A. Sign Permit Required.
2. Some signs may also require building and electrical permits in accordance with the North Carolina Building Code.
B. Signs Not Subject to Sign Permit.
1. The following sign types shall not be required to obtain a sign permit, but shall comply with all applicable requirements in this section and this Ordinance:
a. The placement of one or more incidental signs, subject to the applicable standards in Table 5.11.9, Sign Standards by Sign Type;
b. The placement of a supplemental sign, subject to the applicable standards in Table 5.11.9, Sign Standards by Sign Type; and
c. Public art, subject to the standards in Section 5.11.6.C, Public Art.
2. Failure to comply with the standards for these sign types shall be a violation of this Ordinance subject to the provisions in Article 8: Enforcement.
C. Public Art.
1. Distinguished from Signs.
a. Painted or printed murals or other forms of public art shall not be considered as signage subject to these standards in cases where the art or mural does not incorporate a direct or indirect reference to a tradename, trademark, or the name of the establishment associated with the mural or artwork.
b. All other forms of public art or murals shall be considered as signage subject to the standards in this section.
2. Standards for Public Art. In cases where public art or a mural does not constitute a sign, it shall be subject to any applicable adopted policy guidance and the following standards:
a. A mural or public art installation shall require approval of a site plan in accordance with the standards in Section 2.2.17, Site Plan.
b. Murals and public art shall be maintained and periodically cleaned, refreshed, or refurbished so that the mural remains visible and consistent with its approval.
c. In the event the owner of a building with a mural no longer wishes to maintain the mural, it shall be removed or covered with paint or other material consistent with the existing exterior material on the building wall where the mural is located. In cases where an approved mural is removed or concealed, it may only be re-established through approval of a site plan in accordance with Section 2.2.17, Site Plan.
D. Signs in Street Rights-of-Way.
1. Generally. No sign shall be permitted within a street right-of-way except in accordance with Section 5.11.6.D.2, Signs Allowed in the Right-of-Way.
2. Signs Allowed in the Right-of-Way.
a. Only the following signs may be permitted in a street right-of-way:
i. Regulatory signage erected by the Town of Zebulon;
ii. Signage erected by NCDOT;
iii. Emergency warning signage erected by a governmental agency, public utility, or contractor performing work within the right-of-way;
iv. Signage in the DTC and DTP districts; and
v. Political signs.
b. Except for sidewalks signs, signs permitted within a street right-of-way shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of at least nine feet above the paving, curb, gutter, sidewalk, or grade, as appropriate (see Figure 5.11.6.D.2.b: Minimum Vertical Clearance).
c. In the event the establishment or realignment of a street results in an existing sign becoming wholly or partially within the right-of-way in violation of these standards, the sign shall be removed at the expense of the person or agency establishing or realigning the street.
3. Removal of Illegal Signs in Right-of-Way and Public Properties.
a. The Planning Director may remove any sign placed on public property or within any public right-of-way in violation of this Ordinance.
b. Signage determined to be in violation of this Ordinance and removed from public property or a public right-of-way shall be discarded.
c. Penalties may be levied for each such illegal sign as prescribed Article 8: Enforcement.
E. Prohibited Locations.
1. In no instance shall a sign or sign support structure be located within the following areas:
a. Within five feet of the street right-of-way, except as allowed in Section 5.11.6.D.2, Signs Allowed in the Right-of-Way:
b. Sight distance triangles, unless required by NCDOT;
c. Required open space set-asides; or
d. Within a recorded access or drainage easement.
2. Nothing shall limit the placement of a sign or sign support structure within a required zoning district setback, provided it complies with the applicable standards in this section and does not interfere with landscaping materials required by Section 5.6, Landscaping.
F. Measurement. Sign face area, maximum sign height, and other measurement standards pertaining to signage are determined in accordance with the standards in Section 9.3.13, Signage Measurement.
G. Changeable Copy. Areas devoted to changeable copy on a sign shall be subject to the following standards:
1. Changeable copy areas may only be located on ground or wall signs;
2. No more than 50 percent of the sign face area may be devoted to changeable copy area;
3. The display of copy shall not change more than once per minute;
4. Outdoor advertising signs shall not include areas devoted to changeable copy;
5. Signage copy shall not be animated, and shall not blink, scroll, flash, or have other moving effects. This provision shall not restrict the copy from changing from one message to another.
