These sustainable development incentives are intended to reward applicants and forms of development that are configured in ways that conserve resources or are better able to withstand damaging natural hazards. Rewards take the form of increased maximum residential densities, increased maximum building heights, or reductions from other kinds of development standards such as required parking or maximum sign face area.
A. Applicants seeking to take advantage of these sustainable development incentives should first understand the type of incentives available in accordance with Section 5.12.4, Type of Incentives.
B. Once the preferred type of incentive(s) is determined, an applicant should review Section 5.12.5, Procedure, in order to determine the minimum number and type(s) of sustainable development practices required to take advantage of the desired incentive(s).
C. Each type of incentive requires provision of one or more types of sustainable development practice from each of two different schedules (Schedule A and Schedule B).
D. The sustainable development practices are listed, by schedule type, in Table 5.12.6: Menu of Sustainable Development Practices.
E. The types of sustainable development practices to be provided are at the applicant's discretion, but the minimum number of practices from each schedule must be provided. Nothing shall limit the Board of Commissioners from including a condition of approval that specifies the use of one or more particular types of sustainable development practice should an applicant decide to pursue a sustainable development incentive.
F. Site plans, subdivision plats, and other application materials shall identify the type(s) of incentives sought and the sustainable development practices provided.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.2. Purpose and Intent
In an effort to encourage sustainable development practices as a means of addressing climate change and the need for more resilient development practices, the protection of natural resources, and ensuring a high quality of life for future Town residents, the UDO provides the following sustainable development practice incentives.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.3. Applicability
The incentives included in this section are available to new development in the residential, commercial, industrial, and planned development districts.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.4. Type of Incentives
A. Development integrating sustainable development practices in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be eligible for the following incentives:
1. A density bonus of up to one additional dwelling unit per acre beyond the maximum allowed in the base zoning district;
2. An increase in the maximum allowable height by up to one story or ten feet beyond the maximum allowed in the base zoning district, with approval of the Fire Marshal;
3. A modification to the off-street parking requirements resulting in a reduction from the minimum requirements by 15 percent, or an increase to the maximum allowable number of spaces provided by 15 percent (without an alternative parking plan); or
4. An increase in the maximum allowable sign area or maximum height for signs by 10 percent.
B. Development may include a sufficient number of sustainable development practices to take advantage of more than one type of incentive, but in no instance shall the amount of an incentive be increased or decreased (as appropriate) beyond the maximum listed in this sub-section.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.5. Procedure
A. Development seeking to use incentives shall include a written request with the development application that demonstrates how compliance with the standards will be achieved.
B. Review for compliance with this section, and granting of requests in accordance with this section shall occur during review of a site plan, subdivision, planned development master plan, special use permit, or building permit, as appropriate. The review authority responsible for review of the development application shall also be responsible for the review of sustainable development incentive request.
C. Approval of use of a particular incentive shall be based on the number of sustainable development practices provided, in accordance with Table 5.12.5: Sustainable Development Practice Incentives, and Table 5.12.6: Menu of Sustainable Development Practices. To obtain the right to a particular incentive, development shall provide the minimum number associated of sustainable development practices from both schedule A and schedule B in the table below.
D. In cases where a proposed development seeks to combine two or more development incentives, the minimum number of required sustainable development practices for each individual incentive shall be provided.
Type of Incentive | Minimum Number of Sustainable Development Practices Provided | |
From Schedule A | From Schedule B | |
A density bonus of up to one additional dwelling unit per acre beyond the maximum allowed in the base zoning district | 2 | 4 |
An increase in the maximum allowable height by up to one story or ten feet beyond the maximum allowed in the base zoning district | 2 | 3 |
A reduction from the minimum parking space requirements by 15 percent, or an increase to the maximum allowable number of parking spaces provided by 15 percent | 2 | 2 |
An increase in the maximum allowable sign area or maximum height for wall or freestanding signs by 10 percent | 1 | 3 |
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.6. Menu of Sustainable Development Practices
One or more of the sustainable development practices in Table 5.12.6: Menu of Sustainable Development Practices, may be offered by an applicant for proposed development in accordance with Table 5.12.5: Sustainable Development Practice Incentives. An applicant may suggest a practice not listed, which shall be considered by the Planning Director as part of review.
