§ 139.01 Duties of Director of Port Control
   (a)   The Director of Port Control shall supervise and control the Department of Port Control as established by Charter Section 76-8, and the administration and control of the activities in and about the harbor and airplane landing fields of the City.
   (b)   The Director shall initiate, promote and supervise such means of publicity and promotional activities as will encourage the fullest use of the Municipally owned and operated port facilities of the City for both air and water-borne commerce, in order to place the operation of such facilities on a self- sustaining basis.
   (c)   The Director shall have authority to solicit proposals and to negotiate for the leasing of any piers or docks of the City with any and all interested parties and, after approval by Council, to enter into leases therefor with the parties deemed to be best able to advance the development of the Port of Cleveland thereby.
(Ord. No. 2817-82. Passed 5-6-83, eff. 5-10-83)