H. Illumination. Where authorized, signs may only be illuminated in accordance with the following standards:
1. Generally.
a. Illuminated signs shall obtain a building permit and be configured in accordance with North Carolina Building Code, applicable electric code, and the adopted fire code.
b. All wiring to ground, pole, or other freestanding signs erected after January 1, 2020, shall be located underground.
2. Internal Illumination.
a. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited within all residential districts.
b. Signs facing residentially-zoned lots or lots used solely for residential purposes shall not be internally illuminated. Nothing shall require a pre-existing internally illuminated sign to be removed if the lot it faces becomes used solely for residential purposes.
3. Indirect or External Illumination.
a. All external or indirectly illuminated signs shall illuminate only the face of the sign and shall not shine directly into or create glare on a right-of-way or residential use.
b. Indirect or externally illuminated signs shall comply with the standards in Section 5.4.7, Maximum Illumination Levels.
4. Flashing or Intermittent Lights Prohibited.
a. Flashing lights are prohibited.
b. Sign illumination shall not vary in degrees of brightness or intensity.
I. Structural Configuration. All signs and sign supporting structures shall be constructed and designed according to generally accepted engineering practices to withstand wind pressures and load distribution as specified in the current North Carolina Building Code.
J. Maintenance Required.
1. All signs and sign supports shall be maintained in good repair.
2. In the event a sign or sign support is poorly maintained or becomes unsafe, the Planning Director shall notify the sign owner of the condition, and the sign owner shall take whatever action is required to maintain public safety.
3. Failure to correct the unsafe condition is a violation of this Ordinance and shall be subject to the remedies in Section 8.8, Remedies.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. Dilapidated Signs.
1. Dilapidated signs shall be removed or repaired by a landowner or other responsible party in accordance with the requirements described in a notice of violation by the Planning Director.
2. An existing sign shall be considered dilapidated if it:
a. Is in disrepair or exhibits a state of being broken or neglected;
b. Fails to maintain its form as originally constructed or permitted;
c. Fails to perform its intended function;
d. Suffers from support pole or structural failure;
e. Has borders that are falling off or are already removed;
f. Has panels that are missing or that have fallen off;
g. Has its message falling off or in a state of disrepair such that it cannot be interpreted by the motoring public; or
h. Signs that are overgrown by vegetation.
B. Obsolete Signs.
1. Permanent Signs.
a. Permanent signs identifying business establishments that are no longer in operation shall be removed from the premises within 180 days from the date of termination.
b. In cases where the cabinet associated with an obsolete sign is removed, all sign supports, sign framework, mounting hardware, or similar features shall also be removed.
c. In no instance shall a sign cabinet be left in place without sign faces.
2. Supplemental Signs.
a. Supplemental signs advertising shows, displays, meetings, or similar events shall be removed within 3 days from the date the event is completed.
b. Removal of supplemental signs shall include removal of any frames, supports, or hardware used exclusively for the display of signage.
C. Failure to Remove Signage. Failure of an owner to remove an obsolete or dilapidated sign may result in removal of the sign at the owner's expense following provision of notice to the owner by the Planning Director.
D. Inspection. If, through inspection, the Planning Director determines that a sign or sign supporting structure does not comply with the provisions of these regulations, the Town shall take action in accordance with the standards in Article 8: Enforcement.
E. Nonconforming Signage. Nonconforming signage shall be subject to the standards in Section 7.3, Nonconforming Signs.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
B. After January 1, 2020, all lots shall comply with the incidental, window, and supplemental signage requirements in this section.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
Table 5.11.9: Sign Standards by Sign Type, sets out the standards applicable to each sign type regulated by this Ordinance.
A. Awning Sign | ||||||
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1. Definition | A sign that is part of or attached to an awning, canopy, or other protective canvas, plastic, or metal cover affixed to a building and located over a door, entrance, window, or other outdoor area. Colors, stripes, or patterns on an awning's surface shall not be considered as signage. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Awning Signs per Lot | 1 per every ten linear feet of building facade facing a street [1] | |||||
Maximum Height | Under the roof or top of a parapet wall [2] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area per Individual Awning Sign | 25 percent of the awning area upon which it is located, including the drip flap, if provided | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area of all Awning Signs per Lot | 5 percent of each facade facing a street [1] | |||||
Notes: [1] Signage on umbrellas or shade structures associated with an outdoor dining area are not counted as awning signs and are exempted from the awning sign number and face area standards. [2] Awning signs shall maintain a minimum height of at least eight feet above grade. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Signage may be located on the drip flap, subject to the maximum sign face area standards. | ||||||
b. No awnings above the 3rd building story may be internally illuminated. | ||||||
c. Awning signs, when allowed within a street right-of-way, shall not project more than five feet into a right-of-way, nor closer than two feet from the curbline. | ||||||
d. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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B. Banner Sign | ||||||
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1. Definition
A sign made of a flexible fabric or plastic material that is affixed to a building or other vertical projection, except utility poles, but is not an awning sign or a flag. Feather flags and bow signs are not banners and are prohibited by this Ordinance.
