(A)   Requests by customers.
      (1)   Customer shall, upon request of Avilla, present in writing to Avilla a list of the devices that are to be served by Avilla’s lines and the location of the premises to be served. In such request, the customer shall specify whether they desire service to be installed overhead or underground.
      (2)   Avilla will then inform customer as to the voltage and other characteristics of the service it will furnish. Where there is a reasonable prospect that the capital expenditure is warranted, Avilla will extend its lines and service facilities upon the conditions outlined below, subject to such regulatory body approval, as may be required.
   (B)   Customers with standard term contracts. A line extension of Avilla’s service facilities, including changes from single phase to three phase, will be made at Avilla’s expense if, in the judgment of Avilla, the return on the investment and the stability and credit of customer justify it, provided customer will guarantee payment, if required. Such payment guarantee, if required, shall be specified in the line extension agreement entered into between customer and Avilla.
   (C)   Customers with short term contracts, temporary service or special contracts. There shall be a determination of the total cost of the line extension, excluding metering equipment. Customer shall deposit the total cost of the line extension with Avilla, in advance of construction. The deposit will be returned to customer, as a credit on his or her bills for electric service, in accordance with the terms specified in the line extension agreement entered into between customer and Avilla.
   (D)   Providing electric service to new customers where lines exist.
      (1)   Additional customers may be connected to existing electrical supply lines that are in place and functioning at the time a customer applies for service. In the event that the existing facilities must be replaced or upgraded, in order to accommodate the electric supply requirements of the new customer, an extension to serve such additional customers will be treated as a new line extension.
      (2)   When additional customers are connected within six years of the completion of a line extension, those that entered into an applicable line extension Agreement may be entitled to a refund. Any such refund shall be in proportion to a customer’s respective contributions toward the cost of such line extension, and may be up to an amount equal to 2 times the estimated annual revenue from such additional customers, less the cost to serve such additional customers.
   (E)   Service connection.
      (1)   Avilla will designate the service connection at a point on customer’s facility that is readily accessible. Such service connection will generally be the closest point to Avilla’s existing facilities, from which service wires are to be run without contact of such wires with the building at another point. Customer’s service entrance conductors shall, if possible, terminate so that the service supply conductors (service drop) will not cross-adjacent property, and will not require the use of an extra pole or poles.
      (2)   Service conductors protruding from the service head, for connection to Avilla’s service drop, should be at least 24 inches for sizes up to No. 4. Larger sizes should extend a minimum of 36 inches.
   (F)   Installation of underground lines. The decision whether lines shall be installed “underground” or “overhead” shall be made solely by Avilla, where the matter rests in Avilla’s discretion. Irregardless of customer’s contribution towards the total cost, Avilla is not obligated to make any underground installation that, in the sole judgment of Avilla, cannot be technologically or economically justified.
   (G)   Clearing and site preparation.
      (1)   All clearing and site preparation shall generally be completed by Avilla and the cost of such work calculated in the total cost of the line extension.
      (2)   In certain instances, it may advantage customer to complete some or all of the vegetation clearing and/or site preparation (including trenching for underground installations where applicable). Any such arrangements shall be clearly defined in the line extension agreement including such items as clearing width, depth/width of trench, site grading, and the like.
   (H)   Service lines installed by customer. Service lines (conductors and equipment for delivering energy, not to exceed 600 volts, from the electric supply system to the wiring system of the premises served) may be installed by a customer subject to Avilla specifications and inspections. Customer must either submit a satisfactory design or plan to Avilla or reimburse Avilla for its design or plan before proceeding with any work. Avilla may refuse to energize such line unless Avilla has the opportunity to adequately inspect the same. Avilla has no responsibility or liability for any service lines installed by a customer with respect to any property damage or personal injury directly or indirectly resulting from such line, notwithstanding an inspection thereof by Avilla.
   (I)   Extension of customer’s lines beyond the point of supply.
      (1)   All cost of extending customer’s lines beyond the point of supply on their premises shall be at the expense of customer. It is recognized that in some instances an industrial, commercial or institutional establishment operating as an integrated unit, extends to both sides of a street or streets and would comprise a single area were it not for the intervening street. In such case, the rule above (with respect to an extension along or across a public street) shall not apply, provided customer shall have made written request for and Avilla shall have agreed in writing to supply such premises as an integrated unit. This exception is not to be construed to permit the extension of a line between two or more integrated but separate premises, or an extension of a customer’s line across or along a public street to supply two or more residential, commercial or other non-industrial premises.
      (2)   In no case will Avilla be responsible for the maintenance or safety of service lines extended beyond the point of supply regardless of the fact that they may be located on a public thoroughfare, nor will Avilla assume any responsibility with respect to obtaining consent of Municipal, County or State authorities for the construction and location of such lines.
      (3)   Customer shall pay the cost of any special installation necessary to meet his requirements for service at other than standard voltages, phase or frequency, or for the supply of closer voltage regulations than is required by standard practice.
(Ord. 1406-6-02, passed 6-18-2002)