Editor's note โ Coun. J. 4-24-12, p. 23998, ยง 1, renumbered ยง 4-280-800, which pertained to payment of permit fee, as ยง 4-280-610.
Editor's note โ Coun. J. 4-24-12, p. 23998, ยง 1, renumbered ยง 4-280-810, which pertained to the uniform revenue procedures ordinance, as ยง 4-280-620.
Beginning at the intersection of Lake Michigan and the North City Limits; thence west and south along the City Limits to the intersection of Kedzie Ave. and Devon Ave. (City Limits); thence west on Devon Ave. (City Limits) to the North Shore Channel; thence south on the North Shore Channel to Bryn Mawr Ave.; thence east on Bryn Mawr Ave. to Western Ave.; thence north on Western Ave. to Peterson Ave.; thence east on Peterson Ave. to Ravenswood Ave.; thence south on Ravenswood Ave. to Wellington Ave.; thence west on Wellington Ave. to the C. & N.W. RY.; thence south on the C. & N.W. RY. to Diversey Ave.; thence west on Diversey Ave. to the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence south on the North Branch of the Chicago River and the South Branch of the Chicago River to 18th St.; thence east on 16th St. to Clark St.; thence south on Clark St. to Cermak Rd.; thence east on Cermak Rd. to Federal St.; thence south on Federal St. and Federal St. extended across the Adlai E. Stevenson Expressway and continuing south on Federal St. to 26th St.; thence west on 26th St. to the C.R.I. & P. R.R.; thence south on the C.R.I. & P. R.R. to 35th St.; thence east on 35th St. to Federal St.; thence south on Federal St. to Pershing Rd.; thence west on Pershing Rd. to the C.R.I. & P. R.R.; thence south on the C.R.I. & P. R.R. to 51st St.; thence east on 51st St. to Cottage Grove Ave.; thence south on Cottage Grove Ave. to 43rd St.; thence east on 43rd St. and 43rd St. as extended to Lake Michigan; thence north along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of Ravenswood Ave. and Peterson Ave.; thence west on Peterson Ave. to Western Ave.; thence south on Western Ave. to Bryn Mawr Ave.; thence west on Bryn Mawr Ave. to the North Shore Channel; thence north on the North Shore Channel to Devon Ave. (City Limits); thence northwesterly along the Northern City Limits to the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence southwesterly on the North Branch of the Chicago River to Devon Ave.; thence west on Devon Ave. to Melvina Ave.; thence south on Melvina Ave. to Indian Rd.; thence southeasterly on Indian Rd. to Austin Ave.; thence south on Austin Ave. to Bryn Mawr Ave.; thence west on Bryn Mawr Ave. to Nagle Ave.; thence south on Nagle Ave. to Gunnison St.; thence east on Gunnison St. to Central Ave.; thence south on Central Ave. to Lawrence Ave.; thence east on Lawrence Ave. to Cicero Ave.; thence south on Cicero Ave. to the C. & N.W. RY.; thence southeasterly on the C. & N.W. RY. to Montrose Ave; thence west on Montrose Ave. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence southeasterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to its intersection with the C. & N.W. RY.; thence south on the C. & N.W. RY. to Roscoe St.; thence west on Roscoe St. to Knox Ave.; thence south on Knox Ave. to School St.; thence east on School St. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence south on the C. & N.W. R.R. to Belmont Ave.; thence east on Belmont Ave. to Kildare Ave.; thence south on Kildare Ave. to Barry Ave.; thence east on Barry Ave. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence southeasterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Fullerton Ave.; thence east on Fullerton Ave. to Pulaski Rd.; thence south on Pulaski Rd. to Beldon Ave.; thence west on Beldon Ave. to Pulaski Rd.; thence south on Pulaski Rd. to Dickens Ave.; thence east on Dickens Ave. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence southeasterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Armitage Ave.; thence west on Armitage Ave. to Springfield Ave.; thence south on Springfield Ave. to Cortland St.; thence east on Cortland St. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence southeasterly and east on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Humboldt Blvd.; thence south on Humboldt Blvd. to North Ave.; Thence west on North Ave. to Kedzie Ave.; thence south on Kedzie Ave. to Augusta Blvd; thence east on Augusta Blvd. to Sacramento Blvd.; thence south on Sacramento Blvd. to Chicago Ave.; thence east on Chicago Ave. to California Ave.; thence south on California Ave. to Grand Ave; thence southeast on Grand Ave. to Rockwell St.; thence south on Rockwell St. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. thence east on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to the C. & N.W. R.R. thence southwest on the C. & N.W. R.R. to Lake St.; thence west on Lake St. to Talman Ave.; thence south on Talman Ave. to Madison St.; thence east on Madison St. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence south on the C. & N.W. R.R. to the C.B. & Q. R.R.; thence southwest on the C.B. & Q. R.R. to California Ave.; thence north on California Ave. to 19th St.; thence west on 19th St. to Albany Ave.; thence south on Albany Ave. to 21st St.; thence west on 21st St. to Trumbull Ave.; thence south on Trumbull Ave. to Cermak Rd.; thence west on Cermak Rd. to Springfield Ave.; thence south on Springfield Ave. to the C.B. & Q. R.R.; then southwest on the C.B. & Q. R.R. to the Belt Railway (City Limits); thence south on the Belt Railway (City Limits) to 39th St. as extended (City Limits); thence west on 39th St. as extended (City Limits) to LaCrosse Ave. as extended (City Limits); thence south on LaCrosse Ave. as extended (City Limits) to the Adlai E. Stevenson Expwy.; thence northeast on the Adlai E. Stevenson Expwy. to the South Branch of the Chicago River; thence north on the South Branch of the Chicago River and north on the North Branch of the Chicago River to Diversey Ave.; thence east on Diversey Ave. to the C. & N.W. RY.; thence north on the C. & N.W. RY. to Wellington Ave.; thence east on Wellington Ave. to Ravenswood Ave.; thence north on Ravenswood Ave. to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the Northern City Limits and the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence follow the City Limits westerly as said City Limits circumscribe O'Hare International Airport and then generally follow the Des Plaines River southerly to its intersection with Belmont Ave. (City Limits); thence east on Belmont Ave. (City Limits) to Oriole Ave. (City Limits); thence south on Oriole Ave. (City Limits) to Wellington Ave. (City Limits); thence east on Wellington Ave. (City Limits) to Harlem Ave. (City Limits); thence south on Harlem Ave. (City Limits) to North Ave. (City Limits); thence east on North Ave. (City Limits) to Austin Blvd. (City Limits); thence south on Austin Blvd. (City Limits) to Roosevelt Rd. (City Limits); thence east on Roosevelt Rd. (City Limits) to the Belt Ry. (City Limits); thence south on the Belt Ry. (City Limits) to the C.B. & Q. R.R.; thence northeast on the C.B. & Q. R.R. to Springfield Ave.; thence north on Springfield Ave. to Cermak Rd.; thence east on Cermak Rd. to Trumbull Ave.; thence north on Trumbull Ave. to 21st St.; thence east on 21st St. to Albany Ave.; thence north on Albany Ave. to 19th St.; thence east on 19th St. to California Ave.; thence south on California Ave. to the C.B. & Q. R.R.; thence northeast on the C.B. & Q. R.R. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence north on the C. & N.W. R.R. to Madison St.; thence west on Madison St. to Talman Ave.; thence north on Talman Ave. to Lake St.; thence east on Lake St. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence northeast on the C. & N.W. R.R. to the C.M. St.P. & P. RY.; thence west on the C.M. St.P. & P. RY. to Rockwell St.; thence north on Rockwell St. to Grand Ave; thence northwest on Grand Ave. to California Ave.; thence north on California Ave. to Chicago Ave.; thence west on Chicago Ave. to Sacramento Blvd.; thence north on Sacramento Blvd. to Augusta Blvd.; thence west on Augusta Blvd. to Kedzie Ave.; thence north on Kedzie Ave. to North Ave.; thence east on North Ave. to Humboldt Blvd.; thence north on Humboldt Blvd. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence west and northwesterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Cortland St.; thence west on Cortland St. to Springfield Ave.; thence north on Springfield Ave. to Armitage Ave.; thence east on Armitage Ave. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence northwesterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Dickens Ave.; Thence west on Dickens Ave. to Pulaski Rd.; thence north on Pulaski Rd. to Beldon Ave.; thence east on Belden Ave. to Pulaski Rd.; thence north on Pulaski Rd. to Fullerton Ave.; thence west on Fullerton Ave. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence northwesterly on C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Barry Ave.; thence west on Barry Ave. to Kildare Ave.; thence north on Kildare Ave. to Belmont Ave.; thence west on Belmont Ave. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence north on the C. & N.W. R.R. to School St.; thence west on School St. to Knox Ave.; thence north on Knox Ave. to Roscoe St.; thence east on Roscoe St. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence north on the C. & N.W. R.R. to the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R.; thence northwesterly on the C.M. St.P. & P. R.R. to Montrose Ave.; thence east on Montrose Ave. to the C. & N.W. R.R.; thence northwest on the C. & N.W. R.R. to Cicero Ave.; thence north on Cicero Ave. to Lawrence Ave.; thence west on Lawrence Ave. to Central Ave.; thence north on Central Ave. to Gunnison St.; thence west on Gunnison St. to Nagle Ave.; Thence north on Nagle Ave. to Bryn Mawr Ave.; thence east on Bryn Mawr Ave. to Austin Ave.; thence north on Austin Ave. to Indian Rd.; thence northwest on Indian Rd. to Melvina Ave.; thence north on Melvina Ave. to Devon Ave.; thence east on Devon Ave. to the North Branch of the Chicago River; thence north and west on the North Branch of The Chicago River to the place of beginning; except the Village of Harwood Heights, the Village of Norridge; and that unincorporated portion north and south of Bryn Mawr Ave. generally bounded by Pueblo Ave. on The west and Canfield Ave. on the east.