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2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Banners per Lot | 1 per use or non-residential tenant in a multi-tenant building [1] | |||||
Maximum Mounting Height | Below the roof or parapet [2] [3] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area per Individual Banner | 20 square feet | |||||
Maximum Banner Length | Lesser of: 30% of the facade length or 20 linear feet | |||||
Maximum Banner Width | 4 linear feet | |||||
Notes: [1] Maximum of 3 banners per multi-tenant site at any one time. [2] When located over a street right-of-way, at least 18 feet above the street pavement and at least 9 feet above a sidewalk. [3] When located on a fence, wall, or as a freestanding banner, a maximum height of 12 feet to the highest point. When located on a building wall, the banner shall not be mounted above the first floor. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Banners shall be adequately secured through the use of grommets, d-rings, brackets, or similar fastening devices. | ||||||
b. Banners over 9 square feet in size shall incorporate wind slits. | ||||||
c. Banners shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
d. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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C. Construction Sign/Development Advertising Signs ![]() | ||||||
1. Definition | A temporary sign located on a lot for the duration of its construction/development. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Construction/Development Advertising Signs Per Lot | One sign per frontage with public right-of-way access which must maintain at least a 200 ft. separation from a construction sign on the same site. | |||||
Maximum Sign Height [1] | 8 feet | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 32 square feet per side (max. 2 sides) | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | 10 feet from any lot line | |||||
NOTES: [1] Sign support structures shall be included in maximum sign height and face area. | ||||||
3. Durational Standards | ||||||
Maximum Duration of the Sign | All Residential Districts | 2 years | ||||
Non Residential and Mixed Use Districts | 1 year | |||||
Removal | All Construction/Development Advertising signs must be removed once the development is determined to be complete | |||||
NOTES: [1] Renewal of the existing sign permit may be obtained once the duration of the previous sign permit is complete. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Supports and braces should be hidden from public view to the fullest extent possible. | ||||||
b. Construction/Development Advertising signs shall not be located within a street right-of-way. | ||||||
c. Construction/Development Advertising signs shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
d. Construction/Development Advertising signs shall not include permanent modifications to a site or building. | ||||||
e. Construction/Development Advertising signs may not be illuminated. | ||||||
f. Construction/Development Advertising signs shall not block windows or doors. | ||||||
g. Construction/Development Advertising signs must be maintained in good condition. | ||||||
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D. Electronic Message Board
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1. Definition | A wall or ground sign, or portion thereof that displays electronic, non-pictorial, or text information that may or may not change. Sign content is displayed by light emitting diodes (LED's), fiber optics, light bulbs, or other illumination devices arranged in a matrix within the display area. Electronic message boards ("EMBs") do not display animation or imagery that appears to move. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of EMBs per Lot | One per lot or development | |||||
Minimum Separation of EMB from Residentially-Zoned Land | 150 linear feet | |||||
Minimum Separation from Another EMB | 35 linear feet | |||||
Maximum Height | In accordance with wall or ground sign standards, as appropriate [1] | |||||
Maximum EMB Face Area | In accordance with wall or ground sign standards, as appropriate [2] | |||||
Maximum Percentage of Total Sign Face Area Devoted to an EMB | Lesser of: 32 square feet or 50% of the total allowable sign face area for the type of sign proposed (i.e., wall, ground) | |||||
Minimum Static Hold Time Between Message Changes | 1 minute [3] | |||||
Maximum Brightness | 465 lumens per square foot during daytime hours; 70 lumen per square foot during dawn, dusk, and nighttime hours | |||||
Notes: [1] In no instance shall an EMB extend higher than 30 feet above grade. [2] The face area shall include all mounting hardware, framework, and sign supports. [3] Transition between images shall take place within one second or less. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. EMBs may only be configured as a wall or ground sign, or portion thereof. | ||||||
b. EMBs may only be allowed as part of a permanent sign, not a temporary sign. | ||||||
c. Use of the terms "stop", "caution", or "danger" is prohibited on an EMB for reasons of public safety. | ||||||
d. Appearance of animation or message movement is prohibited. | ||||||
e. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
f. The owner or operator of an EMB shall attest to the installation of a power supply system that will power the EMB off after a power outage or other condition that causes the sign to blink, flash, or have the appearance of movement. | ||||||
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E. Flags
