(A)   Wiring. The applicant for electrical service shall provide and install the necessary wiring and service entrance equipment at their expense. All such wiring and equipment shall be constructed and maintained entirely in accordance with the current Meter Service Rules of Avilla and shall be subject to the approval of any inspectors authorized by law. All subsequent installations or changes shall also be inspected and approved before connection to Avilla’s system.
   (B)   Specialty lighting. All neon, fluorescent or other types of lighting or luminous display equipment installed after the effective date hereof shall include, if necessary, auxiliary power factor corrective devices, as a part of or in connection with it, so that each unit of such equipment, or each group of such equipment that is controlled as a unit, will operate with a power factor of 90% (lagging) or higher. Such power factor corrective auxiliaries shall be so installed as to be de-energized when the equipment it corrects is not in operation.
   (C)   Motor installations and other apparatus.
      (1)   Customer shall install only motors or other apparatus of appliances that have the approval of Avilla as being suitable for operation with the character of service designated and supplied by Avilla. The electrical energy must not be used in any manner to cause unreasonable voltage fluctuations in Avilla’s distribution system, or in the premises of other customers. Avilla may require customer to make such changes in the equipment, or of his use of the equipment, or to install such corrective equipment as may be necessary to eliminate unbalanced load and limits any and all fluctuation of voltage at the point of delivery not to exceed 2% above or below the impressed voltage at that point.
      (2)   All apparatus used by customer shall be of such a type as to secure the highest practicable commercial efficiency and power factor and the proper balancing of phases. With three-wire, single phase systems, the load must be balanced so that the current flowing in the neutral wire shall not, at any time, exceed the current flowing in either outer wire by more than 4%. With three phase systems the energy flow must be balanced so the variations between any two phases shall not, at any time, exceed 20%.
      (3)   Motors started frequently, or motors arranged for automatic control, must be of a type to give maximum starting torque with minimum current and, together with their controlling equipment, shall be subject to the approval of Avilla.
      (4)   Elevator installations, cranes, hoists or other equipment subject to damage because of phase failure or reversal should be equipped with reverse phase relays or other devices for automatically locking the circuits open in case of such contingencies.
(Ord. 1406-6-02, passed 6-18-2002)