Article I. Short Title and Purpose
4-280-010 Short title.
4-280-020 Purposes.
Article II. Definitions
4-280-030 Definitions.
Article III. Grant of Authority
4-280-040 Franchise – Required.
4-280-050 Franchise – Initial applications.
Article IV. Franchise Conditions
4-280-060 Term and nonexclusivity.
4-280-070 Notice to grantee.
4-280-080 Review and modification.
4-280-090 Performance evaluation sessions.
4-280-100 Renewal.
4-280-110 Revocation conditions and procedures.
4-280-120 Arbitrary and capricious action – Remedies.
4-280-130 Franchise fee and other compensation.
4-280-140 Insurance – Bonds – Indemnity.
4-280-150 Letter of credit.
4-280-160 Remedies cumulative
4-280-170 Transfer of franchise.
Article V. Subscriber and User Fees and Records
4-280-180 Subscriber and user fees.
4-280-190 Books and records.
Article VI. System Operations
4-280-200 Franchise areas.
4-280-210 Primary service area.
4-280-220 Extension of service.
4-280-230 System description and service.
4-280-240 Operational requirements and records.
4-280-250 Tests and performance monitoring.
4-280-260 Service disruption.
4-280-270 Poles, conduits and other transmission facilities.
4-280-280 Construction schedule and reports.
4-280-290 Protection of privacy.
4-280-300 Areawide interconnection of cable systems.
Article VII. Chicago Access Corporation
4-280-310 Purpose.
4-280-320 Control of channels.
4-280-330 Funding.
4-280-340 Incorporation.
4-280-350 Directors.
4-280-360 Powers.
4-280-370 Restrictions.
Article VIII. Cable Administrator
4-280-380 Cable administrator.
Article IX. General Provisions
4-280-390 Limits on grantee's recourse.
4-280-400 Compliance with state and federal law.
4-280-410 Special license.
4-280-420 Franchise validity.
4-280-430 Failure to enforce.
4-280-440 Rights reserved to grantor.
4-280-450 Equal opportunity employment.
4-280-460 Timely performance by grantee.
4-280-470 Acceptance by written instrument.
4-280-480 Multiple-unit dwellings – Resale of services prohibited.
4-280-490 Violation – Penalty.
4-280-500 Promulgation of rules by grantee.
4-280-510 Delegation of powers.
4-280-520 Reserved.
Article X. Penalties and Credits Imposed for Material Breach of Customer Service and Privacy Protection Standards of the Cable and Video Customer Protection Law
4-280-530 Applicability.
4-280-540 Definitions.
4-280-550 Schedule of penalties.
4-280-560 Schedule of credits.
4-280-570 Reserved.
Article XI. Collection of Fees from Holders of State-Issued Authorizations to Provide Cable Services and Video Services
4-280-580 Definitions.
4-280-590 Payment of service provider fee.
4-280-600 Payment of fee to support public, education and government access.
4-280-610 Payment of applicable permit fees.
4-280-620 Application of Uniform Revenue Procedures Ordinance.
4-280-630 Reserved.
4-280-640 Reserved.
4-280-650 Reserved.
4-280-660 Reserved.
4-280-670 Reserved.
4-280-680 Reserved.
4-280-690 Reserved.
4-280-700 Reserved.
4-280-710 Reserved.
4-280-720 Reserved.
4-280-730 Reserved.
4-280-740 Reserved.
4-280-750 Reserved.
4-280-760 Reserved.
4-280-770 Reserved.
4-280-780 Reserved.
4-280-790 Reserved.
4-280-800 Reserved.
4-280-810 Reserved.
4-280-820 Reserved.
Appendix A to Chapter 4-280
The purpose of this chapter is to:
A. Provide for the franchising and regulation of cable systems within the City of Chicago; and
B. Provide for the payment of fees and other valuable consideration to the city for the use of city ways in the construction and operation of cable systems, and to compensate the city for other costs and activities associated therewith; and
C. Encourage the provision of advanced and competitive cable services on the widest possible basis to the businesses, institutions, and residents of the city; and
D. Provide for the development of cable systems as a means to improve communication between and among the citizens and public institutions of the city and as a vehicle for the participation of all segments of the city, including minorities and women, the economic opportunities created thereby, including ownership; and
E. Provide remedies and prescribe penalties for violation of this chapter and the franchise(s) granted hereunder.
(Prior code § 113.1-2; Amend Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 4-24-12, p. 23998, § 1)
ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS (4-280-030 et seq.)