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Albuquerque Overview
Albuquerque Code of Ordinances
Charter of the City of Albuquerque
Administrative Instructions
Albuquerque Table of Resolutions
Albuquerque Code of Resolutions
Integrated Development Code
Personnel Rules and Regulations
   (A)   Natural resource limitations and protection of the environment require development of a comprehensive city-wide Solid Waste Management, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Plan which incorporates the following five-year goals:
      (1)   To establish recycling, precycling, composting, waste-to- energy, waste reduction strategies, and safe disposal of hazardous waste as the core of the city's plan; and
      (2)   To limit infrastructure and transportation costs, and maintain energy efficiency and environmental integrity by reducing the waste taken to the landfill by 50% by 1995 and 70% by 2000, but not less than 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000; and
      (3)   To involve every household and every business in the city in some component of recycling, and to encourage the unincorporated areas in Bernalillo County to cooperate in an integrated recycling and waste reduction plan; and
      (4)   To consider legislative changes and economic incentives to make precycling a fundamental component of solid waste management by the city and the surrounding areas; and
      (5)   To establish recycling, precycling, waste-to-energy programs, waste reduction strategies, and the associated jobs and economic development as a major clean industry in the city; and
      (6)   To achieve national status for the city as a model developmental center for recycling, precycling, composting, waste-to-energy, waste reduction strategies, safe disposal of hazardous waste, and innovative and effective and community involvement.
   (B)   The Council finds it necessary for the city to construct a materials recovery facility (MRF) in order to implement a city-wide recycling program. That if a determination is made to privatize this facility, the following policy guidelines shall be established:
      (1)   An expert consultant shall be hired for the purpose of preparing a detailed request for proposal (RFP) for a MRF that is compatible with the city's approved Solid Waste Management, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Plan and all state and federal regulations.
      (2)   The RFP shall be issued within 60 days from passage of this bill with a 90-day bid response period. The Mayor's recommendation of a contractor shall be presented to the Council within 120 days from receipt of the proposals.
      (3)   The Mayor shall establish a contract negotiation team composed of appropriate city staff and expert consultants.
      (4)   One non-City employee member of the Recycling Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor to assist in the planning process for negotiating the MRF contract.
      (5)   The Council shall approve any and all agreements reached with a private company for construction and/or operation of a MRF.
   (C)   Prior to any negotiation for construction of materials recovery facility (MRF), a fiscal impact analysis shall be conducted on the various levels of private or public ownership including, but not limited to, tipping fees, projected income and rate increases, in an effort to determine the most cost effective program over the long term.
   (D)   A Public Forum Committee will be organized to react to the goals and objectives contained herein and shall hold two public meetings during the months of July and August 1991. The Committee shall be composed of two City Councillors, two members of the Recycling Advisory Committee, the Environmental Health Department Director, the City Attorney, and one member of the Economic Forum. The Mayor shall appoint all members with exception of the two Councillors. The Solid Waste Management Department shall provide staff support and information to the Committee.
   (E)   The city shall develop descriptive data from an audit of the components of our waste stream, an initial recycling related data collection system, and a data bank to provide cost evaluation and program information which integrates with data on solid waste management programs and activities beginning in fiscal year 1992-93.
   (F)   The city shall design a residential curbside collection program such as the two different colored bag system for pick-up each week. One bag would contain mixed waste and the other would contain separated recyclables. Each bag will be collected by the city on designated days; however, residents should be encouraged to only place their recyclable bag out for collection when full.
   (G)   Residents be asked to separate their glass from the other recyclables and deposit it periodically in an appropriate city provided receptacle, such as “igloos” located conveniently throughout the city. The city or its MRF operator, if other than the city, also have the ability to hand sort glass at the facility.
   (H)   The Solid Waste Management Department will consider and present to the Council a financial plan for recycling which offers economic incentives for waste reduction.
   (I)   The city's participation in the current voluntary recycling programs shall be operated in conjunction with the neighborhood associations be increased to the maximum extent possible during the interim period prior to construction of a MRF.
   (J)   The city design a commercial recycling system based on collection of commingled waste. High volume glass users, such as certain bars and restaurants, will be asked to separate their glass for direct haul to the MRF rather than placing them in temporary receptacles, such as “igloos.” Because of contamination the Solid Waste Management Department should consider hauling certain restaurants' waste directly to the landfill.
   (K)   The city shall design a centralized household hazardous waste collection program.
   (L)   The city shall develop a comprehensive marketing plan for all recovered materials. The plan shall include all costs and revenues plus possible price fluctuations, and shall analyze the feasibility of extending a competitive preference to local and New Mexico recycling companies and/or shall participate fully in Southwest Regional Recycling cooperative efforts. This plan be undertaken coincident with the other planning activities described hereinabove, and shall be presented to the Council for approval.
   (M)   The city shall develop a pilot residential composting program to initially include 1500 homes. A federal or state grant shall be pursued to fund the purchase of an equal number of residential composters for resale to the residents at an amount not over $30 each. This pilot program shall be carefully analyzed prior to expansion.
