19.37.120   Exemptions.
   A.   Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior feature of a designated landmark or of a building, structure or object located on property located within a landmark overlay zoning district if the maintenance and repair does not involve a change in the exterior character-defining features of the historic resource, including the following activities which shall not require a certificate of appropriateness or certificate of demolition:
      1.   Repainting of surfaces that were originally painted and the color scheme is not a significant character-defining feature of the historic resource;
      2.   Routine cleaning and maintenance;
      3.   Window replacement, door replacement, and re-roofing with design elements that are consistent with the architectural style and era of the listed resource;
      4.   Landscape removal, replacement and enhancement, except as required by Chapters 16.66, 19.68 or 19.70;
      5.   New construction of accessory buildings or additional development as permitted by the primary zoning district, applicable development standards, or as part of an historic preservation incentive;
      6.   Dry rot repair of any exterior features with replacement materials that are compatible with the architectural style and era of the listed resource;
      7.   The addition, repair, or modification of exterior utility equipment including heating, venting and air conditioning units, evaporative coolers, electrical or gas meters, and hot water heater cabinets;
      8.   Swimming pools or driveways that do not substantially alter or diminish the resource's character-defining features or integrity;
      9.   Solar power equipment that does not substantially alter or diminish the resource's character-defining features or integrity, or which is located out of general public view; and
      10.   Minor alterations as defined by this chapter.
   B.   Unsafe or Dangerous Conditions. Any construction, reconstruction, alteration or removal of any feature determined by the Building Official to be necessary to protect public health or safety because of unsafe or dangerous conditions is exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
   C.   Secretary of the Interior's Standards - Exemption. Alterations or maintenance activities that are consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 2410 §18, Ord. 2440 §21)