A foothill development permit shall be required in conjunction with any land division or prior to initial development on any parcel within the Foothill Development (- FD) overlay zoning district. In the Director's discretion, a foothill development permit may be required for the following projects within the -FD overlay zoning district:
A. Construction, reconstruction, expansion of existing structures, or development projects which are outside the scope of a previous review, or
B. Any project with design features that may conflict with the stated purpose of the -FD overlay zoning district as set forth in section 19.52.100 of these regulations..
(Ord. 2440 §16; Ord. 2550 §1)
An application for a foothill development permit shall be filed with the Department on a form prescribed by the Director and shall include all information necessary to allow the Director to determine if the proposed project will comply with the foothill development standards set forth in Section 19.52.100 of these regulations.
(Ord. 2440 §16)