5.9.6.   Credit Towards Other Ordinance Requirements
   A.   Open Space Set-Aside. Land area devoted to reforestation or to the retention of existing trees during and after development activity shall be credited towards any passive open space set-aside requirements in Section 5.7.4, Minimum Open Space Set-Aside Requirements.
   B.   Required Landscaping.
      1.   Existing healthy, well-formed canopy and understory trees that are retained on site during and after development shall be credited toward the minimum landscaping requirements in Section 5.6, Landscaping, provided:
         a.   The vegetation to be credited shall meet the minimum size standards for required landscaping;
         b.   The vegetation to be credited conforms with all species requirements and does not include noxious weeds or other nuisance vegetation;
         c.   The vegetation to be credited is protected before and during development in accordance with Section 5.9.5: Tree Protection Devices, prior to the start of any land-disturbing activities; and
         d.   The location of the existing vegetation contributes to the screening or buffering functions of the landscaping.
      2.   As an incentive for retention of existing trees, existing trees meeting the standards in (A) above that are retained during and after development shall be credited towards the minimum landscaping requirements in this Ordinance at a rate of 1.25 times the tree's actual caliper or diameter at breast height.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.9.7.   Maintenance
   A.   Reforestation and tree retention areas are intended to remain undisturbed by clearing or development. Any disturbance of these areas shall be a violation of this Ordinance in accordance with Article 8: Enforcement.
   B.   Trees located within reforestation or tree retention areas are intended to remain until their natural death. In the event of disease or the creation of an unsafe situation, the Planning Director may allow selective clearing or removal of trees subject to an approved replanting plan.(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.10.1.   Purpose and Intent
These standards are intended to reduce the visual and auditory impact upon adjacent lots and the public realm from certain site features and activities occurring on individual nonresidential, multi-family and mixed use lots. In addition to mitigating negative impacts, these standards are also proposed to enhance the aesthetics of development in the Town's planning jurisdiction.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.10.2.   Using These Standards
   A.   These standards identify a series of use types, site features, and activities that are required to be screened from off-site views (see Section 5.10.3, Applicability, and Section 5.10.4, Exemptions).
   B.   The standards establish a series of screening methods organized into differing levels (e.g., Level 1 through Level 10). The higher the screening method's level number, the greater its opacity, or its ability to obscure a particular site feature from off-site view (see Table 5.10.5, Screening Methods).
   C.   The standards identify which methods of screening may be used to screen a site feature or activity from view from a particular location, such as an adjacent street or abutting lot with residential zoning (see Table 5.10.6, Views to Be Screened). Nothing prohibits a landowner from using a more intense or opaque screening technique than is required by Table 5.10.6, Views to Be Screened.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.10.3.   Applicability
   A.   Generally. Unless exempted in accordance with Section 5.10.4, Exemptions, the standards in this section apply to the following site features and activities for all development in the Town's planning jurisdiction:
      1.   Refuse collection containers of more than 100 gallons in size;
      2.   Recycling containers of more than 100 gallons in size, including cardboard recycling containers;
      3.   Waste and cardboard compactors;
      4.   Ground-based mechanical equipment, including but not limited to wireless telecommunications equipment, permanently-mounted electrical generators, compressors, climate control equipment, breaker panels, meters, electrical service risers, and similar equipment;
      5.   Roof-mounted equipment of any kind;
      6.   Above ground storage tanks for gases, solids, or liquids;
      7.   Outdoor equipment storage or repair areas;
      8.   Outdoor storage of raw, or semi-finished materials (including tires), or finished products for sale;
      9.   Impounded vehicles and equipment;
      10.   Vehicles and equipment being repaired; and
      11.   Inoperable vehicles being used for parts.
   B.   Pre-Existing Development. Lawfully-established development established prior to January 1, 2020, that is subject to, but that does not comply with these standards shall be subject to applicable the standards in Article 7: Nonconformities.
   C.   Expansions or Remodeling. All expansions or remodeling of principal buildings or open uses of land existing on or before January 1, 2020, shall comply with these standards, subject to the requirements in Section 7.4, Nonconforming Sites.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.10.4.   Exemptions
The following items ore exempted from the screening requirements of this section:
   A.   Any of the features listed in sub-section 5.10.3.A above that are located entirely within a building;
   B.   Refuse collection containers serving individual single-family detached, single-family attached, duplex, triplex, or quadplex dwellings;
   C.   Utility meters, whether wall or ground mounted;
   D.   Small wireless facilities;
   E.   Roof-mounted solar energy or wind energy conversion devices;
   F.   Transformers and similar devices serving electric vehicle charging stations;
   G.   Family health care structures;
   H.   Outdoor display/sales as a principal or accessory use subject to an approved building permit; and
   I.   Outdoor seasonal sales and portable storage containers subject to an approved temporary use permit (see Section 2.2.19, Temporary Use Permit) and Section 4.5, Temporary Uses.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)