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1. Definition | A piece of cloth or similar material, typically rectangular or square in shape, that is attached to a pole or rope along the shorter side of the material. Flags flown by a governmental agency, located on land owned or operated by a governmental agency, or on a building owned or operated by a governmental agency are exempted from these standards. Flags affixed to two or more poles at the same time are subject to the standards for banners. Feather flags and bow signs are prohibited. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Flags per Lot | 3 | |||||
Maximum Mounting Height | 25 feet above grade or 25 feet above the highest point of a building if building-mounted [1] | |||||
Maximum Number of Flags per Flag Pole | 2 | |||||
Maximum Size per Flag | 24 square feet | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line for a Flagpole or other Mounting Device | The height of the flagpole or mounting device | |||||
Notes: [1] In cases where a flag projects out into a street right-of-way, the flag shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 18 feet above the street pavement and 9 feet above a sidewalk. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
i. Flags and flagpoles shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
ii. Except on lots in residential districts, flags on poles shall be located no more than 10 feet from the front building line. | ||||||
iii. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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F. Ground Signs
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1. Definition | Any sign, other than a pole sign, that is attached directly to the ground by means of a supporting system comprised of a solid pedestal, or other bracing system where there is no open space between the bottom of the sign face area and the ground. Ground signs are configured so that the base of the sign support structure is at least as wide as the sign face area. Ground signs may also be referred to as "pedestal" signs or "monument" signs. Any sign with an opening between the bottom of the sign's face area and ground or where the sign face area is wider than the sign support structure shall be considered as a pole or "freestanding" sign, which are prohibited. Ground signs are not mounted to a building wall, and are not located within a street right-of-way. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Ground Signs Per Lot | 1 [1] | |||||
Maximum Height [2] [3] [4] | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
3 feet | 4 feet | 4 feet | 6 feet | 3 feet | 15 feet | |
Maximum Sign Face Area [5] | 36 square feet | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | 5 feet [6] | |||||
Minimum Separation between Ground Signs on Adjacent Lots | 50 feet [7] | |||||
Notes: [1] Developments on lots of 2 acres in size or greater and corner lots may have a ground sign for each roadway fronting the perimeter of the development. [2] Sign height shall be determined based on the higher of: the adjacent grade level or the grade level of the adjacent street. [3] In nonresidential districts, the maximum height of a ground sign may be increased by 1 foot for every 10 feet of setback beyond the minimum applicable setback to a maximum ground sign height of 25 feet. [4] The support structure shall be included within the measurement of the sign's maximum height. [5] The maximum sign face area may be increased by 4 square feet for every 10 feet of setback beyond the minimum applicable setback to a maximum ground sign face area of 175 square feet. [6] Except within the DTC and DTP districts, all portions of a ground sign shall be at least 5 feet from a street right-of-way. [7] In cases where a ground sign is proposed and it is impossible to meet the minimum separation distance requirements from an existing ground sign, the proposed sign shall maintain the minimum street setback necessary to ensure an unimpeded view of the existing ground sign on an adjacent lot. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Ground signs shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
b. Ground signs with support structures of three feet in height or more above grade shall include evergreen plantings around the base of the sign support structure in sufficient number to screen its view from off-site areas. | ||||||
c. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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G. Incidental Sign
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1. Definition | Any small or nondescript sign that only provides directional information or safety information for the public. Examples of incidental signs include signs addressing on-site traffic circulation (such as "entrance" or "exit" signs), public safety (such as "high voltage" or "beware of dog" signs), or address signs. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards [1] | ||||||
Maximum Number of Incidental Signs Per Lot | Lots with an existing single- family detached dwelling, mobile home, or manufactured home | 1 per principal structure | ||||
Lots with an duplex, triplex, or quadplex dwelling unit | 1 per dwelling unit | |||||
Single-family attached dwelling | 1 per dwelling unit | |||||
Multi-family development | 1 per building + 5 | |||||
Lots in a mixed-use or commercial district | [2] | |||||
Maximum Height | 6 feet for lots in residential districts; 12 feet for lots in mixed-use and nonresidential districts [3] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 1 1/2 square feet per sign [4] | |||||
Total Incidental Sign Face Area per Mixed-Use or Nonresidential Lot or Development | 20 square feet | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | 5 feet [5] | |||||
