(a) Provisions applicable to all attached signs.
(1) Attached signs must be securely attached.
(2) The maximum combined effective area of all attached signs on a facade may not exceed 20 percent of the total area of the facade.
(3) Attached signs may have a maximum of eight words, which contain any character of a height equal to or exceeding four inches. Words consisting of characters less than four inches high may be used without limit.
(4) Attached signs may not be painted onto the roof of a building.
(5) Attached signs are not permitted on the roof of a building.
(6) Banners used as attached signs may only be special purpose signs.
(b) Arcade signs.
(1) There is no limit to the number of arcade signs permitted on a premise.
(2) Arcade signs may not exceed eight square feet in effective area.
(3) The minimum linear distance between any two arcade signs is 15 feet.
(4) Arcade signs may not be lower than 10 feet above the sidewalk.
(5) Arcade signs may not project above the arcade to which they are attached.
(6) Arcade signs may only identify the premise or occupant and provide an address.
(c) Awning signs.
(1) There is no limit on the number of awning signs on a premise.
(2) A sign on the face of the awning may only have an effective area equal to 20 percent of the face of the awning. As used in this provision, “face” means the sloping or curved portion of an awning that provides shade over the sidewalk.
(3) Awning signs may not be lower than eight feet above the sidewalk.
(4) Awning signs may not project more than two inches from the surface of the awning.
(5) Awning signs may not be backlit.
(6) The valance of an awning may only have an address, occupant identification, or premise identification. As used in this provision, “valance” means that portion of an awning parallel to the street and perpendicular to the sidewalk.
(d) Flat attached signs.
(1) The maximum number of flat attached signs on any premise is one per public pedestrian entrance or one per first-floor tenant, whichever is greater.
(2) The total effective area of all flat attached signs per facade may not exceed 20 percent of the facade or 400 square feet, whichever is less.
(3) Flat attached signs may not project above the roofline.
(4) A flat attached sign may not project more than 12 inches from the facade to which it is attached.
(e) Marquee signs.
(1) The maximum number of marquee signs on any premise is one per street frontage.
(2) The horizontal dimension (length) of a marquee sign may not exceed two-thirds of the length of the facade to which it is attached. The vertical dimension (width) of a marquee sign may not exceed six feet.
(3) Marquee signs are allowed only on an entertainment facility.
(4) Marquee signs may have a changeable message.
(5) Marquee signs may incorporate moving patterns or bands of light, except that the use of illumination to produce apparent motion of a visual image, such as animation or similar effects, is prohibited.
(f) Projecting signs.
(1) The maximum number of projecting signs on any premise is one per facade.
(2) Projecting signs may not exceed 40 square feet in effective area.
(3) Projecting signs may not be lower than 10 feet above the sidewalk.
(4) No portion of a projecting sign may be located more than five feet from the facade to which it is attached.
(5) A projecting sign may not project higher than four feet above the edge of the wall to which it is attached.
(6) Projecting signs must be a minimum of five feet from another projecting sign.
(7) Projecting signs may have a message on both sides of the sign structure.
(g) Special purpose signs.
(1) Non-window special purpose signs.
(A) The maximum number of non-window special purpose signs on a facade at any time is two.
(B) Non-window special purpose signs may not exceed 50 square feet in effective area.
(C) Non-window special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of four times each calendar year for a maximum of 30 consecutive days each time. Each new non-window special purpose sign must have a new message.
(D) Banners used as attached signs may only be non-window special purpose signs.
(E) Non-window special purpose signs that relate exclusively to the construction, lease, remodeling, or sale of the premise are permitted without limit as to the number or length of time displayed.
(2) Window special purpose signs.
(A) There is no limit on the number of window special purpose signs.
(B) No more than 25 percent of a window surface may be covered by either window signs or window special purpose signs, alone or in combination.
(C) Window special purpose signs may not contain words with characters more than eight inches in height.
(D) Window special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of four times each calendar year for a maximum of 30 consecutive days each time. Each new window special purpose sign must have a new message.
(E) Window special purpose signs may contain a district promotional message.
(F) Window special purpose signs that relate exclusively to the construction, lease, remodeling, or sale of the premises on which they are located are permitted without limit as to the number or length of time displayed.
(h) Window signs.
(1) There is no limit on the number of window signs.
(2) No more than 25 percent of a window surface may be covered by either window signs or window special purpose signs, alone or in combination.
(3) Window signs that use internal neon bulbs may not cover more than 15 percent of the window surface.
