(a) To provide for issuance of annual licenses by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses and to direct the Director of Public Health to develop rules for the operations not inconsistent with state statutes and regulations, application shall be accepted by the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses from restaurants, the approval of which will allow them to conduct commercial activity outdoors.
(b) Each license application shall have included with it a sketch of the premises showing what outdoor areas are proposed to be used for commercial activity.
(c) Before any food shop may expand its operation to an outdoor area, in addition to obtaining a food service operation or retail food establishment license, it must submit a new application for an outdoor restaurant license and new sketch of the premises to the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses and obtain approval as required by this section.
(d) Each application shall be accompanied by an outdoor license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(e) This section shall in no way supersede any applicable portions of City or state health regulations.
(f) On the approval of the application by the Director of Public Health, the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses shall issue the outdoor restaurant license. Denial of an outdoor restaurant license may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(g) After issuance of the outdoor restaurant license, each applicant must submit an application for a sidewalk permit under Chapter 513 of these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. No. 507-15. Passed 7-22-15, eff. 7-27-15)
No person, firm or corporation shall sell, keep for sale, store or serve any food or drink that is unclean, unwholesome, spoiled, unfit for human consumption, adulterated, misbranded, not labeled if required to be labeled or which does not conform to standard. All milk, milk products, frozen desserts, meat, meat by-products and meat food products, shellfish and ice shall be from approved, inspected sources.
(Ord. No. 2163-01. Passed 5-20-02, eff. 5-23-02)
All food handlers shall be clean in their habits and shall wear clean garments. When deemed necessary, food handlers shall wear caps, nets or other hair coverings when preparing or serving food. Food handlers shall not expectorate or use tobacco in any form in rooms where food is prepared or served.
(Ord. No. 2163-01. Passed 5-20-02, eff. 5-23-02)
(a) No person shall employ a coin-operated or other mechanical dispensing device for vending of food or drink unless the machine is constructed of suitable material and designed for easy, thorough cleaning and sanitizing and is maintained in clean, sanitary surroundings. Each machine shall be filled with wholesome ingredients, handled under sanitary conditions and transported in a clean, sanitary manner.
(b) Food in vending machines shall not be admixed with any trinket, prize or other similar novelty made of plastic, metal or other non-nutritive substances.
(c) Whenever requested by the official charged with the enforcement of this chapter, the owner or operator of such mechanical devices for dispensing food and drink, or his or her representatives, shall assist in making inspection of the interior of such machines at all reasonable hours.
(Ord. No. 2163-01. Passed 5-20-02, eff. 5-23-02)