19.37.100   Certificate of appropriateness and certificate of demolition.
   A.   No building or demolition permits for a major alteration shall be issued for any property listed on the Historic Resources Inventory without a certificate of appropriateness or a certificate of demolition approved by the board.
   B.   Filing of Application. Applications for a certificate of appropriateness or certificate of demolition for work to be performed on property listed on the Historic Resources Inventory shall be filed with the department. Applications shall include all necessary materials and information required by the application form as necessary to illustrate the existing property conditions and the proposed exterior alterations. Where required by the board or the Director, applications shall also illustrate or document the architectural character of surrounding structures in the neighborhood.
   C.   Findings. The following findings are required prior to approval of a certificate of appropriateness or certificate of demolition:
      1.   The proposed alterations or relocations do not detrimentally alter, destroy, or adversely affect the resource and, where applicable, are compatible with the architectural style of the existing surrounding structures;
      2.   The proposed alterations or relocations retain the essential elements that make the structure, site, or feature significant;
      3.   Any new construction conforms with any applicable design guidelines and, if the property is within a landmark overlay zoning district, does not adversely affect the character of the district or designated landmarks or historic sites within the historic overlay zoning district;
      4.   Any new construction is compatible with existing surroundings including the appropriateness of materials, scale, size, height, and placement;
      5.   Any demolition or removal is necessary because the structure or site is hazardous and repairs or stabilization are not physically or economically feasible; and
      6.   The site is required for a public use that will be a greater public benefit than the resource and there is no feasible alternative location for the public use.
   D.   Certificates of appropriateness and certificates of demolition for projects which also require the issuance of a discretionary permit by the Commission or Council shall be reviewed by the board for a recommendation to the Commission or Council whether to approve or deny the certificate of appropriateness or certificate of demolition.
(Ord. 2410 §18)