Pursuant to the authority of Section 51A-7.503 of this article, the rules relating to the erection of special purpose signs in the Uptown Sign District are expressly modified as follows:
(a) Attached or window special purpose signs.
(1) Attached special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of three 30 day time periods and one 45 day time period in each calendar year. No more than one attached special purpose may be displayed on a facade at any given time.
(2) Window special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of three 30 day time periods and one 45 day time period in each calendar year. No more than one attached special purpose sign may be displayed on a window at any given time.
(3) No more than 25 percent of a window surface may be covered by either window signs or special purpose window signs, alone or in combination.
(4) The size of an attached or window special purpose sign is limited to 30 square feet.
(5) A window special purpose sign may not be affixed to a window by tape.
(b) Detached special purpose signs.
(1) Detached special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of three 30 day time periods and one 45 day time period in each calendar year.
(2) The maximum number of detached special purpose signs permitted on a premise at any given time is the sum obtained by counting all of the street entrances onto that premise, and multiplying by two.
(3) No detached special purpose sign may:
(A) exceed eight feet in height;
(B) contain more than eight words;
(C) be mounted on wheels;
(D) be a trailer sign with changeable copy; or
(E) contain flashing or blinking lights. (Ord. Nos. 19649; 20037)
Pursuant to the authority of Section 51A-7.503 of this article, the sign permit requirements for signs in the Uptown Sign District are expressly modified as follows:
(a) A person shall not alter, place, maintain, expand, or remove a sign in the Uptown Sign District without first obtaining a sign permit from the city.
(c) A person who violates Subsection (a) is guilty of a separate offense for each day or portion of a day during which the violation is continued.
(d) The erection of signs within the public right-of-way, as specified herein, is permitted if the owner of the land as well as the owner of the improvements agree in writing, prior to the issuance of a permit, that the signs will be removed at no expense to the city upon notice from the city that the street is to be widened or the license with the city is terminated or expires, whichever occurs first. (Ord. Nos. 19649; 20037)
(a) A special provision sign district is hereby created to be known as the Arts District Sign District. For purposes of this article, the boundaries of the Arts District Sign District are described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30731, passed by the Dallas City Council on December 13, 2017.
(b) Subdistrict A is hereby created within the Arts District Sign District. For the purposes of this division, Subdistrict A is the area bounded by Flora Street to the northwest, Leonard Street to the northeast, Ross Avenue to the southeast, and Crockett Street to the southwest and more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30731, passed by the Dallas City Council on December 13, 2017.
(c) Subdistrict B is hereby created within the Arts District Sign District. For the purposes of this division, Subdistrict B is the area bounded by Woodall Rodgers Freeway to the northwest, Crockett Street to the northeast, Munger Avenue to the southeast, and Pearl Street to the southwest, and more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30731, passed by the Dallas City Council on December 13, 2017.
(d) Subdistrict C is hereby created within the Arts District Sign District. For the purposes of this division, Subdistrict C is the area bounded by Flora Street to the northwest, Olive Street to the northeast, Ross Avenue to the southeast, and Harwood Street to the southwest, and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 31079, passed by the Dallas City Council on December 12, 2018.
(e) The property described in Subsection (a), which was formerly part of the Downtown Special Provision Sign District, is no longer considered to be part of that district. This division completely supersedes Division 51A-7.900 with respect to the property described in Subsection (a). (Ord. Nos. 20345; 28471; 30731; 31079)
The Dallas Arts District (Planned Development District No. 145) was established by Ordinance No. 17710, which was passed by the Dallas City Council on February 16, 1983. This approximately 17-block, 60-acre area in the northeast section of the central business district represents a concerted effort on the part of the city and arts organizations to consolidate major art institutions in one mixed-use area.
The guideline for development in the Arts District is an urban design plan known as the “Sasaki Plan.” This plan is based on district-wide design and land use concepts, which include the creation of a pedestrian-oriented environment and a distinctive visual image for the district. Flora Street is defined as the major pedestrian spine and focus of development in the district. As a wide, tree-lined environment, Flora Street connects three subdistricts (Museum Crossing, Concert Lights, and Fountain Plaza) and provides continuity in a development framework for public institutions and private owners.
The sign regulations in this division have been developed with the following objectives in mind:
(1) To protect the character of Flora Street and the Arts District from inappropriate signs in terms of number (clutter), size, style, color, and materials.
(2) To enhance the image and liveliness of the Arts District by encouraging compatible signs that are colorful, decorative, entertaining, and artistic in style, while being functional and informative in purpose.
(3) To promote the commercial success of each individual tenant in the Arts District and, in turn, the commercial success of all the tenants in the district collectively.
(4) To create a sense of design uniformity between signs and the other streetscape elements of the Arts District.
(5) To help make the Arts District an attractive place for the public to frequent by providing ease of direction to specific cultural institutions.
(6) To create a means of identifying the various types or categories of retail establishments along Flora Street.
(7) To identify and promote cultural events and activities consistent with the purposes of the Arts District.
(8) To recognize that sign hardware is a part of the overall visual design of a sign, and to ensure that investments in signs and other structures in the Arts District are not devalued by inappropriate or poor quality sign hardware. (Ord. 20345)