For the purposes of Section 8, Chapter XV, Dallas City Charter, as approved by the citizens of Dallas at an election held on January 17, 1981, the thoroughfare plan of the City consists of Ordinance No. 20860, THOROUGHFARE PLAN - CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS, as amended, and Ordinance No. 13262, CBD STREETS AND VEHICULAR CIRCULATION, as amended. These two ordinances, as amended, are hereby designated and will be referred to as the “thoroughfare plan.” (Ord. Nos. 19455; 21186)
(a) Initiation of thoroughfare plan amendments.
(1) Proposed changes in the thoroughfare plan may be initiated by the city staff, city plan commission, thoroughfare committee, or the city council by referring the proposed change to the city manager for study and recommendation.
(2) Proposed changes in the thoroughfare plan may also be initiated by any person who submits the following to the department of planning and urban design:
(A) An application, on a form provided for that purpose, with all required information completed.
(B) The required fee.
(3) For the purpose of this article “city manager” means the city manager or his designee.
(b) Commission report and recommendation required.
(1) The commission shall make a report and recommendation to the city council on all proposed amendments to the thoroughfare plan. The commission may appoint a thoroughfare committee to study proposed amendments to the thoroughfare plan.
(2) The city manager shall conduct those studies necessary for the commission to make its recommendation and report to city council.
(3) The commission shall hold a public hearing to allow proponents and opponents of an amendment to the thoroughfare plan to present their views.
(4) Before the commission holds the public hearing on an amendment to the thoroughfare plan the city manager shall give notice of the public hearing in the official newspaper of the city at least 10 days before the hearing.
(5) In addition to notice by publication, if the amendment to the thoroughfare plan is a change in a thoroughfare classification or route description, the city manager shall send written notice of a public hearing on the proposed change to all owners of real property in the area of change lying within 200 feet of the existing right-of-way line if the proposed change will narrow the right-of-way, or within 200 feet of the proposed right-of-way line if the proposed changes will widen the right-of-way. The measurement of the 200 feet includes streets and alleys. The notice must be given not less than 10 days before the date set for the hearing by depositing the notice properly addressed and postage paid in the United States mail to the property owners as evidence by the last approved city tax roll.
(6) The commission shall make its recommendation on a proposed amendment to the thoroughfare plan from staff reports of the city manager, field inspections and the evidence presented at the public hearing.
(7) The city manager shall forward to the city council the commission’s recommendation and report as well as the staff recommendation on amendments to the thoroughfare plan.
(c) City council action.
(1) Before the city council holds the public hearing on an amendment to the thoroughfare plan, the city manager shall give notice of the public hearing in the official newspaper of the city at least 15 days before the hearing.
(2) In addition to notice by publication, if the amendment to the thoroughfare plan is a change in a thoroughfare classification or route description, the city manager shall send written notice of a public hearing on the proposed change to all owners of real property in the area of change lying within 200 feet of the existing right-of-way line if the proposed change will narrow the right-of-way, or within 200 feet of the proposed right-of-way line if the proposed change will widen the right-of-way. The measurement of the 200 feet includes streets and alleys. The notice must be given not less than 10 days before the date set for the hearing by depositing the notice properly addressed and postage paid in the United States mail to the property owners as evidence by the last approved city tax roll.
(3) The written notice of a hearing before the city council may be combined with the written notice of a hearing before the commission if the date of the city council hearing is known at the time of sending commission hearing notices.
(4) An amendment to the thoroughfare plan requires the favorable vote of a majority of the members of the city council present. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 22026; 25047; 28424; 29478; 29882, eff. 10/1/15)