General Provisions
32.001 Statement of purpose
32.002 Limitations
32.003 Coverage
32.004 Equal opportunity
32.005 Official and employee copies
32.006 Adoption and amendment
32.007 Forms
32.008 Clarification of procedures
32.020 Purpose
32.021 Classification
Position Management
32.035 Recruitment
32.036 Selection
32.037 Appointment
32.038 Probation
32.039 Transfers
32.040 Voluntary separation from service
32.041 Involuntary separation from service
32.042 Separation procedure
Incompatible Activities
32.055 Purpose
32.056 Gifts, gratuities, or loans
32.057 Political activities
32.058 Outside employment
32.059 Conflict of interest
32.060 Employment of relatives
32.075 Coverage
32.076 Types of actions requiring discipline
32.077 First offense suspension, dismissal, or demotion
32.078 Progressive discipline
32.079 Purpose
32.080 Procedure of appeal
32.081 Sheriff’s Department and Register of Deed’s Office
32.082 Social Services, Health, and Emergency Management employees
32.095 Holidays
32.096 Personal leave
32.097 Sick leave
32.098 Military leave
32.099 Civic leave
32.100 Leave of absence without pay
32.101 Worker’s compensation leave
32.102 Insurance
32.103 Retirement
32.104 Travel and expense allowances
Compensation Plan
32.115 Purpose
32.116 Administration
32.117 Compensation
32.118 Overtime
32.119 Deductions
32.120 Pay plan
32.121 Amounts due employer when on leave of absence without pay
32.122 Pay at separation
Appendix A: Certificate of Receipt