(A) Each plat shall be so designed that each lot shall have frontage onto a public or private street within the development, not onto existing arterial thoroughfare.
(B) No lot shall be platted as part of a major plat which has as its only frontage and access on an arterial street or collector street.
(C) Minor plats which do not include the creation of any new public or private street or access easements and which have frontage only along an arterial street or a collector street shall be allowed access to the arterial street or collector street, provided that provision is made for an on-site turnaround and shared or common access. All lots in minor plats which include the creation of new public or private streets or access easements shall gain access from the new public or private streets or access easements.
(Ord. 1999-2 § 5.3, passed 2-9-1999)