Article 5 - Development Standards
5: Development Standards
5.1.   Access and Circulation
5.1.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.1.2.   Applicability
5.1.3.   Exemptions
5.1.4.   Access to Lots
5.1.5.   Compliance with Requirements for Streets
5.1.6.   Driveways
5.1.7.   Sight Distance Triangles
5.1.8.   Parking Lot Connections
5.1.9.   On-Site Pedestrian Walkways
5.1.10.   Compliance with Requirements for Sidewalks
5.1.11.   Compliance with Requirements for Greenways
5.2.   Design Guidelines
5.2.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.2.2.   Applicability
5.2.3.   Statement of Consent
5.2.4.   Design Features
5.3.   Design Standards
5.3.1.   Commercial Design Standards
5.3.2.   Mixed-Use Design Standards
5.3.3.   Multi-Family Residential Design Standards
5.4.   Exterior Lighting
5.4.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.4.2.   Applicability
5.4.3.   Exemptions
5.4.4.   Prohibited Lighting
5.4.5.   Lighting Plan
5.4.6.   Exterior Lighting Standards
5.4.7.   Maximum Illumination Levels
5.4.8.   Nonconforming Lighting
5.5.   Fences and Walls
5.5.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.5.2.   Applicability
5.5.3.   Exemptions
5.5.4.   Locational Standards
5.5.5.   Maximum Height
5.5.6.   Wind Loading
5.5.7.   Duration
5.5.8.   Permitted Materials
5.5.9.   Restricted Fence Materials
5.5.10.   Electric Fences
5.5.11.   Prohibited Fence Materials
5.5.12.   Materials for Temporary Fences
5.5.13.   Wall Material Standards
5.5.14.   Finished Side
5.5.15.   Maintenance
5.6.   Landscaping
5.6.1.   Section Organization
5.6.2.   Purpose and Intent
5.6.3.   Applicability
5.6.4.   Exemptions
5.6.5.   Landscape Plan Required
5.6.6.   Plant Material Specifications
5.6.7.   Landscaping Placement
5.6.8.   Features Allowed Within Required Landscaping Areas
5.6.9.   Parking Lot Landscaping
5.6.10.   Perimeter Buffers
5.6.11.   Foundation Plantings
5.6.12.   Streetscape Buffers
5.6.13.   Street Trees
5.6.14.   Planting Flexibility
5.6.15.   Time of Installation
5.6.16.   Required Maintenance
5.6.17.   Site Inspection
5.6.18.   Replacement of Required Vegetation
5.6.19.   Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Landscaping
5.7.   Open Space
5.7.1.   How to Use These Standards
5.7.2.   Purpose and Intent
5.7.3.   Applicability
5.7.4.   Minimum Open Space Set-Aside Requirements
5.7.5.   Open Space Set-Aside Configuration
5.7.6.   Ownership of Open Space Set-Asides
5.7.7.   Maintenance of Open Space Set-Asides
5.8.   Parking and Loading
5.8.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.8.2.   Applicability
5.8.3.   Exemptions
5.8.4.   Off-Street Parking Requirements
5.8.5.   Parking Lot Configuration
5.8.6.   Accessible Parking Spaces
5.8.7.   Guest Parking Spaces
5.8.8.   Compact Parking Spaces
5.8.9.   Stacking Spaces
5.8.10.   Bicycle Parking
5.8.11.   Parking Alternatives
5.8.12.   Off-Street Loading
5.9.   Reforestation
5.9.1.   Purpose and Intent
5.9.2.   Applicability
5.9.3.   Exemptions
5.9.4.   Requirements
5.9.5.   Tree Protection Devices
5.9.6.   Credit Towards Other Ordinance Requirements
5.9.7.   Maintenance
5.10.   Screening
5.10.1.   Purpose and intent
5.10.2.   Using These Standards
5.10.3.   Applicability
5.10.4.   Exemptions
5.10.5.   General Requirements
5.10.6.   Views to Be Screened
5.11.   Signage
5.11.1.   Section Organization
5.11.2.   Purpose and Intent
5.11.3.   Applicability
5.11.4.   Exclusions
5.11.5.   Prohibited Sign Types
5.11.6.   General Standards Applicable to All Signs
5.11.7.   Removal of Dilapidated or Obsolete Signs
5.11.8.   Nonconforming Signage
5.11.9.   Sign Standards by Sign Type
5.12.   Sustainability incentives
5.12.1.   How to Use These Incentives
5.12.2.   Purpose and intent
5.12.3.   Applicability
5.12.4.   Type of Incentives
5.12.5.   Procedure
5.12.6.   Menu of Sustainable Development Practices
5.12.7.   Failure to Install or Maintain Sustainable Development Practices
5.1.1.   Purpose and Intent
The purpose of this section is to ensure the safe and efficient movement of vehicles, bicyclists, pedestrians, and deliveries on development sites in the Town's jurisdiction. More specifically, these standards are intended to:
   A.   Protect the health and safety of Town residents and visitors;
   B.   Ensure pedestrian accessibility is included in site planning;
   C.   Protect the safety of motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists from traffic entering or exiting the street system; and
   D.   Encourage alternative forms of transportation.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)