Notes: [1] Incidental signs that exceed the maximum height or sign face area shall be considered as a wall sign, ground sign, pole sign, or projecting sign, as appropriate. [2] See total incidental sign face area per lot or development. [3] Sign height shall be determined based on the grade immediately adjacent to the sign. [4] Up to two incidental signs on any single lot may be up to three square feet in sign face area size. [5] In no instance shall an incidental sign be located within a right-of-way, a sight distance triangle, or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. No sign permit shall be required for the establishment of incidental signs, but all incidental signage shall comply with the standards in this section. | ||||||
b. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3. Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCQ) District. | ||||||
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H. Political Signs
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1. Definition | Any sign that advocates for a particular political candidate, party, position, or political action that is made available for view by the public before and during the portion of a calendar year when elections are underway as described in Section 136-32 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Political signs are also referred to as "campaign" signs or "election" signs. Signs of a political nature that are placed on private property outside the period of time when elections are underway shall be considered as an incidental sign. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Political Signs Per Lot | 6[1] | |||||
Maximum Height | In a right-of-way | 42 inches above the edge of the pavement of the adjacent roadway | ||||
On an individual lot | 60 inches above adjacent grade | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | In a right-of-way | 6 square feet per sign | ||||
On an individual lot | 32 square feet per sign | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | None | |||||
Minimum Separation between Political Signs | [2] | |||||
Notes: [1] There is no limit on the number of political signs that may be placed within the right-of-way in front of a lot during the portion of the year when elections are underway provided the owner of the sign obtains the consent of the lot's owner to place the sign in front of the lot. [2] No political sign may be placed in any manner that obscures another sign from view. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Political signs shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
b. Political signs may not be placed on utility poles or traffic control signal poles. | ||||||
c. Political signs may be placed in the right-of-way only during the period of time when elections are underway as identified in Section 136-32 of the North Carolina General Statutes. | ||||||
d. Political signs may not be illuminated. | ||||||
e. Political signs found to be in violation of these standards or the applicable standards in Section 136-32 of the North Carolina General Statutes may be removed by the Planning Director. | ||||||
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I. Projecting Signs
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1. Definition | Any sign that projects outward from a building's exterior wall where the sign face area is not parallel to the building wall upon which is mounted. Projecting signs are also referred to as "marquee" signs. Signs mounted to a building wall with sign face areas that are parallel to the building wall are considered "wall" signs. A sign comprised of fabric or similar material is a "flag" or a "banner" sign. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Projecting Signs Per Lot | One per building facade | |||||
Maximum Height | A projecting sign shall not project above the height of the wall it is mounted to [1] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 40 square feet [2] | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | A projecting sign shall not encroach into a required yard by more than 6 feet [3] | |||||
Notes: [1] Any projecting sign that projects into a right-of-way or that projects over a sidewalk or vehicular accessway shall maintain a minimum clearance of at least 9 feet above grade. [2] Projecting signs with 3 sides may have up to 80 square feet of sign area. [3] A projecting sign shall not project into a right-of-way by more than 36 inches, and shall maintain a minimum of two feet of horizontal distance from the back of the curb. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Projecting signs of 1 1/2 square feet in total sign area or less shall be considered incidental signs. | ||||||
b. Any electrical wiring shall be located within the sign or the wall it is affixed to. | ||||||
c. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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J. Sidewalk Signs
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1. Definition | A pedestrian-oriented movable sign that sits on the grade located proximate to the primary entrance of the nonresidential or mixed use being advertised. Sidewalk signs are also referred to as "A-frame" signs or "Board" signs. The sign shall be self-supporting and only visible during operating hours. Sidewalk signs are configured with a broader base then a top or are equipped with supports to ensure they remain stable in normal wind conditions. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Sidewalk Signs Per Lot | 1 per street frontage, regardless of the number of tenants [1] [2] | |||||
Minimum Clearance Around Sidewalk Sign | 5 feet [3] [4] | |||||
Maximum Height | 4 feet | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 8.5 square feet | |||||
Maximum Number of Sidewalk Sign Sides | 2 | |||||
Maximum Distance from Primary Entrance of Use Being Advertised | 25 linear feet | |||||
