Article 6 - Subdivisions
6: Subdivisions
6.1.   Introductory Provisions
6.1.1.   How to Use these Standards
6.1.2.   Purpose and Intent
6.1.3.   Applicability
6.1.4.   Exemptions
6.1.5.   Compliance with Other Standards
6.1.6.   Approval of Subdivision Plats Required
6.1.7.   Recordation of Subdivision Plats Required
6.1.8.   Issuance of Permits Following Plat Approval
6.1.9.   Subdividing in Violation
6.2.   Conservation Subdivision
6.2.1.   Purpose and Intent
6.2.2.   Applicability
6.2.3.   Procedure
6.2.4.   Conservation Subdivision Standards
6.2.5.   Delineation of Conservation and Development Areas
6.2.6.   Evaluation Criteria for Conservation Subdivision Layout
6.3.   Fee-in-Lieu
6.3.1.   Purpose
6.3.2.   Procedure
6.3.3.   Amount
6.3.4.   Review Standards for Fee-in-Lieu
6.4.   Greenways
6.4.1.   Required Greenway Dedication and Construction
6.4.2.   Payment In-Lieu of Providing Greenways
6.4.3.   Greenway Configuration
6.4.4.   Density Credits
6.4.5.   Open Space Set-Aside Credits
6.5.   Owners' Associations
6.5.1.   Purpose
6.5.2.   Applicability
6.5.3.   Creation Required
6.5.4.   Responsibilities of Association
6.5.5.   Procedure for Association Establishment
6.5.6.   Documentation Requirements
6.5.7.   Membership Requirements
6.5.8.   Transfer of Maintenance Responsibility
6.5.9.   Failure to Maintain is a Violation
6.6.   Performance Guarantees
6.6.1.   Purpose and Intent
6.6.2.   Eligible Facilities and Features
6.6.3.   Ineligible Facilities
6.6.4.   Maximum Term of Guarantee
6.6.5.   Form of Guarantee
6.6.6.   Administration of Guarantees
6.6.7.   Amount of Guarantee
6.6.8.   Release or Reduction of Guarantee
6.6.9.   Improper Release of Performance Guarantees
6.6.10.   Forfeiture of Guarantee
6.6.11.   As-Built Plans Required
6.7.   Reservation of Public Lands
6.7.1.   Reservation of School Sites
6.7.2.   Dedication of Land for Public Parks
6.8.   Sidewalks
6.8.1.   Location
6.8.2.   Configuration
6.8.3.   Credit for Trails
6.8.4.   Payment In-Lieu of Providing Sidewalks
6.9.   Soil Erosion & Sedimentation
6.9.1.   Natural Drainage System Utilized to the Extent Feasible
6.9.2.   Development Must Drain Properly
6.9.3.   Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Required
6.9.4.   Exemptions
6.9.5.   Timing of Review
6.10.   Street   
6.10.1.   Compliance with Guiding Documents
6.10.2.   Street Classification
6.10.3.   Street Rights-Of-Way
6.10.4.   Dedication and Construction
6.10.5.   Payment In-Lieu of Providing Road Improvements
6.10.6.   Private Streets
6.10.7.   Street Design
6.10.8.   Street Drainage
6.10.9.   Street Signs
6.10.10.   Traffic Control Signs and Signals
6.10.11.   Street Lights
6.10.12.   Vehicular Gates
6.10.13.   Bridges
6.10.14.   Dams
6.11.   Stormwater
6.11.1.   Generally
6.11.2.   Higher Adjacent Lands
6.11.3.   Lower Adjacent Lands
6.12.   Subdivision Standards
6.12.1.   Subdivision Name
6.12.2.   Reasonable Relationship
6.12.3.   Lot Configuration
6.12.4.   Access to Lots
6.12.5.   Monuments
6.12.6.   Easements
6.12.7.   Cluster Mailboxes
6.12.8.   Building Numbers
6.13.   Transportation Impact Analysis
6.13.1.   Introduction
6.13.2.   Purpose
6.13.3.   Applicability
6.13.4.   Pre-Application Conference
6.13.5.   Memorandum of Understanding
6.13.6.   Period of Validity
6.13.7.   Traffic Impact Analysis Report Elements
6.13.8.   Safety and Operational Analysis
6.13.9.   Deferral of Obligation
6.13.10.   Waiver
6.13.11.   Format and Submittal of Report
6.14.   Utilities and Infrastructure
6.14.1.   Utility Ownership and Easement Rights
6.14.2.   Lots Served by Governmentally Owned Water or Sewer Lines
6.14.3.   Sewage Disposal Facilities Required
6.14.4.   Water Supply System Required
6.14.5.   Electric Power
6.14.6.   Telephone Service
6.14.7.   Underground Utilities
6.14.8.   Utilities to be Consistent with Internal and External Development
6.14.9.   As-Built Drawings Required
6.14.10.   Fire Hydrants