   (N)   Any city or privately owned MRF located within the city limits of the city will not accept solid waste from any out-of-state entity, nor accept solid waste from other cities or counties within the state without Council approval.
   (O)   The city shall continue to offer low income discounts on refuse bills for those families that qualify. The discounts shall be calculated on the entire refuse rate which will additionally include the cost of the new recycling program.
   (P)   The city shall consider making appropriate arrangements for residents and organized groups or businesses to utilize drop-off centers and/or buy-back provisions within the MRF operations for separated recyclables in addition to the curb-side collection system.
   (Q)   The city's energy efficiency and/or environmental integrity not be adversely impacted due to implementation of the recycling program.
   (R)   The city shall design a comprehensive education and public awareness program on all recycling activities, involving but not limited to, members of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and Sierra Club.
   (S)   The city shall make every effort to reach the goal of reducing the waste taken to the landfill by 50% by 1995 and 70% by 2000, but not less than 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000.
   (T)   The Solid Waste Management Department shall provide the City Council with up-to-date quarterly progress reports based on the calendar year, and an evaluation of the recycling program which includes the status of first-year objectives, identification of problem areas and recommended solutions. The first report shall be due October 15, 1991.
   (U)   The Solid Waste Management Department shall submit an annual report to the City Council beginning with the fiscal year 1993 budget cycle that details second-year, third-year, fourth-year, and fifth-year objectives necessary to achieve the five-year goals herein stated. All proposed rate adjustments shall be included in the report. The appropriate quarterly report can be included in the annual report.
   (V)   $100,000 shall be appropriated from the Refuse Disposal Operating Fund (651) to the Office of Recycling Program for the purpose of selecting and hiring a recycling consultant to assist the Solid Waste Management Department in implementing the directives contained herein.
   (W)   The Citizen's Solid Waste Recycling Advisory Committee shall continue to provide public input, and shall present a quarterly status report to the City Council on the City's Solid Waste Management, Recycling, and Waste Reduction Plan.
   (X)   The city encourages the Bernalillo County Commission, other New Mexico cities and counties, and the state legislature to give serious consideration to a recycling program.
(Res. 76-1991, approved 5-30-91)
   3-6-1   Goals for park development
   3-6-2   Policies governing dispensing alcoholic beverages at municipal golf course facilities
   3-6-3   Off leash dog exercise areas
   The following standards and policies be adopted as goals for park development:
   (A)   Standards for park space.
      Type of Park            Standard
      Neighborhood Park         1.5 acres/1,000 people
      District and other large
      urban parks            2 acres/1,000 people
   (B)   Standards for recreation facilities.
      Type of Facility         Standard
      Multi-purpose court         1/1,000 people
      Tennis court            1/2,000 people
      Softball diamond-lighted      1/3,000 people
      Baseball diamond         1/12,000 people
      Multipurpose center         1/30,000 people
      Golf course - 18 hole
      (municipal)            1/50,000 people
      Swimming pool         15 sq. ft. water/ person for 3% of population
   (C)   Park design policies.
      (1)   Whenever practicable, neighborhood parks will be between one and four acres in size, and located near the center of a neighborhood. District parks will range from five to 20 acres in size and be located adjacent to residential areas.
      (2)   Whenever possible, parks will be located so as to optimize open space uses within the system of regional open space.
      (3)   Joint use of park land or recreation facilities by the Albuquerque Public Schools and the city will occur when appropriate.
      (4)   Floodways which are dedicated to the city may be used for recreation purposes, but shall not be counted as part of any park dedication requirement. Land within flood fringe areas may be dedicated for parks, where appropriate, as determined by the Department of Parks and Recreation.
(Res. 28-1976, approved 2-24-76)
   (A)   Alcoholic beverages shall be dispensed in the area designated by the State Alcohol & Gaming Division as the licensed premises;
   (B)   All liquor license operators, lessees and alcohol servers at municipal golf course facilities shall complete all training required pursuant to the State Liquor Control Act and the Alcohol Server Education Act;
   (C)   Pursuant to the State Liquor Control Act, only beer and wine may be dispensed at the City's municipal golf course facilities and the City shall further require that beer and wine be served:
      (1)   Only by trained alcohol servers;
      (2)   In the licensed premises at all municipal golf course facilities, other than Ladera Golf Course, not prior to noon on Sundays and 11:00 a.m. on all other days or after 9:00 p.m.;
      (3)   At Ladera Golf Course:
         (a)   In all areas of the licensed premises, other than the restaurant and banquet facilities, not prior to noon on Sundays and 11:00 a.m. on all other days or after 9:00 p.m.;
         (b)   In the restaurant, not prior to noon on Sundays and 11:00 a.m. on all other days or after 9:00 p.m.;
         (c)   At special events in the banquet facilities not prior to noon on Sundays and 11:00 a.m. on all other days or after midnight; and
      (4)   At Los Altos Golf Course, liquor shall not be sold while the adjacent school facility is in session, or one half hour thereafter; and
      (5)   Only by the drink.