Notes: [1] Sidewalk signs may only be permitted on a sidewalk or on-site pedestrian walkway. [2] Nothing shall limit the rotating of different sidewalk signs on an individual lot provided the total number of signs does not exceed the maximum. [3] A sidewalk sign may only be placed in a manner that allows for unrestricted pedestrian access around all sides of the sign, and shall not be located within an access ramp, proximate to an accessible parking space, or within a sight distance triangle. [4] A sidewalk sign shall be no closer than 6 inches from the curb. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. A sidewalk sign shall not be permanently attached to the sidewalk, signs, street trees, landscaping, bicycle rack, or any other fixtures on the sidewalk. | ||||||
b. Each sidewalk sign shall be removed each day by the close of business. | ||||||
c. Sidewalks signs may include changeable copy. | ||||||
d. Sidewalks signs shall not be illuminated. | ||||||
e. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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K. Subdivision Signs
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1. Definition | A ground sign located at the entrance to a subdivision consisting of two or more lots. Subdivision signs shall be located outside all street rights-of-way, and shall not be located on a lot with a principal building. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Subdivision Signs Per Development | 1 per development entrance | |||||
Maximum Height | 6 feet [1] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 32 square feet [2] [3] | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | None | |||||
Minimum Setback from Right-of-Way | 5 feet | |||||
Notes: [1] Sign height shall be determined based on the higher of: the adjacent grade level or the grade level of the adjacent street. [2] The support structure for a subdivision sign configured as a ground sign shall not be included with the calculation of the maximum allowable sign face area. [3] Developments with 2 or more entries may have up to 64 square feet of subdivision sign provided that no single entry has a subdivision sign with a sign face area exceeding 32 square feet. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Subdivision signs may only be configured as a ground sign. | ||||||
b. Subdivision signs shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
c. Subdivision signs that are illuminated shall comply with the applicable limitations on glare in Section 5.4, Exterior Lighting. | ||||||
d. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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L. Suspended Signs
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1. Definition
A sign that is suspended from the underside of a principal building's overhang or canopy that is intended for view by pedestrians or patrons already on a site. The sign may be parallel or perpendicular to the building wall. A sign that is
not suspended from a canopy or overhang of a building is not a suspended sign. A sign mounted on a building wall parallel to the wall is a "wall" sign. A sign mounted on a building wall perpendicular to the building wall is a "projecting" sign. Signs visible through a window are "window" signs. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Projection Signs Per Development | 1 per lot or 1 per tenant in a multi-tenant building | |||||
Maximum Mounting Height | Below the roof or parapet [1] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area | 3 square feet; 6 square feet in the CBD district | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | [2] | |||||
Notes: [1] Any suspended sign that projects into a right-of-way or that projects over a sidewalk, walkway, or vehicular accessway shall maintain a minimum clearance of at least 9 feet above the grade or the walkway. [2] A suspended sign shall maintain a minimum of two feet of horizontal distance from the back of the curb. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Suspended signs shall not project beyond the canopy or overhang they are mounted to. | ||||||
b. Suspended signs shall be flush mounted or drop mounted with metal pipe, chain, wire, or other comparable material and permanently affixed to the overhang or canopy where mounted. | ||||||
c. Suspended signs shall not be mounted to an accessory structure. | ||||||
d. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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M. Supplemental Signs | ||||||
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1. Definition | Any sign that is not permanently affixed to the ground or a building which can be removed without special handling and that may be located on a lot or site in addition to other forms of signage. Banners and incidental signs are not supplemental signs. Ideological signs are considered supplemental signs. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Supplemental Signs Per Lot | 1 per lot; 1 per nonresidential tenant in a multi-tenant development | |||||
Maximum Sign Height [1] | Residential Districts | 6 feet | ||||
All Other Districts | 12 feet | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area [2] | Residential Districts | 6 square feet | ||||
All Other Districts | 20 square feet | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | 10 feet from any lot line | |||||
Notes: [1] Sign support structures shall be included in maximum sign height and face area. [2] Signs visible through a window are also subject to the standards for window signs. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Supplemental signs shall not require issuance of a sign permit and are not subject to a maximum duration. | ||||||
b. Supplemental signs shall not be located within a street right-of-way. | ||||||
