152.01 Short title
152.02 Purpose
152.03 Jurisdiction
152.04 Authority
152.05 Definitions
152.06 General procedures for filing plat applications
Required Plans and Sureties
152.15 Approval of Primary (f/k/a Preliminary) Plats
152.16 Primary (f/k/a Preliminary) Plat details (major plats)
152.17 Primary (f/k/a Preliminary) Plat details (minor plats)
152.18 Conditions of approval
152.19 Secondary (f/k/a Final) Plat details
152.20 Construction plans
152.21 Recording of Secondary (a/k/a Final) Plat
152.22 Time limits
152.23 Construction surety
152.24 Property transfers
152.25 Maintenance surety
Zoning and Utility Standards
152.35 Zoning standards
152.36 Public or private utility standards
152.37 Suggested locations for utility structures
152.38 Private well and private septic systems
Street Standards
152.50 General
152.51 Street standards
152.52 Sidewalk standards
152.53 Traffic control signs
152.54 Alleys
Miscellaneous Regulations
152.65 Street and subdivision names
152.66 Street lighting
152.67 Lot access
152.68 Permanent markers and monuments
152.69 As-built drawings
152.70 Standard statements for all plats
152.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Tables
Table 1: Street (Public or Private) Standards
Table 2: Depth and Materials
Table 3: Interior Local Street (Public or Private) Standards
Appendix B: Figures
Figure 1: Permissible Turnaround Designs
Figure 2: Typical Street Sections