(4) Window signs may not contain words with characters more than eight inches in height.
(5) Window signs may not be taped to the window. Window signs must be professionally hand-painted, silk screened, or made of self-adhesive vinyl. (Ord. 25899)
(a) Provisions applicable to all detached signs.
(1) Number. Only one detached sign may be erected on any premise, except that a premise that has more than 450 feet of frontage along a public right-of-way other than an alley may have no more than one additional detached sign for each additional 450 feet of frontage or fraction thereof.
(2) Height and effective area dependent upon setback.
(A) Detached signs must be set back a minimum of 10 feet.
(B) A detached sign set back more than 10 feet but less than or equal to 20 feet may not exceed 20 feet in height or exceed 50 square feet in effective area.
(C) A detached sign set back more than 20 feet but less than or equal to 30 feet may not exceed 30 feet in height or exceed 150 square feet in effective area.
(D) In Subdistricts 1, 2, and 4, a detached sign set back more than 30 feet may not exceed 30 feet in height or exceed 150 square feet in effective area.
(E) In Subdistricts 3 and 5, a detached sign set back more than 30 feet may not exceed 40 feet in height or exceed 400 square feet in effective area.
(3) Other requirements.
(A) Except for special purpose signs, detached signs may not be placed on fences.
(B) A pole-mounted detached sign must have either a pole cover that covers the entire pole and is made of masonry, metal, plastic, stucco, or wood or have a minimum three-foot-high masonry base.
(C) Banners used as detached signs may only be street light banners.
(b) District identification signs.
(1) There is no limit on the number of district identification signs in the district.
(2) The maximum effective area of a district identification sign is 12 square feet.
(3) The maximum height of a district identification sign is 20 feet.
(4) District identification signs may not have a changeable message.
(c) Expressway signs.
(1) The maximum number of expressway signs is one per premise.
(2) Expressway signs may not exceed 400 square feet in effective area.
(3) Expressway signs may not exceed 40 feet in height.
(4) Expressway signs must be set back from the expressway and Fort Worth Avenue a minimum of 50 feet.
(d) Monument signs.
(1) The maximum number of monument signs is one per premise.
(2) Monument signs may not exceed 150 square feet in effective area.
(3) Monument signs may not exceed 10 feet in height.
(4) In Subdistrict 2, monument signs must be set back a minimum of 15 feet.
(5) In Subdistricts 1, 3, 4, and 5, monument signs must be set back a minimum of 10 feet.
(e) Special purpose signs.
(1) The maximum number of special purpose signs on a premise at any time is one per street frontage.
(2) Special purpose signs may not exceed 50 square feet in effective area.
(3) Special purpose signs may not exceed eight feet in height.
(4) A special purpose sign must be located at least 100 feet from any other detached special purpose sign on the same premise.
(5) Special purpose signs may be displayed on a premise a maximum of four times each calendar year for a maximum of 30 consecutive days each time. Each new special purpose sign must have a new message.
(6) Special purpose signs may be placed on fences.
(7) Special purpose signs may not be mounted on rotating wheels.
(8) Special purpose signs may not be mounted on a trailer.
(9) Special purpose signs may not be changeable message signs or have changeable copy.
(10) Special purpose signs may not be illuminated.
(11) Special purpose signs may not contain flashing or blinking lights.
(12) Special purpose signs that relate exclusively to the construction, lease, remodeling, or sale of the premises on which they are located are permitted without limit as to the length of time displayed.
(f) Street light banners.
(1) The maximum number of street light banners is two per pole, with each banner on opposite sides of the pole.
(2) Streetlight banners may not exceed 12 square feet in effective area.
(3) Streetlight banners may not project more than three feet from the pole onto which they are mounted.
(4) Streetlight banners must be at least 12 feet above the sidewalk. A streetlight banner that overhangs a roadway must be at least 15 feet above the roadway.
(5) Streetlight banners and sign hardware must be made out of weather-resistant and rust-proof material.
(6) If a streetlight banner overhangs the public right-of-way, a license must be obtained in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Dallas City Code.
(7) A streetlight banner must be a district identification sign, or display a district promotional message or generic graphics.
(8) A street light banner having a district promotional message may not be erected more than 60 days prior to the beginning of the advertised activity or event, and must be removed no later than 30 days after that activity or event has ended.
(9) The hardware for a streetlight banner may be left in place between displays of a banner. A streetlight banner and the sign hardware must be mounted on a streetlight pole and meet the sign construction and design standards in the Dallas Building Code.
