5.5.4.   Locational Standards
   A.   General. No fence or wall shall:
      1.   Be located within the public right-of-way (except for public fences or walls, or as needed for retention of soil);
      2.   Impede visibility of the required property address number; or
      3.   Block pedestrian access from doors or windows.
   B.   Easements.
      1.   In cases where a fence or wall is proposed within an easement, the applicant shall provide evidence of the easement owner's consent regarding placement of the fence or wall.
      2.   The landowner shall remain solely liable for any repair or replacement if any portion of the fence or wall located within a required easement is damaged during maintenance or construction activities within the easement by the easement owner or their agent.
   C.   Block Drainage. Fences or walls shall not alter or impede the natural flow of water in any stream, creek, drainage swale, or ditch.
   D.   Obstructions at Intersection. Except for necessary retaining walls, no fence or wall shall be located within a required sight distance triangle (see Section 5.1.7, Sight Distance Triangles).
   E.   Required Setbacks. Fences or walls may be located within required setbacks, but shall not encroach onto a separate lot.
   F.   Required Landscaping Areas. Fences or walls may be located in required landscaping areas, subject to the standards in Section 5.6.8, Features Allowed Within Required Landscaping Areas.
(Ord. 2020-36, passed 12-2-2019)