EXHIBIT B - ORD. 20345

EXHIBIT C - ORD. 26768

A special provision sign district is hereby created to be known as the Deep Ellum/Near East Side Sign District. The boundaries of the Deep Ellum/Near East Side Sign District are the same as those of the Deep Ellum/Near East Side District (Planned Development District No. 269). (Ord. 20596)
The purpose of this division is to promote signage that is compatible with the architectural character and design guidelines of the Deep Ellum/Near East Side Planned Development District while encouraging artistic, creative, and innovative signs which are reflective of themes that have grown and developed in the Deep Ellum area. (Ord. 20596)
(a) In this division:
(1) A-FRAME SIGN means a premise sign that is a portable detached structure that is hinged at the top and is made of durable, rigid materials such as wood, plastic, or metal.
(2) ARTWORK means any pictorial or image presentation or design.
(3) AWNING means a fabric or vinyl surface supported by a metal structure, which is applied to the face of a building.
(4) AWNING SIGN means a sign attached to, painted on, or otherwise applied to an awning.
(5) DISTRICT IDENTIFICATION SIGN means an attached or detached sign identifying only this district.
(6) MARQUEE SIGN means a sign attached to, applied on, or supported by a permanent canopy projecting over a pedestrian street entrance of a building, and consisting primarily of changeable panels or words.
(7) PAINTED APPLIED SIGN means a sign that is painted, or that is made to look painted, directly onto the face of the exterior facade of a building not including doors and windows. Signs of this type must naturally conform to the textured surface of the facade.
(8) THIS DISTRICT means the Deep Ellum/Near East Side Sign District.
(9) WALLSCAPE SIGN means a sign meeting the requirements set forth in Section 51A-7.1306(g).
(10) WINDOW SIGN means a sign painted or affixed onto a window.