A. Generally. Unless exempted in accordance with Section 5.10.4, Exemptions, the standards in this section apply to the following site features and activities for all development in the Town's planning jurisdiction:
1. Refuse collection containers of more than 100 gallons in size;
2. Recycling containers of more than 100 gallons in size, including cardboard recycling containers;
3. Waste and cardboard compactors;
4. Ground-based mechanical equipment, including but not limited to wireless telecommunications equipment, permanently-mounted electrical generators, compressors, climate control equipment, breaker panels, meters, electrical service risers, and similar equipment;
5. Roof-mounted equipment of any kind;
6. Above ground storage tanks for gases, solids, or liquids;
7. Outdoor equipment storage or repair areas;
8. Outdoor storage of raw, or semi-finished materials (including tires), or finished products for sale;
9. Impounded vehicles and equipment;
10. Vehicles and equipment being repaired; and
11. Inoperable vehicles being used for parts.
B. Pre-Existing Development. Lawfully-established development established prior to January 1, 2020, that is subject to, but that does not comply with these standards shall be subject to applicable the standards in Article 7: Nonconformities.
C. Expansions or Remodeling. All expansions or remodeling of principal buildings or open uses of land existing on or before January 1, 2020, shall comply with these standards, subject to the requirements in Section 7.4, Nonconforming Sites.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
The following items ore exempted from the screening requirements of this section:
A. Any of the features listed in sub-section 5.10.3.A above that are located entirely within a building;
B. Refuse collection containers serving individual single-family detached, single-family attached, duplex, triplex, or quadplex dwellings;
C. Utility meters, whether wall or ground mounted;
D. Small wireless facilities;
E. Roof-mounted solar energy or wind energy conversion devices;
F. Transformers and similar devices serving electric vehicle charging stations;
G. Family health care structures;
H. Outdoor display/sales as a principal or accessory use subject to an approved building permit; and
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
A. Items or activities subject to the requirements in this section shall be fully screened from one or more off-site views in accordance with Section 5.10.6, Views to Be Screened, using one of the allowable methods identified in Table 5.10.5, Screening Methods.
B. Table 5.10.5, Screening Methods, sets out the various methods for screening site features and activities subject to these standards. Screening, when required, shall comply with the configuration requirements listed below.
C. In the event a ground-based site feature or activity to be screened exceeds a height of eight feet above grade, evergreen understory trees configured in accordance with the standards for Screening Level 2 shall be included as part of any required screening method.
Level of Screening | Requirements |
1. Screening Level 1: | Understory Tree Hedgerow |
![]() | a. All trees shall be of the same species and all shrubs shall be of an evergreen species. |
b. A hedgerow shall include one row of evergreen understory trees and one row of evergreen shrubs. | |
c. The hedgerow shall include plants capable of providing a fully opaque screen of at least 36 inches in depth from the grade to the minimum height required. | |
d. Trees shall maintain an on-center spacing of no greater than 60 inches. Shrubs shall maintain an on-center spacing of no greater than 48 inches. | |
e. Trees shall be of a minimum height necessary at time of planting to achieve a minimum height of 8 feet above grade within 3 years. | |
f. Shrubs shall be of a minimum height necessary at time of planting to achieve a minimum height of 6 feet above grade within 3 years. | |
g. If damaged in a manner that impairs the performance of the screening, vegetative material shall be promptly replaced. | |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
2. Screening Level 2: | Evergreen Shrub Hedge |
![]() | a. All shrubs shall be evergreen and of the same species. |
b. The screening material shall be configured as two staggered rows of shrubs that together form a hedge. | |
c. The screening shall maintain a minimum width of at least 36 inches at the time of planting. | |
d. Shrubs shall be capable of providing a fully opaque screen of at least 36 inches in depth from the grade to the minimum height required. | |
e. Shrub rows shall be planted no more than 30 inches apart. | |
f. Shrubs shall maintain an on-center spacing of no greater than 36 inches. | |
g. Shrubs shall be of a minimum height necessary at time of planting to achieve a minimum height of 6 feet above grade within 3 years. | |
h. If damaged in a manner that impairs the performance of the screening, vegetative material shall be promptly replaced. | |
3. Screening Level 3: | Chain Link Fence with Opaque Slats/Fabric |
![]() | a. Fencing must be configured in accordance 5.3.H.2, Fences and Walls. |
b. All fencing shall maintain the minimum height necessary to fully screen the site feature or activity. | |
c. Fencing shall be at least 60 percent opaque, when viewed from a distance of ten feet or more. | |
d. All gates shall maintain a complimentary level of opacity excluding gaps for mounting hardware, latches, and hinges. | |
e. Slats or fabric shall extend downwards to the grade. | |
f. The fence and screening material shall be comprised of consistent materials and shall maintain a single color. | |
g. Slats may be plastic or wood and shall be promptly repaired if damaged in a manner that reduces the screening function. | |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
4. Screening Level 4: | Building Wall Projection |
![]() | a. Building wall projections must be attached to a principal or accessory structure. |
b. All walls shall maintain the minimum height necessary to fully screen the site feature or activity. | |
