General Provisions
   154.001   Short title
   154.002   Purpose and authority
   154.003   Statement of community development objectives
   154.004   Definitions
   154.005   General provisions
   154.006   Nonconforming buildings and uses
Zoning Districts
   154.020   Designation of districts
   154.021   S Slope District
   154.022   R-1 Residential District - Single-Family
   154.023   R-2 Residential District - Single-Family
   154.024   R-2T Residential District; Single-Family and Single-Family Townhouse
   154.025   R-3 Residential District - Multi-Family
   154.026   R-4 Residential and Business/Professional Offices District
   154.027   RLC Residential and Light Commercial District
   154.028   C-1 Commercial District - Central
   154.029   C-2 Commercial District - Highway
   154.030   CMR Commercial/Manufacturing/Residential District
   154.031   FP Flood-Prone District
Vehicle Access and Regulations
   154.045   Off-street parking
   154.046   Signs
   154.047   Motor vehicle access
   154.060   Enactment of zoning ordinance amendments
   154.061   Procedure for landowner curative amendments
   154.062   Procedure for borough curative amendments
   154.063   Zoning Hearing Board
   154.064   Hearings
   154.065   Jurisdiction
   154.066   Appointment and powers of zoning officer
   154.067   Zoning permits
   154.068   Variances
   154.069   Special exceptions
   154.070   Conditional uses
   154.071   Parties appellant before the Board
   154.072   Time limitations
   154.073   Stay of proceedings
   154.074   Fees
   154.075   Enforcement notice
   154.076   Causes of action
   154.077   Enforcement remedies
   154.078   Interpretation, purpose, and conflict
Historic District
   154.090   Short title
   154.091   District map
   154.092   Purpose
   154.093   Scope
   154.094   Definitions
   154.095   Uncertainty in boundaries
   154.096   Permit requirement
   154.097   Certificate of appropriateness required
   154.098   Board of Historical Architectural review
   154.099   Duties of the Zoning Permit Officer
   154.100   Responsibilities of the Borough Council
   154.101   Conflict with other laws
   154.102   Interpretation
   154.103   Notice of violation
   154.104   Appeals
   154.105   Relief from personal responsibilities
   154.106   Amendments
   154.107   Zoning map
   154.999   Penalty
   Building and sign regulations, see Ch. 150
   Subdivision and land development, see Ch. 153