Beginning at the intersection of Lake Michigan and 43rd St. as extended; thence west on 43rd St. as extended and 43rd St. to Cottage Grove Ave.; thence south on Cottage Grove Ave. to 51st St.; thence west on 51st St. to the C.R.I. & P. R.R.; thence north on the C.R.I. & P. R.R. to Pershing Rd.; thence east on Pershing Rd. to Federal St.; thence north on Federal St. to 35th St.; thence west on 35th St. to the C.R.I. & P. R.R.; thence north on the C.R.I. & P. R.R. to 26th St.; thence east on 26th St. to Federal St.; thence north on Federal St. to Cermak Rd.; thence west on Cermak Rd. to Clark St.; thence north on Clark St. to 18th St.; thence west on 18th St. to the South Branch of the Chicago River; thence south on the South Branch of the Chicago River and the South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River to its intersection with the Adlai E. Stevenson Expwy.; thence southwest on the Adlai E. Stevenson Expwy. to the west City Limit (LaCrosse Ave. as extended); thence south on the west City Limit (LaCrosse Ave. as extended) to the I.C.G. R.R. (City Limits); thence southwest on the I.C.G. R.R. (City Limits) to Laramie Ave. (City Limits); thence south on Laramie Avenue (City Limits) to 51st St. (City Limits); thence west on 51st St. (City Limits) to its intersection with the I.C.G. R.R. (City Limits); thence southwest on the I.C.G. R.R. (City Limits) to Harlem Ave. (City Limits); thence south on Harlem Ave. (City Limits) to 65th St. (City Limits); thence east on 65th St. (City Limits) to Cicero Ave. (City Limits); thence south on Cicero Ave. (City Limits) to Marquette Rd.; thence east on Marquette Rd. to the Belt Ry.; thence north on the Belt Ry. to 59th St.; thence east on 59th St. to the P.C.D. & St.L. R.R.; thence south on the P.C.C. & St.L. R.R. to the Belt Ry.; thence east on the Belt Ry. to Halsted St.; thence south on Halsted St. to 76th St.; thence east on 76th St. to Wallace St.; thence south on Wallace St. to 79th St.; thence east on 79th St. to Woodlawn Ave.; thence north on Woodlawn Ave. and Woodlawn Ave. as extended to 77th St.; thence west on 77th St. to the I.C.G. R.R.; thence northeast on the I.C.G. R.R. to 76th St.; thence east on 76th St. to South Chicago Ave.; thence southeast on South Chicago Ave. to 79th St.; thence east on 79th St. to Cheltenham Pl.; thence northeast on Cheltenham Pl. to Unnamed St.; thence southeast and northeast on Unnamed St. and Unnamed St. as extended northeasterly to its intersection with Lake Michigan (approximately 76th St. as extended); thence north along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of Lake Michigan and Unnamed St. as extended northeasterly (approximately 76th St. as extended); thence southwesterly and northwesterly along Unnamed St. to Cheltenham Pl.; thence southwesterly on Cheltenham Pl. to 79th St.; thence west on 79th St. to South Chicago Ave.; thence northwest on South Chicago Ave. to 76th St.; thence west on 76th St. to the I.C.G. R.R.; thence southwest on the I.C.G. R.R. to 77th St.; thence east on 77th St. to Woodlawn Ave. as extended; thence south on Woodlawn Ave. as extended and Woodlawn Ave. to 79th St.; thence west on 79th St. to Wallace St.; thence north on Wallace St. to 76th St.; thence west on 76th St. to Halsted St.; thence north on Halsted St. to the Belt Railway; thence west on the Belt Railway to the P.C.C. & St.L. R.R.; thence north on the P.C.C. & St.L. R.R. to 59th St.; thence west on 59th St. to the Belt Railway; thence south on the Belt Railway to Marquette Rd.; thence west on Marquette Rd. to Cicero Ave. (City Limits); thence follow south along the Western City Limits to 138th St. (City Limits); thence east on 138th St. (City Limits) to the Illinois-Indiana State Line (City Limits); thence north on the Illinois-Indiana State Line (City Limits) to Lake Michigan; thence northerly along Lake Michigan to the place of beginning; except a tract bounded by 107th St.; 111th St.; the G.T.W. R.R. and California Ave. (Mt. Greenwood Cemetery) not in the City of Chicago.
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Editor's note โ Coun. J. 9-5-07, p. 6001, ยง 4, repealed Appendix B of Chapter 4-280, which pertained to customer credits.