c. Supplemental signs shall not be placed within required sight distance triangles or in locations that obstruct the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. | ||||||
d. Supplemental signs shall not include permanent modifications to a site or building. | ||||||
e. Supplemental signs may not be illuminated. | ||||||
f. Supplemental signs shall not block windows or doors. | ||||||
g. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3. Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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N. Wall Signs
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1. Definition | Any sign, other than a projecting sign, that is mounted to or painted on an exterior building wall. Wall signs have only one sign face and are configured to be parallel to the building wall upon which they are located. Signs mounted perpendicular to a wall are "projecting" signs. Signs mounted from the ceiling of a building's canopy or overhang are "suspended" signs. Signs made of fabric or other material that moves are "banners" or "flags." Signs visible through a window are "window" signs. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
RMF Only | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Wall Signs Per Development | Lots in residential districts | 1 | ||||
Lots in all other districts - single tenant building | 1 per building facade | |||||
Lots in all other districts - multi-tenant building | 1 per tenant | |||||
Maximum Mounting Height | No wall sign shall extend above, below or beyond the building wall to which it is attached [1] | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area [2] | Lots in residential districts | 16 square feet | ||||
Lots in OI and NC districts | 32 square feet | |||||
Lots in DTC and DTP districts | ½ square foot of sign face area per lineal foot of building facade upon which the sign is located [3] | |||||
Lots in GC, HC, and industrial districts | ½ square foot of sign face area per lineal foot of building facade upon which the sign is located [4] | |||||
Minimum Setback from any Lot Line | Same as the building [5] | |||||
Notes: [1] Wall signs that project into a right-of-way shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of at least 9 feet above grade. [2] In the case of multi-tenant nonresidential buildings, the total sign area per tenant shall be determined based on the portion of the building frontage occupied by each storefront. End units may have a wall sign on each building facade, subject to the maximum sign face area standards. [3] No individual wall sign shall exceed 32 square feet of sign face area. [4] No individual wall sign shall exceed 64 square feet of sign face area. [5] Wall signs shall not project into a right-of-way by more than six inches. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
i. No wall sign shall be located in a manner that covers or blocks ingress or egress from a door, window, or fire escape. | ||||||
ii. Any electrical wiring shall be located within the sign or the wall it is affixed to. | ||||||
iii. Wall signs that are illuminated shall comply with the applicable limitations on glare in Section 5.4, Exterior Lighting. | ||||||
iv. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
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O. Window Signs | ||||||
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1. Definition | A sign affixed to or visible through the surface of a window or glass door that is intended to be visible to the public from outside the building. Signs painted on glass and etched or frosted glass that includes text or symbols shall be considered as a window sign. Signs not visible from off-site areas are exempted from these standards. Signs mounted to a building's exterior wall are "wall" signs. | |||||
2. Where Permitted | Residential | OI | NC | GC & HC | DTC & DTP | LI, CI, HI |
No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
3. Dimensional Standards | ||||||
Maximum Number of Window Signs Per Development | No limit, subject to the maximum sign face area standards | |||||
Maximum Mounting Height | Window signs are not permitted above the second story or higher than 25 feet above ground level | |||||
Maximum Sign Face Area [1] | DTP & DTC districts | 25% of the outer extent of any single window or door [2] | ||||
All other districts | 40% of the outer extent of any single window or door [2] | |||||
Notes: [1] Groups of multiple windows or doors within six inches of one another on the same building facade shall be considered as one window or door for the purposes of sign face area calculation. [2] Window signs shall not be located or configured in ways that prevent patrons operating doors safely. [3] The Planning Director may allow for the maximum sign area to be up to 25% of the cumulative surface area of all the windows on the face of a wall if there are no other signs located on that wall and if the positioning of the window to which the window signs are attached do not accomplish the transparency intent. | ||||||
4. Additional Standards | ||||||
a. Window signs may not be externally illuminated. | ||||||
b. Material used to block views into a vacant building (such as brown paper) is not considered to be a window sign. | ||||||
c. Blinds, shades, or curtains bearing symbols or text that is visible from off-site areas shall be considered to be a window sign subject to these standards. | ||||||
d. Signage may be subject to additional standards identified in Section 3.8.3, Gateway Corridor Overlay (GCO) District. | ||||||
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. 2020-48, passed 6-1-2020; Ord. 2021-55, passed 3-1-2021; Ord. 2023-10, passed 11-7-2022; Ord. 2024-11, passed 9-11-2023)