§ 241.13 Sanitary Facilities
   (a)   Every food shop shall be provided with adequate toilet facilities. Such facilities shall be clean, in good repair and properly ventilated. All toilet room doors shall be tight fitting and self-closing and no toilet room shall open directly into any room where food is prepared or served. Conveniently located hand-washing facilities shall be provided for all toilet rooms, including wash bowl supplied with running hot and cold water, soap and sanitary towers or other approved drying facilities. Such hand-washing facilities shall not be used for the washing of food or food equipment. No employee shall resume work after using the toilet room without washing his or her hands. When deemed necessary, auxiliary hand-washing facilities shall be provided in the food preparation area.
   (b)   No clothing shall be kept in an objectionable manner in any food shop and when deemed necessary, suitable dressing rooms shall be provided for employees.
(Ord. No. 2163-01. Passed 5-20-02, eff. 5-23-02)