Central Business District).
(L) Section 51A-4.411, “Shared Access Development.”
(O) Section 51A-4.503, “D and D-1 Liquor Control Overlay Districts.”
(P) Section 51A-4.504, “Airport Flight Overlay District.”
(Q) Section 51A-4.508, “Turtle Creek Environmental Overlay” (if the property is located within the corridor).
(S) Division 51A-4.700, “Zoning Procedures,” except that Paragraph (1) of Section 51A-4.704(c), “Nonconforming Structures,” is replaced by the following text: “Except as provided in Subsection 51A-4.704(c)(2), a person may renovate, remodel, repair, rebuild, or enlarge a nonconforming structure if the work does not cause the structure to become more nonconforming as to building placement, building height, building facade, garage placement, open space, or landscaping regulations.”
(5) Article V, “Flood Plain and Escarpment Zone Regulations.”
(6) Article VI, “Environmental Performance Standards.”
(7) Article VII, “Sign Regulations,” except as modified in Section 51A-13.603, “Signs.”
(8) Article VIII, “Plat Regulations,” except that Section 51A-8.604(c), “Minor Street Criteria,” does not apply.
(9) Article IX, “Thoroughfares.”
(10) Article X, “Landscape and Tree Preservation Regulations,” except for Section 51A-10.110, Sections 51A-10.125(a), (b)(1), (2), (3)(A) and (5) through (7), and Section 51A-10.126.
(11) Article XI, “Development Incentives.”
(12) Article XII, “Gas Drilling and Production.”
(13) Any provision of Chapter 51A specifically stated as applying to this article.
(i) Except as provided in this subparagraph, additions to nonconforming structures that total 35 percent or less of the floor area existing when the structure became nonconforming must comply with the use and placement requirements and the height and elements requirements in Section 51A-13.304 for each development type.
(ii) Additions to the nonconforming structure that total 35 percent or less of the floor area existing when the structure became nonconforming:
(aa) are not required to comply with maximum setback requirements, minimum story requirements, or minimum story height requirements;
(bb) are not required to have an entrance on a primary street;
(cc) must be constructed within the buildable envelope but are not required to fill the entire buildable envelope; and
(dd) do not trigger compliance with the blocks and street standards in Section 51A-13.502(a)(2).
(iii) An addition to a nonconforming structure that exceeds 35 percent of the floor area existing when the structure became nonconforming must comply with Article XIII regulations.
(Am. Ord. 29827, passed 8-15-15)