(A)   Continuity of supply.
      (1)   Avilla will use reasonable diligence in providing regular and uninterrupted supply of energy; but, if the supply should be interrupted or fail by reason of accidents, emergencies, maintenance requirements, strikes, acts of God, legal process or procedure, Federal, State or Municipal action or interference, extraordinary repair or for any cause whatsoever not within the control of Avilla, Avilla shall not be held liable for damage, and such interruptions or failures shall not invalidate any of the covenants of the contract.
      (2)   Similarly, due to the inherent nature an electric utility, it’s load requirements and protective devices, momentary operations occasionally will cause brief interruptions in electrical supply. Protection against such occurrences, such as unified power supplies, are customer’s responsibility if they so desire to use such devices.
      (3)   In any case of deficiency of supply or any trouble with the electric service, notice shall be given promptly to the office of the Avilla Municipal Electric Department or the Avilla Police Department.
   (B)   Load curtailment.
      (1)   If for any reason, sufficient amounts of electric power, in the judgment of Avilla, are not available to Avilla to meet all existing and reasonably anticipated demands for service or to protect integrity and stability of the system, Avilla reserves the right to restrict, limit or curtail electric service to any of its customers. Under these conditions appeals for voluntary curtailments of loads will be initiated.
      (2)   If supplies of electric power are not sufficient after the above named appeals for voluntary curtailment of load, Avilla reserves the right to order further electric service curtailment either by a priority of service system or interruption of selected circuits. Priority of service will be as follows (the highest priority as Class 1 and the lowest as Class 5):
         (a)   Human health needs, including governmental;
         (b)   Residential and living quarters;
         (c)   Commercial and industrial;
         (d)   Schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions;
         (e)   Dispensable users and surplus capacity power.
      (3)   Avilla reserves the right to order electric service curtailment without regard to priority of service when, in its sole judgment, such curtailment is required to forestall imminent and irreparable injury to life, property or the electric system. In the event mandatory curtailment is imposed, selective short-term service interruptions (generally two hours or less) by operation, on a rotational basis, of distribution switching equipment to effect the necessary electric power curtailment.
(Ord. 1406-6-02, passed 6-18-2002)