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   The regulations relating to the erection of detached signs in this district are hereby expressly modified as follows:
      (1)   No premise having an attached sign of any type, except for cultural event or activity signs, special purpose signs, or district identification signs, may have a detached sign, except for A-frame signs, unless the maximum effective area for all signs on the premise, as established in 51A-7.1305(c), 51A-7.1305(d), or 51A-7.1305(e), is reduced by 25 percent for each detached sign located on the premise not to exceed a total reduction of 75 percent of the maximum effective area. Where the premise has only one facade facing an adjacent public right-of-way, the maximum effective area is to be reduced by 75 percent.
      (2)   A premise may have no more than one detached sign along each street frontage.
      (3)   No detached sign support may be located in the public right-of-way.
      (4)   A-frame signs.
         (A)   Only one A-frame sign is permitted for each business use.
         (B)   The maximum size of an A-frame sign is 32 inches wide and 36 inches tall.
         (C)   An A-frame sign may only be displayed when the business it identifies is open.
         (D)   A-frame signs may be located on the sidewalk if a minimum of four feet of unobstructed sidewalk area is provided and all necessary city licenses and permits have been obtained.
         (E)   A-frame signs may not be located within 25 feet of an intersection or within a visibility triangle.
      (5)   District identification signs. Recognizing the historical, cultural, artistic, and architectural importance and significance of this district to the citizens of the City of Dallas, the provisions in this paragraph are specifically tailored to preserve and enhance the district, and to strengthen district identity.
         (A)   The maximum number of district identification signs is nine.
         (B)   Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, district identification signs may only be located in or over and span across the rights-of-way at the following locations:
            (i)   Four of the district identification signs are limited to 1,000 square feet in effective area and may be located at any of the following locations:
               (aa)    Along Hall Street, between Crutcher Street and Elm Street.
               (bb)    Main Street & Deep Ellum Trailhead.
               (cc)    Exposition Avenue & 1st Avenue.
               (dd)    Malcolm X Boulevard & Hall Street.
               (ee)    Elm Street & Interstate-345.
            (ii)   Four other district identification signs are limited to 250 square feet in effective area and may be located at any of the previously stated locations that do not already have a district identification sign or at any of the following locations:
               (aa)    Canton Street & Henry Street.
               (bb)    Main Street & Malcolm X Boulevard.
               (cc)    Main Street & Good-Latimer Expressway.
            (iii)   The final district identification sign is limited to 250 square feet in effective area and may be located at any location within the district that does not already have a district identification sign.
         (C)   Minimum clearance for a district identification sign located in or over and spanning across a right-of-way must be determined by the director before a district identification sign permit may be issued and all necessary city licenses and permits are obtained.
         (D)   A district identification sign that is located over and spanning across a right-of-way may not resemble or obstruct traffic control devices.
         (E)   A district identification sign may not be located in or visually obstruct a visibility triangle as defined in the visual obstructions regulations in Section 51A-4.602(d). (Ord. Nos. 20596; 31494)
   For commercial parking lots, one sign is permitted for each street frontage. Commercial parking lot signs are limited to 20 square feet in effective area and 15 feet in height. (Ord. Nos. 26066; 31494)
Division 51A-7.1400. Jefferson Boulevard Sign District.
   A special provision sign district is hereby created to be known as the Jefferson Boulevard Sign District. The Jefferson Boulevard Sign District is that area within the following described boundaries:
   BEGINNING at a point being the northwestern corner of Lot 9A, Block 189/3248;
   THENCE easterly along the northern lot line of Lot 9A, Block 189/3248, crossing Polk Street and extending along the center line of the alley between Sunset Street and Jefferson Boulevard to the center line of the alley between Polk Street and Tyler Street;
   THENCE northerly along the alley center line to the projected northern lot line of Lot 3, Block 178/3237;
   THENCE easterly along the northern lot line of Lot 3, Block 178/3237 crossing Tyler Street and extending along the northern lot lines of Lots 11 and 12, Block 157/3226 and extending along the center line of the alley between Sunset Street and Jefferson Boulevard to the center line of the alley between Zang Boulevard and Beckley Avenue;
   THENCE northerly along the center line of the alley between Zang Boulevard and Beckley Avenue to the projected northern lot line of Lot 10, Block 49/3169;
   THENCE easterly along the northern lot line of Lot 10, Block 49/3169 to the center line of Beckley Avenue;
   THENCE southerly along the center line of Beckley Avenue to the projected northern lot line of Lot 12, Block 50/3170;
   THENCE westerly along the northern lot line of Lot 12, Block 50/3170 and continuing along the center line of the alley between Jefferson Boulevard and Center Street continuing and crossing Polk Street to the northeast corner of Lot 10, Block 188/3247 and continuing along the northern lot lines of Lots 9 and 10, Block 188/3247 to the center line of the alley between Willomet Street and Polk Street;
   THENCE northerly along the center line of the alley between Willomet Street and Polk Street crossing Jefferson Boulevard and continuing along the western lot line of Lot 9A, Block 189/3248 to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. (Ord. Nos. 21114; 22019)
SEC. 51A-7.1402.   PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this division is to regulate both the construction of new signs and the alterations of existing signs with a view towards enhancing, preserving, and developing the unique character of this district. These sign regulations have been developed with the following objectives in mind:
      (1)   To protect the historical and architectural character of this district from inappropriate signs in terms of number (clutter), style, color and materials.
      (2)   To ensure that significant architectural features in this district or of a building within this district are not obscured.
      (3)   To promote the economic success of each business within this district and, in turn, the collective success of this district.
      (4)   To ensure that the size and orientation of signs are geared toward the high number of pedestrians in this district.
      (5)   To enhance the aesthetics of this district.
      (6)   To promote safety, communications efficiency, and landscape quality and preservation as described in Section 51A-7.101. (Ord. Nos. 21114; 22019)