241.01   Rules and Regulations
241.02   Enforcement and Inspection
241.03   Definitions
241.04   Quality and Labeling Standards
241.041   Safe Food Sanitation Standards
241.05   Food Shop Licenses and Fees
241.051   Food Vehicle Permit; Fee – Expired
241.06   License or Permit Disapproval; Revocation; Suspension; Appeals
241.061   Public Health Information Sign Requirements
241.07   Display of License, Permit, and Public Health Information Sign
241.08   Food Shop Sanitation
241.09   Food Handling Premises to be Free of Insects and Rodents
241.10   Animals Prohibited
241.11   Walls, Ceilings, Floors; Light and Ventilation
241.12   Water Supply
241.13   Sanitary Facilities
241.14   Equipment and Utensils
241.15   Wastes
241.16   Living and Sleeping Quarters
241.17   Offensive Substances and Odors
241.18   Reserved
241.19   Transportation
241.20   Display
241.21   Licensing Outdoor Restaurants: Procedure and Fee
241.22   Adulterated or Misbranded Food
241.23   Cleanliness of Food Handlers
241.231   Sale of Irradiated Foods – Repealed
241.232   Perishable food labeling – Repealed
241.24   Adulterated or Misbranded Drugs or Cosmetics
241.25   Vending Machines
241.26   Sources of Poultry and Game
241.27   Sale of Poultry by Weight
241.28   Inspections Required
241.29   Standards for Hamburg or Hamburger
241.30   Standards for Ground Beef, Ground Steak, Ground Chuck, Chopped Beef, Chopped Steak, etc.
241.31   Standards for Pork Sausage and Breakfast Sausage
241.32   Enforcement Requiring Extra Services; Costs
241.33   Perishable Food Labeling
241.34   Safe Food Sanitation Standards
241.35   Categories and Fees
241.36   Mobile Food Shops – Location Permits; Fee
241.37   Mobile Food Shops – Location Restrictions
241.38   Mobile Food Shops – Regulations
241.39   Standards for Pork Sausage and Breakfast Sausage – Repealed
241.40   Enforcement Requiring Extra Services; Costs – Repealed
241.42   Foods Containing Industrially-Produced Trans Fat Restricted
241.43   Beverages Offered with Children's Meals
241.99   Penalty
   Adulterated food, candy, CO 629.03
   Coloring, sale or display of rabbits, poultry, CO 603.10
   Defrauding restaurants, CO 625.25
   Meat packing standards, CO 651.01
   Vermin and rodent infestation, CO Ch. 211
Statutory reference:
   Adulterated, misbranded and unsafe food, RC 3715.59 et seq.
   Food processing places to be kept sanitary, RC 913.41 et seq.
   Marketing standards, RC Ch. 925
   Pure Food and Drug Law, RC Ch. 3715