A. Generally. Unless exempted in accordance with Section 5.10.4, Exemptions, the standards in this section apply to the following site features and activities for all development in the Town's planning jurisdiction:
1. Refuse collection containers of more than 100 gallons in size;
2. Recycling containers of more than 100 gallons in size, including cardboard recycling containers;
3. Waste and cardboard compactors;
4. Ground-based mechanical equipment, including but not limited to wireless telecommunications equipment, permanently-mounted electrical generators, compressors, climate control equipment, breaker panels, meters, electrical service risers, and similar equipment;
5. Roof-mounted equipment of any kind;
6. Above ground storage tanks for gases, solids, or liquids;
7. Outdoor equipment storage or repair areas;
8. Outdoor storage of raw, or semi-finished materials (including tires), or finished products for sale;
9. Impounded vehicles and equipment;
10. Vehicles and equipment being repaired; and
11. Inoperable vehicles being used for parts.
B. Pre-Existing Development. Lawfully-established development established prior to January 1, 2020, that is subject to, but that does not comply with these standards shall be subject to applicable the standards in Article 7: Nonconformities.
C. Expansions or Remodeling. All expansions or remodeling of principal buildings or open uses of land existing on or before January 1, 2020, shall comply with these standards, subject to the requirements in Section 7.4, Nonconforming Sites.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)