A. Purpose and Intent.
1. Foundation plantings provided in accordance with this section are intended to soften the visual impacts of a building's base or foundation along any facade visible from a street other than an alley.
2. These standards are also intended to provide for the even dispersal of trees across a development site.
B. Applicability. Except where exempted by Section 5.6.11.C, Exemption, these standards shall apply to all new residential, institutional, and commercial development constructed in the Town after January 1, 2020.
C. Exemption. The following forms of development and site locations shall be exempted from these standards:
1. Development existing prior to January 1, 2020, including any additions or expansions;
2. Land uses listed under the Industrial land use classification in Table 4.2.3, Principal Use Table;
3. Helicopter landing pads, telecommunications facilities, and utilities; and
4. Uses where the obstruction of the site or the building constitutes a danger to public safety in the determination of the Planning Director.
D. Required Plant Material.
1. Foundation Plantings.
a. Evergreen shrubs or decorative grasses with a minimum height of 18 inches shall be located within 10 feet of any building foundation wall visible from a public street excluding alleys.
b. Shrubs shall maintain a maximum on-center placement of three feet (see Figure 5.6.11.D.1: Foundation Plantings and Site Landscaping).
c. Shrubs are not required in front of steps or access ramps.
2. Site Landscaping.
a. One canopy tree for every 2,000 square feet of lot area for the first 20,000 square feet of a lot.
b. These trees may be located anywhere on the site except where limited by Section 5.6.11.E, Placement.
E. Placement. Landscaping material associated with these standards shall not be located in the following areas:
1. Portions of a development site subject to Section 5.10, Screening;
2. Areas subject to the standards in Section 5.1.7, Sight Distance Triangles;
3. Lands within a utility or drainage easement;
4. Lands beneath overhead utilities; or
5. Lands within a required stormwater control measure unless the measure relies on flora to assist with water quality protection.
F. Credit from Required Landscaping. Other required landscaping material or existing vegetation may be credited towards these requirements in cases where such landscaping material meets the intent of these standards in the opinion of the Planning Director.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.6.12. Streetscape Buffers
A. Purpose and Intent. Streetscape buffers are proposed to soften the view of development from the Town's street rights-of-way, and are intended to:
1. Enhance pedestrian orientation and encourage pedestrian travel;
2. Address urban heat islands by providing shade for streets and sidewalks;
3. Provide shade on sidewalks;
4. Promote the Town's "sense of place";
5. Support property values by enhancing the aesthetic character of the Town's streets; and
6. Provide habitat for flora and fauna.
B. Applicability.
1. The standards in this section shall apply to all lot lines bounded by the following features, whether existing or identified in the Town's adopted policy guidance.
a. Collector streets; and
b. Arterial streets.
2. In cases where a future street is planned but its approximate location is not indicated on an adopted or approved Town map or plan, streetscape buffering shall not be required on lots abutting the future street alignment.
C. Exemption. Streetscape buffers are not required in the following instances:
1. When the primary building facade, or the facade with the building's primary entrance faces and is visible from the arterial or collector street right-of-way;
2. Lot lines abutting platted street rights-of-way that are or have remained unopened for at least 15 years; or
3. Lot frontages where the entirety of the lot frontage is within a required sight distance triangle.
D. Minimum Buffer Width.
1. Streetscape buffers shall maintain a minimum width of at least 15 feet from the lot lines subject to these standards.
2. Streetscape buffers shall not be located within required sight distance triangles (see Section 5.1.7, Sight Distance Triangles).
E. Required Plant Material. Streetscape buffers shall be configured as a Type C semi-opaque buffer except that the minimum number of required shrubs is reduced from 25 to 20, and the on-center spacing is reduced to 5 feet.
F. Placement.
1. Vegetation required as part of a streetscape buffer shall be located outside the street right-of-way.
2. Canopy trees shall be located within ten feet of the right-of-way edge.
3. Understory trees shall be located within five feet of the right-of-way edge.
4. An alternative location may be approved by the Planning Director in cases where underground utilities, drainage easements, topography, or other obstructions make placement of streetscape buffer vegetation in accordance with these standards impractical.
G. Prohibited Features. Off-street parking, off-street loading, merchandise display, or outdoor storage shall not take place within a required streetscape buffer.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)