(A)   Classification and limitations.
      (1)   Residential service is only applicable for service supplied to what is ordinarily designated and recognized as individual single-family, residential, home or farmhouse use, including apartments, mobile homes and other individual single-family dwelling quarters or units. Where service is supplied through one meter to more than a single-family dwelling unit or living quarters or apartment, see elsewhere under “Multiple Dwelling Units” as to billing and other requirements.
      (2)   The term RESIDENTIAL SERVICE includes service to:
         (a)   The separate dwelling-units in an apartment house, but not the halls, basement or other portions of such building common to more than one such unit.
         (b)   The premises occupied as the living-quarters of five persons or less who unite to establish a common dwelling-place for their own personal comfort and convenience on a cost-sharing basis.
         (c)   The premises owned by a church designated or set-aside and used as the residence of a priest, rabbi, pastor, nun or other clerical/church employee.
         (d)   Private dwellings in which a person residing therein occasionally uses space for the conduct of business.
      (3)   The term RESIDENTIAL SERVICE does not include service to:
         (a)   Premises that are institutional in character including clubs, fraternities, orphanages or group homes;
         (b)   Premises defined as a rooming or boarding house in the Avilla Municipal Code.
         (c)   The space in an apartment or other residential building primarily devoted to a professional or other office, studio or other gainful pursuit.
         (d)   The portion of an apartment house considered common to all occupants, such as halls, basements, and the like.
      (4)   The election made by customer shall continue for a period of 12 months and thereafter until customer shall notify Avilla, in writing, of his election to have the selected classification changed. Each such election subsequent to the initial election shall continue for a 12-month period and thereafter until customer again notifies Avilla in writing, of his election to change his selection of the classification of such service.
      (5)   In borderline cases, in which the principal use of energy will be for residential purposes, but it is desired to utilize a small amount of energy for non-residential purposes, such nonresidential use will be permitted only when the equipment for such use is within the capacity of one 120 volt, 30 ampere branch circuit (or less than 3,000 watts capacity) and the non-residential consumption is less than the residential use on the premises. When the non-residential equipment exceeds the above stated maximum limit the entire nonresidential wiring must be separated from the residential wiring, so that it may be metered separately, and the non-residential load will be billed under the appropriate commercial service rate.
   (B)   Residential heating service. Residential heating service is applicable under Rate Code 16 for house heating service where the house heating service installation conforms to the specifications and conditions hereinafter set forth.
      (1)   All electric space heating equipment shall consist of a permanent installation to be approved by Avilla with maximum connected kVA explicitly stated.
      (2)   The electric heating equipment may consist of either individual room resistance space heating units installed in each room, or reversed cycle refrigeration “heat pump” units, or central “furnace-type” units, not to exceed 25 kVA.
      (3)   The entire heating installation (including heating units, wiring ducts, controls, building insulation, and the like) shall be installed strictly in accordance with Avilla’s Standards available at the Avilla Municipal Electric Department Office. The Standards specify, among other things, that the minimum approved insulation for any electrically heated home shall have a thickness of not less than eight inches for outside ceiling areas and installed with an approved vapor barrier.
      (4)   For concrete slab floor construction next to earth, two inches of effective edge and waterproof perimeter insulation shall be installed, extending not less than 24 inches below the floor slab.
      (5)   Where the home is heated by means of individual resistance heating units (ceiling and baseboard) the temperature of each room shall be controlled by means of individual thermostats installed in each room.
      (6)   Where the home is heated by means of a circulation hot water heating system, using a centrally located electric resistance operated hot water heating unit and if the aggregate rated capacity of the hot water heating unit that can be in operation at any time exceeds 10 kWH with a maximum limit of 25 kWH, the charges as set forth in Rate Code 16 shall apply.
   (C)   Service to multiple dwelling units. Where electrical energy is supplied through one meter and billed to one residential service customer and serving two, but not more than three, separate dwelling units, and when the entire use of the service is for residential purposes, customer shall, by written application to Avilla, elect whether:
      (1)   The service will be classified as residential, in which case, for billing purposes, customer charge of the residential rate shall be multiplied by the number of living quarters served through the meter; or
      (2)   The service shall be classed as non-residential (commercial), in which case, for billing purposes; the applicable non-residential rate shall be applied on the basis of a single customer.
      (3)   This rule has no application to rooming houses, which will be served only under the applicable non-residential service rate.
(Ord. 1406-6-02, passed 6-18-2002)