A.   Burning Leaves, Refuse, Garbage: It shall be unlawful for any person to:
      1.   Burn leaves, tree branches, paper excelsior or other materials on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (Ord. 0-20-04, 12-27-2004)
      2.   Burn any garbage, or other organic refuse, outside of any building at any time in the city.
      3.   Burn paper, excelsior or other material which may be blown about by the wind anywhere in the city unless the same is burned in a stove, fireplace or furnace or in an incinerator with a screen sufficiently fine to prevent the escape of ignited particles.
      4.   Burn leaves, tree branches, paper, excelsior or other materials except between the hours of sunrise and sunset on the days burning is permitted.
      5.   Start a fire that will not be constantly attended until it is completely extinguished. Fire control and extinguishing equipment must be available to the person attending the fire.
      6.   Burn green grass and/or evergreen clippings.
   B.   Storage Of Combustible Refuse: It shall be unlawful to store or permit the storage of combustible refuse in such a way as to create a fire hazard or to store or throw away any refuse of any kind in an alley, street, or public way in the city. [65 ILCS 5/11-8-4, 5/11-8-5]
   C.   Lighting Bonfires: It shall be unlawful to build or light any bonfire close to any building or structure, or on any asphalt street or sidewalk pavement. [65 ILCS 5/11-80-2, 5/11-80-13] (1997 Code)