B. The physical amount of open space to be set aside within a particular development is a percentage of total development size. These percentage requirements is found in the dimensional standards tables for the zoning districts in Article 3: Districts. There is no limitation on the provision of additional open space set-aside beyond the minimum specified in Article 3: Districts.
C. Once the minimum amount of open space set-aside to be provided is determined, the type of open space set-aside, if specified, should also be determined.
D. Applicants should consult Section 5.7.5, Open Space Set-Aside Configuration, in order to understand any applicable design requirements or prohibited features.
E. The required amount of open space set-aside may be reduced based on the provision of sustainable development features in accordance with Section 5.12, Sustainability Incentives, or other aspects of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)