A.   Indecent Publications: It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or expose to minors any of the following:
      1.   Sell or offer for sale, or to circulate, pass from one person to another or expose in any public place any where in view of a store or place frequented by the public, any immoral, indecent or obscene publications, printed or written matter or pictures or other representations.
      2.   Keep any such publication, printed or written matter, picture or other representation in any place frequented by or where it may come into the possession of minors or to disclose or expose any such material to a minor. [65 ILCS 5/11-5-1, 720 ILCS 5/11-20, 720 ILCS 670]
   B.   Literature Concerning Venereal Diseases:
      1.   No person shall offer to sell, or give away, distribute or have in his/her possession, with intent to give away, sell or distribute, any book, pamphlet, circular, handbill, or advertisement of any kind purporting to treat diseases known as "venereal diseases", describing or explaining the genital organs, giving the nature and remedies of diseases peculiar to females, or the nature or causes of nervous debility, impotency, sterility or barrenness, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, syphilis, infection of the prostate gland or the remedies therefor, or the cause or remedies for abortion or miscarriage, or articles or means of preventing conception.
      2.   No person shall sell, give, distribute or have in his/her possession, with intent to give away, sell or distribute any book, pamphlet, circular, handbill, advertisement or notice of any kind, giving or purporting to give information from whom or where medicine or anything whatever may be obtained for the cure, prevention or treatment of uterine diseases, or diseases peculiar to females, venereal diseases, or diseases of the genital organs, or nervous debility, impotency, sterility or barrenness, gonorrhea, gleet, stricture, syphilis, infection of the prostate gland, abortion or miscarriage, or articles or means of preventing conception.
   C.   Sale of Contraceptives: It shall be unlawful for any person to:
      1.   Vend, sell, distribute or give away in any manner whatsoever any article, drug or medicinal preparation, manufactured, produced or intended for use, or which may be used as a contraceptive; provided, however, that the provisions hereof shall not apply to regularly licensed practitioners of medicine, or drug stores employing a registered pharmacist, or any licensed retail business within the City.
      2.   Vend, sell, give away or distribute any such articles, drugs or medicines for use as, or possible for use as, contraceptives, by means of machines or peddling or canvassing within the City. The proprietor of any premises wherein any such drugs, medicines, or articles are kept, contrary to the provisions of this subsection shall be presumed to be the vendor or distributor of the medicines, drugs or articles. (1997 Code)