Building Code
150.01 Codes adopted
150.02 Administration and enforcement
150.03 Board of Appeals
150.04 Prior codes still active
150.05 Fees for administration
Dangerous Structures and Buildings
150.20 Definitions
150.21 Dangerous buildings declared nuisances
150.22 Standards for repair, vacation, or demolition
150.23 Duties of the authorized representative of the borough
150.24 Hearings
150.25 Removal of notice prohibited
150.26 Emergency cases
150.27 Abatement by borough
Signs and Billboards
150.40 Definitions
150.41 Application
150.42 Computations
150.43 Illumination
150.44 Permits required
150.45 Design, construction, and maintenance
150.46 Signs in the public right-of-way
150.47 Signs exempt from regulation
150.48 Signs prohibited
150.49 General permit procedures for a permanent sign
150.50 Temporary sign permits
150.51 Portable sign permits
150.52 Time of compliance; nonconforming signs
150.53 Unsafe signs; notice to repair, reconstruct, or remove
150.54 Borough authorized to do work
150.55 Inspection of signs
150.56 Insurance
150.57 Violations
150.58 Permitted signs by type and zoning district
150.59 Maximum total sign area per lot by zoning district
150.60 Number, dimensions, and location of individual signs by zoning district
150.61 Permitted sign characteristics by zoning district
150.99 Penalty