5-2-1: Offenses Relating To The Person
5-2-1-1: Fraud, Concealment And False Activities
5-2-1-2: Assault Or Battery; Fighting
5-2-1-3: Cruelty To Persons
5-2-1-4: Encouraging Delinquency
5-2-1-5: Escapes
5-2-1-6: Theft And Related Offenses
5-2-1-7: Video Gaming
5-2-1-8: Gaming House
5-2-1-9: Intoxication
5-2-1-10: Vagrancy
5-2-1-11: Offenses Relating To City Officials
5-2-2: Offenses Against Public Peace And Order
5-2-2-1: Disorderly Conduct
5-2-2-2: Disturbing The Peace
5-2-2-3: General Offense; Aid To An Offense
5-2-2-4: Assemblages, Crowds
5-2-3: Offenses Concerning Morals And Decency
5-2-3-1: Indecent Conduct
5-2-3-2: Profanity
5-2-3-3: Prostitution
5-2-3-4: Sale Or Distribution Of Indecent Literature, Contraceptives Or Videos
5-2-4: Offenses Involving Public And Private Property
5-2-4-1: Damage Or Injury To Property
5-2-4-2: Obstruction Of Any Sidewalk
5-2-4-3: Snow Removal On Sidewalks
5-2-4-4: Deposits Of Refuse On Public Ways
5-2-4-5: Fires; Burning Restrictions
5-2-4-6: Keeping Junk Restricted
5-2-4-7: Trespassing
5-2-4-8: Letting Premises For Unlawful Purpose
5-2-4-9: Barbed Wire, Electric Fences
5-2-4-10: Expectorating
5-2-4-11: Abandoned Refrigerators
5-2-4-12: Placement Of Objects Above Streets
5-2-4-13: Prohibited Activities In Streets
5-2-5: Miscellaneous Offenses
5-2-5-1: Advertising, Billposting Restrictions
5-2-5-2: Businesses; Prohibited Acts
5-2-5-3: Parking Of Campers; Ownership
5-2-5-4: Hitchhiking
5-2-5-5: Weapons Offenses
5-2-5-6: Loudspeakers Or Sound Trucks
5-2-5-7: Injury To Birds
5-2-5-8: Jaywalking
5-2-6: Drug Paraphernalia
5-2-6-1: Definition
5-2-6-2: Possession
5-2-6-3: Manufacture Or Delivery
5-2-6-4: Advertisement
5-2-6-5: Penalty
5-2-7: Drugs



1. 65 ILCS 5/11-1-1.