§ 32.003  COVERAGE.
   (A)   These policies apply to all employees of the county unless exceptions are noted.
   (B)   The Sheriff and Register of Deeds have the exclusive right to hire, discharge, and supervise the employees in their respective offices pursuant to state statutes.
   (C)   County Agricultural Extension Service employees are subject to the personnel rules and regulations of the State Agricultural Extension Service, except that these employees shall observe the office hours, workdays, and holidays in §§ 32.095 through 32.104.
   (D)   Health, Social Services, and Emergency Management employees are subject to the county personnel policy with respect to vacation leave, sick leave, hours of work, holidays, pay plan administration, travel procedures, and overtime. In other areas, these employees are subject to the North Carolina Human Resources Act, being G.S. §§ 126-1 et seq.
   (E)   This chapter does not apply to consultants, elected officials, volunteers, and contract employees.
   (F)   This chapter does not apply to employees of Beaufort County Schools or Washington City School Systems.
   (G)   If any provision of this chapter, or rules created to enforce the policies are held invalid, all remaining policies and rules will remain in effect.
(Ord. passed 10-2-1990)