(A)   All applications for primary plat approval of minor plats shall be accompanied by a subdivision plat at a scale no smaller than 1 inch to 100 feet (unless specifically approved by staff prior to filing).
   (B)   The application will contain the following information:
      (1)   Area map insert showing the general location of the proposed subdivision in town/buffer zone referenced to major streets and section lines;
      (2)   The names of all metes and bounds property owners, boundary lines of recorded subdivisions, zoning and land uses of adjacent properties;
      (3)   Proposed name of the subdivision;
      (4)   Legal description of the real estate to be subdivided;
      (5)   Scale, date and north arrow;
      (6)   Accurate boundary lines of the proposed subdivision showing bearings, angles and references to section corners, township and range lines;
      (7)   Location, width, dimension from the centerline and names of all existing and proposed public or private roads, streets, access easements and rights-of-way located on and adjacent to the site;
      (8)   Location of all existing and proposed utility facilities and easements, including but not limited to sanitary sewer, water, stormwater management, electric, gas, telephone and cable;
      (9)   Layout, number and dimension of all lots and outparcels with zoning setback lines and/or building setback lines;
      (10)   Location, delineation and elevation of all floodway and floodway fringe areas within the boundaries of the subdivision;
      (11)   Proposed finished floor elevation of all building pads adjacent to or within the floodplain;
      (12)   Drainage plan for all watersheds in and around the proposed subdivision, indicating the general drainage pattern of streets and lots, the location of all drainage channels and subsurface drainage structures, the proposed method of disposing of all stormwater runoff from the proposed subdivision, including data to show that the proposed outlet(s) are adequate to accommodate the drainage requirements of the subdivision, and all existing and proposed detention facilities;
      (13)   An erosion control plan for all areas of site disturbance;
      (14)   Topographic contour every 2 feet superimposed upon the proposed subdivision plat; provided, that alternative topographic contours may be approved on a case-by-case basis by staff;
      (15)   All improvements to access road system on-site and off-site;
      (16)   Sidewalk plan or alternate plan for pedestrian ways, when applicable;
      (17)   Plans and specifications for all infrastructure improvements required or proposed in the subdivision;
      (18)   Areas reserved for park, conservation, wetland, common area, lake or other similar uses;
      (19)   Any proposed covenants;
      (20)   Any proposed commitments, conditions and restrictions for the subdivision, including the following for any real estate, if applicable:
         (a)   Owner acknowledges that the real estate subject to this plat is in or adjacent to an area zoned for agricultural land uses, including but not limited to the production of animal or plant life, including forestry, pasturing or yarding livestock, and planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting crops for human or livestock consumption; and
         (b)   The owner of any real estate subject to this plat hereby agrees: to waive any and all objection to any such agricultural land use on any real estate zoned for these uses within 2 miles of any boundary of the real estate subject to this plat; and that the agricultural land uses, including but not limited to associated odors, dust, pollen, noise, lights, hours of operation, weed control applications, pest control applications, and similar procedures related to the normal operation of the agricultural land uses, do not constitute a nuisance, public or private; provided that there is no significant change in the hours of operation or the type of agricultural land uses and the agricultural land uses would not have been a nuisance at the time the agricultural land uses began operation. This agreement does not limit the owner’s rights under other applicable laws in the event of negligence in the operation of the agricultural land uses.
      (21)   School district and fire district providing service;
      (22)   Name of record owner, developer and professional preparing plat;
      (23)   Septic feasibility analysis, if applicable; and
      (24)   Any other information requested in writing by staff or other members of the Technical Review Committee deemed important to the development of the subdivision.
(Ord. 1999-2 § 2.1.2, passed 2-9-1999)