5-2-1-7: VIDEO GAMING:
   A.   Title: This section shall be known as the VIDEO GAMING ORDINANCE.
   B.   Definitions: For the purpose of this section, the definitions set forth in the Illinois Video Gaming Act at 230 Illinois Compiled Statutes 40/5 shall apply.
   C.   License Required: No person shall operate or maintain a video gaming terminal within the City of Colona without first obtaining a license therefor from the City Council as provided.
   D.   License Application: Before any video gaming license shall be issued, an application for such license shall be filed with the City Council after first having been sworn on oath, stating:
      1.   The name and address of the applicant;
      2.   That the applicant currently holds a liquor license of a Class C, D, or E, in the City of Colona, which liquor license is currently in good standing;
      3.   That the applicant complies with all requirements to operate and maintain a video gaming terminal as set forth in the Illinois Video Gaming Act.
   E.   License Term; Fee: The official licensing year shall begin on June 1 of each year and end on May 31 of the next succeeding calendar year. All licenses shall expire on May 31 of the licensing year. The license fee shall be two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for each video terminal maintained on site. No adjustment shall be made to the amount of the license fee for licenses obtained after the start of the licensing year. No refunds of any license fee shall be permitted. If gaming is not in operation within six (6) months after the issuance of the video gaming license, the license becomes null and void.
   F.   Number Of Terminals Allowed: No more than six (6) video gaming terminals shall be permitted at any licensed premises. No more than seven (7) video gaming premises shall be permitted within the City of Colona. The City Council shall have the authority to approve or disapprove any application for a gaming license. This number may be amended by the City Council as deemed necessary.
   G.   Penalties: Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be fined as provided in section 5-5-1 of this title, and in the discretion of the Mayor, the license may be suspended or revoked.
(Ord. 0-19-02, 3-25-2019; Ord. O-19-09, 9-23-2019; Ord. O-22-02, 4-11-2022)