5.2.3.   Statement of Consent
   A.   Compliance with the design guidelines in this section is voluntary and at the discretion of the applicant. In cases where an applicant chooses to comply with the guidelines in this section, the applicant shall sign the following statement of consent and include it with the application for a preliminary plat, special use permit, site plan, or building permit, as appropriate.
The single-family detached, attached, duplex, triplex, and quadraplex dwellings depicted on the attached site plan, subdivision plat, or other development approval is subject to the Town of Zebulon's Single-Family Residential Design Guidelines in place at the time the application for this development was determined to be complete. I hereby voluntarily consent to the application of these design guidelines, this acceptance of which shall run with the land regardless of changes in ownership, and recognize that failure to comply with the applicable guidelines following approval is a violation of the Unified Development Ordinance.
Landowner Signature Date
   B.   The signed statement of consent and the development approval shall be recorded in the office of the Wake County Register of Deeds prior to issuance of a building permit.
   C.   Applicants seeking to establish single-family attached development may consent to complying with the multi-family design standard as an alternative to these provisions.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019; Ord. No. 2025-11, passed 10-7-2024)