(A)   The utility shall furnish, at its expense, secondary service meter bases for services of 110/240 voltages of 200 or less amperes. This meter base shall be installed by the customer, at his or her expense, in his or her service entrance as directed by the utility in its plans and specifications.
   (B)   For secondary services having voltages above 120/240, and/or loan currents of more than 200 amperes, the customer shall furnish and install according to the utility’s metering specifications, the required voltage potential transformers, current transformers, instrument transformer cabinet and related conduit, at his or her expense. The utility shall furnish, at its expense, the appropriate meter base which the customer shall install outdoors on an external wall, at his or her expense. The installation locations of the instrument transformer cabinet and meter base shall be designated by the utility. Included as a part of the instrument transformer cabinet installation, the customer shall furnish and install, at his or her expense, a one-inch conduit connecting the instrument cabinet to the meter base and a second one- inch conduit from the power transformer housing to the instrument transformer cabinet. The utility shall wire up and connect the instrument transformers to the meter base terminals including wiring and connecting voltage potential circuitry from the power transformer or potential transformers to the instrument transformer cabinet and meter base terminals, also setting the meter, at its expense.
   (C)   For installations where customer loads and voltage needs exceed the safe recommended secondary meeting limits, the utility will furnish and install the appropriate primary metering at the customer’s property line on the utility’s pole, the cost of which shall be billed to and paid for by the customer. For installations where the customer installs his or her own transformers in or on his or her buildings, the utility shall furnish and install the appropriate primary metering at the customer’s property line on the utility’s pole, the total cost of which shall be billed to and paid for by the customer. In all cases the primary metering is the point beyond which the customer is responsible to maintain all the electric facilities on his or her property.
(Ord. 1228-85, passed 7-8-1985)