c. The wall shall be comprised of consistent materials and colors to those used on the principal or accessory structure. | |
d. Building walls may incorporate louvers, grates, or similar features, provided the screening function is maintained. | |
e. All gates shall be comprised of a complimentary material and be opaque excluding gaps for mounting hardware, latches, and hinges. | |
f. Screening materials shall be promptly repaired if damaged in a manner that reduces the screening function. | |
5. Screening Level 5: | Wooden Opaque Fence |
![]() | a. Fencing shall be configured in accordance 5.3.H.2, Fences and Walls, and the North Carolina Building Code. |
b. All fencing shall maintain the minimum height necessary to fully screen the site feature or activity, but shall not exceed a maximum height of 8 feet. | |
c. All gates shall maintain a complimentary level of opacity excluding gaps for mounting hardware, latches, and hinges. | |
d. The fence shall be comprised of consistent materials and colors. | |
e. Enclosures for refuse and recycling containers shall meet all applicable City requirements. | |
f. Screening material shall be promptly repaired if damaged in a manner that reduces the screening function. | |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
6. Screening Level 6: | Opaque Masonry Wall |
![]() | a. Walls shall be configured in accordance 5.3.H.2, Fences and Walls. |
b. All walls shall maintain the minimum height necessary to fully screen the site feature or activity, but shall not exceed a maximum height of 8 feet. | |
c. The wall shall be comprised of consistent materials and colors to those used on the principal structure. | |
d. Masonry walls may incorporate louvers or similar features provided the screening function is maintained. | |
e. All gates shall be comprised of a complimentary material and be opaque, excluding gaps for mounting hardware, latches, and hinges. | |
f. Support columns may exceed the maximum height as necessary for wall construction. | |
g. Enclosures for refuse and recycling containers shall meet all applicable City requirements. | |
h. Screening material shall be promptly repaired if damaged in a manner that reduces the screening function. | |
7. Screening Level 7: | Berms and Mounds |
![]() | a. Berms shall be configured in accordance with the standards in Section 5.3.H.1, Berms. |
b. Nothing shall limit the use of retaining walls, as necessary. | |
c. Berms shall be supplemented with walls, fencing, or vegetation as necessary to meet screening objectives. | |
8. Screening Level 8: | Concealment by Other On-Site Structures |
![]() | a. Site features and activities subject to these standards may be screened by other permanent buildings or structures on the same lot. |
b. Buildings or structures used to provide screening shall be permanent and shall be of a minimum height necessary to provide required screening. (note: red circle in photo added for clarity) | |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
Level of Screening | Requirements |
9. Screening Level 9: | Roof Screening |
![]() | a. Roof screening shall be 100 percent opaque, and shall only be used to screen items on a roof. |
b. Roof screening shall extend the minimum height necessary to fully screen roof-mounted equipment as seen at grade from any lot line. | |
c. Roof-mounted equipment on pitched roofs shall be located on the side of the roof least visible from the street, to the maximum extent practicable. | |
10. Screening Level 10: | Parapet Wall |
![]() | a. Parapet walls shall be comprised of the same exterior material or be the same color as the building and shall be capped with a cornice, coping, or other decorative molding. |
b. Parapet walls shall be in alignment with the exterior building wall below. | |
c. Parapet walls shall extend above the roof deck the minimum height necessary to screen roof-mounted equipment as seen from grade-level at the lot line. | |
d. Parapet walls shall be engineered to comply with all applicable North Carolina Building Code requirements, including wind loading. | |
Notes: [1] Screening provided in accordance with this section shall be credited towards perimeter buffer and parking lot landscaping requirements (see Section 5.6, Landscaping) when the screening methods contribute to the performance objective of required landscaping. | |
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
Site features and activities subject to these standards shall be screened from identified locations in Table 5.10.6, Views to Be Screened. The level of screening provided is at the applicant or landowner's discretion, provided it meets or exceeds the minimum screening level specified in the table below.
Feature or Activity to Be Screened | Required Screening Level, by Location | |||
From an Abutting Public Street, Sidewalk, Greenway, or Open Space | From Abutting Land in a Residential or Mixed-Use Zoning District | From Abutting Land in a Commercial Zoning District | From Abutting Land in an Industrial Zoning District |
Feature or Activity to Be Screened | Required Screening Level, by Location | |||
From an Abutting Public Street, Sidewalk, Greenway, or Open Space | From Abutting Land in a Residential or Mixed-Use Zoning District | From Abutting Land in a Commercial Zoning District | From Abutting Land in an Industrial Zoning District | |
Refuse or Recycling Containers or Compactors | 4 or higher | 3 or higher | 1 or higher | 1 or higher |
Ground-Based Mechanical Equipment | 3 or higher | 2 or higher | 1 or higher | 1 or higher |
Roof-Mounted Equipment | 10 | 9 or higher | 1 or higher | |
Above Ground Storage Tanks | 4 or higher | 3 or higher | 1 or higher | 1 or higher |
Outdoor Equipment Storage or Repair | 4 or higher | 3 or higher | 2 or higher | 1 or higher |
Outdoor Storage of Raw or Semi-Finished Materials | 3 or higher | 2 or higher | 1 or higher | |
Outdoor Storage of Finished Products for Sale | 1 or higher | 2 or higher | 1 or higher | 1 or higher |
Impounded Vehicles and Equipment | 4 or higher | 5 or higher | 3 or higher | 1 or higher |
Vehicles and Equipment Being Repaired | ||||
Inoperable Vehicles Being Used for Parts | ||||
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)