(A)   Meters to be installed by Avilla.
      (1)   All electrical energy, unless specified otherwise, shall be measured by a meter or meters (which includes all auxiliary and supplemental measuring instruments) of standard manufacture, installed by Avilla upon customer’s premises in accordance with Commission Rule 5, as amended from time to time, and the Meter and Service Rules of Avilla in force at the time of installation. If the meters or the appliance belonging to Avilla are willfully tampered with, damaged or destroyed due to negligence or misuse by customer, or any member of his family, or by any officer, agent or employee of customer, then the cost of the necessary repair or replacement shall be paid by customer. Additionally, conditions stipulated under the “Fraudulent or Unauthorized Use of Electricity” article may apply.
      (2)   Avilla will furnish one main watt-hour meter (including such auxiliary meters and instruments that may be required to supplement it) to enable the measurement of and billing for all energy of like character supplied to customer for each service classification on the same premises. A separate bill will be rendered for the energy passing through and measured by each separate metering installation. An exception to the above may be made where three-phase four-wire supply is available. In such cases three phase and single-phase energy will be measured and billed through one meter.
      (3)   When, in the judgment of Avilla, it is necessary to furnish more than one meter for each supply of like character on the same premises, because of practical conditions of measurements, engineering, safety, legal or other reasons, Avilla will furnish such additional equipment that it considers necessary, and will render the bills for such services as if the energy were supplied through a single meter.
      (4)   When the convenience of Avilla requires more than one watt-hour meter to be installed in one building or more than one building, on the same premises for one customer under one contract, the KWH readings of the meters shall be taken collectively in determining the rate to which customer is entitled. Under no other conditions shall the KWH readings be taken collectively. When, in its judgment, it is expedient to do so, Avilla shall have the right to install at its expense outdoor type “Inverted Sequence” meters upon the premises of customer.
      (5)   When customer requires, for customer’s own use and convenience, more than one main watt-hour meter (as described in the preceding paragraph) for each supply of like character on the same premises, any and all expense of installation and operation of the added equipment shall be borne entirely by customer.
      (6)   Avilla reserves the right to seal all meters, metering equipment and fused or un-fused switches, together with any enclosures, “gutters” or “raceways” containing un-metered circuits, whether any of such equipment has been furnished by customer or Avilla; and to keep all of the foregoing sealed to the exclusion of all other parties.
   (B)   Meter testing and registration.
      (1)   Avilla shall make a test on the accuracy of registration of a single-phase meter at least every 10 years, or at five year intervals, as Avilla deems necessary. Three phase commercial network and self- contained meters shall be tested on a 48-month basis. Three-phase industrial demand and reactive metering units shall be tested on a 12-month interval.
      (2)   Avilla will test the accuracy of registration of a meter upon written request of a customer and upon payment of a deposit, as detailed in Exhibit I. If the meter to be tested is found to be outside limits, the deposit will be refunded. Customer will be responsible for all costs incurred in the performance of such tests if customer requires them to be performed outside of normal working hours.
   (C)   Incorrect registration of meter.
      (1)   Whenever it is discovered that a meter is not registering correctly, adjustments covering such inaccuracy shall be made in accordance with Commission Rule 14 (A), as amended from time to time. Any other determinable billing error, including incorrect rate application, shall be adjusted to the known dates of error, date of connection of current customer, or one year, whichever is shorter.
      (2)   If, on test of any meter at the request of customer, a meter is found to be more than 2% fast, Avilla shall refund to customer an amount equal to the excess charged for the electricity incorrectly metered, for a period equal to one-half of the time elapsed since the previous test, but not to exceed 12 months.
      (3)   If, on test of any meter at the request of customer, a meter is found to be more than 2% slow, Avilla may charge customer for the electricity incorrectly metered, for a period equal to one-half of the time elapsed since the previous test but not to exceed six months. If a meter is found not to register for any period, Avilla shall estimate the charge for the electricity used by averaging the amounts registered over corresponding periods in previous years.
(Ord. 1406-6-02, passed 6-18-2002)