Schedule | Type of Practice | Documentation of Compliance |
Schedule | Type of Practice | Documentation of Compliance |
Energy Conservation | ||
Inclusion of solar photovoltaic panels or small wind energy facilities in an amount capable of producing 900 kilowatt hours of electricity per month for each dwelling or principal use in the development
Indication on site plan
A | Use of central air conditioners that are Energy Star qualified | Provision of manufacturer's certification statement |
A | Use of only solar or tankless water heating systems throughout the structure | Inclusion on construction drawings |
A | Use of a white roof or roofing materials with minimum reflectivity rating of 60 percent or more | Provision of materials sample and manufacturer's certification statement (statement not required for white roofs) |
A | Pre-plumb and pre-wire structures for solar water heating and photovoltaic installation | Indication on site plan |
B | Provision of skylights in an amount necessary to ensure natural lighting is provided to at least 15 percent of the habitable rooms in the structure | Indication on site plans |
B | Roof eaves or overhangs of three feet or more on southern or western elevations | Indication on site plans |
B | Structure design that can accommodate the installation and operation of solar photovoltaic panels or solar thermal heating devices (including appropriate wiring and water transport systems) | Inclusion on construction drawings |
B | Inclusion of shade features (e.g., awnings, louvers, shutters, etc.) to shade all windows and doors on the southern building facade | Indication on site plan |
B | Inclusion of shade features (e.g., awnings, louvers, shutters, etc.) to shade all windows and doors on the southern building facade | |
B | Shade impervious surfaces and southern/western building exposures to limit heat gain | |
B | Inclusion of on-demand hot water systems instead of tank-based systems | Indication on site plan |
B | Configuration of new buildings with one axis at least 1.5 times longer than the other, and the long axis oriented in an east-west configuration for solar access | |
Certification | ||
AAA [1] | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Platinum certification standards | Provision of verification of project compliance by certifying agency (may be provided within one year following occupancy) |
AA [2] | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Gold certification standards | |
BBB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Silver certification standards | |
BB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed LEED Bronze certification standards | |
AAA | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM "Excellent" certification standards | |
AA | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM "Very Good" certification standards | Provision of verification of project compliance by certifying agency (may be provided within one year following occupancy) |
BBB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM "Good" certification standards | |
BB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed BREEAM "Pass" certification standards | |
AAA | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Emerald" certification standards | |
AA | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Gold" certification standards | Provision of verification of project compliance by certifying agency (may be provided within one year following occupancy) |
BBB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Silver" certification standards | |
BB | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet or exceed National Green Building Standard's "Bronze" certification standards | |
AA | Green Globes certification for new construction or an existing building, as appropriate | |
A | Construction of the principal structure(s) to meet some other recognized organization's sustainability standards, as determined by the TRC | |
Water Conservation and Quality Protection | ||
AA [2] | Configuration of the principal structure's roof so that at least 50 percent of the roof is a "green" roof intended to capture and hold rain water | Indication on site plan |
A | Inclusion of rain water capture and re-use devices such as cisterns, rain filters, and underground storage basins with a minimum storage capacity of 500 gallons | Inclusion on construction drawings |
A | Provision of bio-retention area(s) or other appropriate stormwater infiltration system(s) of at least 700 square feet in area | Indication on site plan |
A | Provision of open space set-asides at a rate 200 percent or more beyond the minimum required | |
B | Provision of bio-retention area(s) or other appropriate stormwater infiltration SCM systems of at least 100 square feet in area | |
B | Removal of all lawn or turf in favor of living ground cover | Indication on site plan |
B | Use of xeriscape landscaping techniques without irrigation | |
B | Provision of 150-foot undisturbed buffers adjacent to/surrounding all wetlands or surface waters | |
B | Use of permeable surfacing on 50 percent or more of the vehicular use area | |
Building Configuration | ||
A | Construction of principal structure in accordance with Barrier Free Design Standards (ANSI A1171.1) | Inclusion on construction drawings |
A | Construction of the principal structure to a design wind speed standard of 150 mph | Signed attestation from a qualified NC licensed engineer |
A | Inclusion of underground parking or parking structures sufficient to accommodate 51 percent or more of the off-street parking requirements | Indication on site plan |
B | Include operable windows on all building sides | |
B | Provision of on-site transit facilities (e.g., designated park-and-ride parking spaces, bus shelters, or similar features) | |
B | Inclusion of showering and dressing facilities in nonresidential developments for employees using alternative forms of transportation | Inclusion on construction drawings |
B | Provision of at least one enclosed recycling station per building suitable for storage and collection of recyclable generated on-site | Indication on site plan |
Site Configuration | ||
AAA | Configuration of the lots in a subdivision so that at least one-third of the lots created in any particular phase have a minimum lot area that differs from the average lot area in the subdivision by 33 percent or more | Indication on the preliminary plat |
Notes: [1] Credited as provision of three schedule "A" features [2] Credited as provision of two schedule "A" features | ||
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)
5.12.7. Failure to Install or Maintain Sustainable Development Practices
The failure to install or maintain approved sustainable development practices is a violation of this Ordinance, shall render the subject development nonconforming, and may result in revocation of the authorization for use of sustainable development practice incentives.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)