   (D)   The City shall be indemnified and held harmless by the operator and/or lessee of the governmental liquor license against all liability, claims, damages, losses or expenses resulting from the lease or operation of the license. The City shall require a liquor license liability policy with liability limits in an amount not less than one million dollars, and the City shall be named an additional insured on the policy.
   (E)   Each agreement to operate and/or lease a governmental liquor license for a municipal golf course facility shall be subject to an annual audit.
   (F)   Each agreement to operate and/or lease a governmental liquor license for a municipal golf course facility shall be coordinated and evaluated with any other agreement regarding the operation of that municipal golf course, including the Concession Agreement. The agreements shall not be inconsistent with regard to duration of the agreements and termination and renewal clauses, though the term of the agreement to operate and/or lease a governmental liquor license may be shorter than the term of other agreements for the operation of the golf course.
   (G)   The City has negotiated with the concessionaires at the licensed municipal golf courses and amended the various Concession Agreements to provide that the City shall receive no less than 20% of gross revenues received from the sale and dispensing of alcoholic beverages at municipal golf course facilities as consideration for expansion of the authorized premises for the sale and service of alcoholic beverages.
(Res. 46-2004, adopted 4-19-04)
   The following policies are established for Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas:
   Policy 1. DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES. Development procedures, design guidelines, location criteria and space criteria for Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas are to be set forth in Administrative Instruction.
   Policy 2. IDENTIFICATION OF OFF LEASH DOG EXERCISE AREA LOCATIONS. A committee of citizens and staff have identified a list of potential sites for Off Leash Dog Exercise Parks that do not displace current activities within parks and are located throughout the City to provide reasonable travel times from all points within the City. The Administration shall communicate to the City Council by December 31, 2004, a list of at least 6 designated Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas. If the Administration is unable to identify 6 such areas by that date they shall submit a list of areas that are eligible and proceed to identify other areas and communicate a list of these areas by June 30, 2005.
   Policy 3. MAINTAINING EXISTING RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES. As Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas are implemented into a park the City will not displace existing activities already provided in the park.
   Policy 4. NEW PARK DEVELOPMENT FOR OFF LEASH DOG EXERCISE AREAS. When existing parks are renovated and new parks are planned, the inclusion of an Off Leash Dog Exercise Area is to be provided as an option during the public input process pertaining to the development or renovation of the park.
   Policy 5. FUNDING DEVELOPMENT OF OFF LEASH DOG EXERCISE AREAS. Funding for the design and construction of Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas should occur through those means established for park development including but not limited to impact fees, developer dedications, public improvement districts, City general obligation bonds and federal, private and state grants, or any other means acceptable to the City.
   Policy 6. MAINTENANCE OF OFF LEASH DOG EXERCISE AREAS. The City of Albuquerque shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas. If the City exercises the option to provide for the expense, by imposing a fee and prior to imposing such fee the Office of Internal Audit shall conduct a cost analysis of the task and associated costs to determine a per acre cost for maintenance of Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas versus per acre cost for maintenance of neighborhood parks. This would establish the basis for value of the fee. The Department overseeing maintenance of Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas shall include such expenditures in their annual budget and shall develop appropriate performance measures to gauge the effectiveness of this activity.
   Policy 7. LARGE OFF LEASH DOG EXERCISE AREAS. The administration shall provide by December 1, 2004 a study identifying a tract of land on City owned property in the East Mountain Area that is scheduled for sale and a tract of land on City owned property west of the City Limits, scheduled for sale. These lands are to be designated as Large Off Leash Dog Exercise Areas. The Open Space Division shall identify the land best able to serve such a function with the least impact to the goals and objectives of the open space program. The Administration by December 1, 2005 shall issue a plan for the operation of these areas and assign responsibility to the Department best able to manage such a facility. If the land is not sold, Open Space is to be reimbursed by the appropriate user Department, for the land no later than Fiscal Year 2006. The Open Space Division may continue to market the land for sale until such time as funding is committed in the City Budget or by other means to reimburse the Open Space Trust fund for the land for use as a Large Off Leash Dog Exercise Area.
(Res. 35-2004, 3-15-04)
Editors note: This Article was repealed by Ordinance 44-1996.
   3-8-1   Transit system
   3-8-2   Operation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue
   3-8-3   Buses to be handicapped accessible
   3-8-4   Municipal airport system
   3-8-5   User fees on commercial ground transporters
   3-8-6   Growth policy framework regarding land use and transportation planning and development processes
   3-8-7   Policy for the process of developing the Alvarado Transportation Center Project
   3-8-8   Policy for key decisions on land use and transportation for the Westside-McMahon Corridor
   3-8-9   Process to determine centers and corridors and designate activity centers and transportation corridors
   3-8-10   Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Adopted as the Neighborhood Traffic Management Policy
   3-8-11   Gross vehicle weight restrictions
   3-8-12   Pedestrian Management Areas
   3-8-13   Cruising prohibited
   3-8-14   Quiet Zones