(a) In addition to the other protective signs permitted under Section 51A-7.918, Temporary Protective Signs may be erected anywhere on a construction site at anytime during construction. There is no limit on the number of these signs, but no sign may exceed 20 square feet in effective area or eight feet in height. Temporary protective signs may be illuminated, but no lighting source may project more than three inches from the vertical surface of, or six inches above the top of, the sign. All temporary protective signs must be removed upon completion of the construction.
(b) Temporary signs may be erected on construction fencing subject to Section 51A-7.925(b)(4).
(c) “For Sale,” “For Lease,” “Remodeling,” and “Under Construction” signs. Signs that relate exclusively to the sale, lease, construction, or remodeling of the premises on which they are located are permitted. There is no limit to the number of attached signs permitted. Detached signs are limited to one for each 100 feet of frontage on a public street or private access easement. If attached to a window, the maximum effective area of the sign is 16 square feet. If attached to other portions of a facade, the maximum effective area of the sign is 32 square feet. No detached sign may exceed 128 square feet in effective area or 16 feet in height. (Ord. 24974)
(a) District signs may only be a facade mounted banner sign, kiosk sign, newsstand sign, or a changeable message sign.
(b) A district sign may display:
(1) The name, trade name, or logo of the owner or occupant of the premise or the identification of the premises located in this district.
(2) Accommodations, services, or activities offered or conducted on any premise within this district;
(3) The advertisement of products by brand name or symbol for any products sold on a premise within this district if at least 10 percent of the sign is devoted to identification of the district;
(4) The sale, lease, or construction of any premise within the West Village Special Provision Sign District. (Ord. 24974)
(a) No more than two district identification signs are permitted in this district.
(b) A district identification sign may only display the name of the premise as a whole, i.e. “West Village,” and a logo identifying the district.
(c) No district identification sign may have a height greater than six feet, or an effective area greater than 150 square feet. (Ord. 24974)
A sign district is hereby created to be known as the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Sign District. The boundaries of the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Sign District are the same as Planned Development District No. 714, the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Special Purpose District, and generally described as the property located approximately one-eighth to one-fourth of a mile to the north and south of West Commerce Street and Fort Worth Avenue, from North Beckley Avenue to Westmoreland Road. (Ord. 25899)
This district is hereby divided into Subdistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The boundaries of Subdistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are the same as the boundaries of Subdistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Planned Development District No. 714, the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Special Purpose District. (Ord. 25899)
(a) The purpose of this division is to regulate both the construction of new signs and alterations of existing signs with a view towards enhancing, preserving, and developing the unique character of the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue corridor while addressing the diversity of businesses and promoting the economy of the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue corridor.
(b) The objectives of this division include those listed in Section 51A-7.101 as well as the objectives of ensuring that signs are appropriate to the architecture within the district; do not obscure significant architectural features; lend themselves to developing mixed office, retail, and residential projects; and preserve the pedestrian character of the area.
(c) These sign regulations have been developed to achieve the following objectives:
(1) To protect the historical and architectural character of this district from inappropriate signs in terms of number (clutter), style, color, and materials.
(2) To ensure that significant architectural features are not obscured.
(3) To encourage signs that are complementary to the architectural styles and historical nature of the buildings.
(4) To attract the public to the goods and services available by enhancing the aesthetic quality of signs.
(5) To encourage artistic, creative, and innovative signs that reflect the themes of the area.
(6) To promote safety, communications efficiency, and landscape quality. (Ord. 25899)