(10) A sign permit is not required to erect or remove a streetlight banner. (Ord. 25899)
(a) A sign district is hereby created to be known as the Arts District Extension Area Sign District. The boundaries of the Arts District Extension Area Sign District are the same as those of the Dallas Arts District Extension Area (Planned Development District No. 708).
(b) The property described in Subsection (a), which was formerly part of the Downtown Special Provision Sign District, is no longer considered to be part of that district. This division completely supersedes Division 51A-7.900 with respect to the property described in Subsection (a).
(c) The Arts District Extension Area Sign District has the following three subdistricts:
(1) The One Arts Plaza Subdistrict is all of Lot 1A, Block A/305, Arts Plaza Phase 1, Revised, an Addition to the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof situated in the John Grigsby Survey, Abstract No. 495, City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, as filed under City Plan File Number S078-070 and recorded as Instrument No. 20080165687, Map Records of Dallas County, Texas.
(2) The Two Arts Plaza and Three Arts Plaza Subdistrict is all of Lot 2, Block A/305, Arts Plaza Phase 2, Final Plat, an Addition to the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof situated in the John Grigsby Survey, Abstract No. 495, consisting of City of Dallas Blocks 304, 305, 568 and 570, Dallas County, Texas, as filed under City Plan File Number S045-232 D and recorded as Instrument No. 20080358602, Map Records of Dallas County, Texas.
(3) The Dallas Black Dance Theatre Subdistrict is a tract of land in City Block No. 566 in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the northwest line of Ross Avenue (as widened) with the northeast line of Arts Plaza (formerly known as Boll Street as street name changed per City of Dallas Ordinance No. 26921, passed on September 12, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Dallas):
THENCE North 44°46'00" West 348.00 feet along the northeast line of Arts Plaza to the southeast line of Flora Street;
THENCE North 45°26'00" East 114.00 feet along the southeast line of Flora Street;
THENCE South 44°46'00" East 100.00 feet along a line 114.00 feet northeast of and parallel to the northeast line of Arts Plaza;
THENCE North 45°26'00" East 3.00 feet;
THENCE South 44°46'00" East 248.00 feet along a line 117.00 feet northeast of and parallel to the northeast line of Arts Plaza to the northwest line of Ross Avenue;
THENCE South 45°26'00" West 117.00 feet along the northwest line of Ross Avenue to the point of beginning and containing 40,416 square feet of land more or less. (Ord. Nos. 25920; 28933)
(a) The Dallas Arts District Extension Area (Planned Development District No. 708) was established on March 9, 2005, to complement the adjacent Arts District (Planned Development District No. 145). This approximately 17.4-acre area in the northeast section of the central business district, generally bounded by Woodall Rodgers Freeway, North Central Expressway, Routh Street, and Ross Avenue, represents a concerted effort on the part of the city and arts organizations to consolidate major art institutions in one mixed-use area.
(b) The guideline for development in the Arts District Extension Area is an urban design plan known as the “Sasaki Plan.” This plan is based on district-wide design and land use concepts, which include the creation of a pedestrian-oriented environment and a distinctive visual image for the district. Flora Street is defined as the major pedestrian spine and focus of development in the district. As a wide, tree-lined environment, Flora Street connects three subdistricts (Museum Crossing, Concert Lights, and Fountain Plaza) and provides continuity in a development framework for public institutions and private owners.
(c) The sign regulations in this division have been developed with the following objectives in mind:
(1) To protect the character of Flora Street and the Arts District Extension Area from inappropriate signs in terms of number (clutter), size, style, color, and materials.
(2) To enhance the image and liveliness of the Arts District Extension Area by encouraging compatible signs that are colorful, decorative, entertaining, and artistic in style while being functional and informative in purpose.
(3) To promote the commercial success of each individual tenant in the Arts District Extension Area and, in turn, the commercial success of all the tenants in the district collectively.
(4) To create a sense of design uniformity between signs and the other streetscape elements of the Arts District Extension Area and the Arts District.
(5) To help make the Arts District Extension Area an attractive place for the public to frequent by providing ease of direction to specific cultural institutions.
(6) To create a means of identifying the various types or categories of retail establishments along Flora Street.
(7) To identify and promote cultural events and activities consistent with the purposes of the Arts District Extension Area.
(8) To recognize that sign hardware is a part of the overall visual design of a sign, and to ensure that investments in signs and other structures in the Arts District Extension Area are not devalued by inappropriate or poor quality sign hardware. (Ord. 25920)