General Provisions
   51.01   Specifications for electric service
   51.02   Underground primary conductors
   51.03   Power transformers
   51.04   Secondary service conductors
   51.05   Underground conductors
   51.06   Metering, instrument transformers and cabinets
   51.07   Temporary electric service
   51.08   Schedule of rates for electric utility service
Rates, Rules and Regulations
   51.20   Preface
   51.21   Definitions
   51.22   Application for service
   51.23   Service contracts
   51.24   New or upgraded electric service requests made by customers
   51.25   New or upgraded electric service requests made by developers
   51.26   Non-residential customer installations and facilities
   51.27   Residential customer facilities
   51.28   Notice of increasing load
   51.29   Resale of energy
   51.30   Deposits and fees
   51.31   Title to constructed facilities
   51.32   Easements and permits; securing easements
   51.33   Indemnification
   51.34   Access to facilities
   51.35   Metering and measurements
   51.36   Fraudulent or unauthorized use of electricity
   51.37   Billings and payment
   51.38   Rate schedules
   51.39   Discontinuance of electrical supply/service
   51.40   Interruption of electric supply/service
   51.41   Residential service classification and limitations
   51.42   Non-residential or commercial service classification and limitations
   51.43   Exclusivity of service
   51.44   Modification of contracts or agreements
   51.45   Prior agreements
   51.46   Performance waiver
   51.47   Preservation of remedies
   51.48   Survival of obligations
   Exhibit I:    Deposits and fees
   Exhibit II:    Electric supply rates