19.37.010   Purpose.
   The purpose of this chapter is to promote the general welfare by providing for the identification, designation, protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of historical resources including improvements, buildings, structures, objects, signs, features, sites, cultural landscapes, places, and areas within the city that reflect special elements of the city's historical, architectural, archaeological, cultural, or aesthetic heritage. It is also the purpose of this chapter:
   A.   To implement the policies and goals of the city’s General Plan related to cultural resources and historic preservation;
   B.   To identify, protect, and encourage the preservation of significant architectural, historic, prehistoric, and cultural structures and sites, resources, landmarks, and properties within the city;
   C.   To establish incentives for property owners to maintain, protect, and rehabilitate historic structures, sites, and other historic objects or features such as rock walls or hitching posts;
   D.   To encourage development that preserves and re-uses historic and cultural resources;
   E.   To safeguard city-owned historic and cultural resources through public projects;
   F.   To provide for consistency with state and federal preservation standards, criteria, and practices; and
   G.   To increase the economic benefits of historic preservation to the city, business owners, and residents.
(Ord. 2410 §18)